Cops are the criminals

Sad, when they lose their lives in such a senseless way.

I've never had an unpleasant experience with a police officer either.

You're lucky.
I've met a lot of good cops, never had a problem with one and respect the police.

The saddest thing that happened, I was pulled over for being out in the intersection trying to "beat the light" A motorcycle cop pulled me over I was polite and friendly and so was he. He said his name was Frank. He let me go with a warning. About two weeks later, I see a motorcycle cops picture and it said Frank. He had died on the highway when someone tried to overtake him in a passing lane. If you show respect you should get respect. I think some people have an attitude as soon as they see a cop. I think that is called "conditioning" from their parents to teach them to fear cops.
I wish my wife had been taught to fear cops as a young girl. If she had, she might not have been raped.
Father kills mother, kidnaps daughter. Police chase father. His car is stopped. The daughter crawls towards police on the order of a police officer. Deputies start shooting at her and don't stop even when ordered. She dies.

It took two years to get the video.

Father kills mother, kidnaps daughter. Police chase father. His car is stopped. The daughter crawls towards police on the order of a police officer. Deputies start shooting at her and don't stop even when ordered. She dies.

It took two years to get the video.

Obama would be proud of his cop hating disciple Synthaholic.
Father kills mother, kidnaps daughter. Police chase father. His car is stopped. The daughter crawls towards police on the order of a police officer. Deputies start shooting at her and don't stop even when ordered. She dies.

It took two years to get the video.

I saw that video right after it happened.
We see it over and over - criminal cops, murdering cops, drug-planting cops - crooked cops.

Liberals have been posting this garbage for years. "Cops are bad. Cops are criminals." But you know America does not believe your garbage. I know a lot of good cops. Sure there are bad employees no matter their profession. Move on to something that is more believable.
I can only imagine that he hates the police like he does is because his various activities place them in contact with one another.
Which activities do you speak of? Does Obama use email? Does he own a laptop?
Those criminal activities put Hillary and Hunter Biden in jail. :abgg2q.jpg:
Unfortunately, in this instance, I agree.

Generally speaking, all cops are nothing but goons, Gestapo agents, and organized criminal thugs.

Where I live, they are more or less just donut jockys, and nothing more. They sit there in their cop cars and cop SUVs watching violence and law breakers trying to kill, maim, and destroy at will.......and not move an inch to do anything about it.

But OMFG.....if you go ONE FUCKING MILE OVER THE SPEED LIMIT.........their on your ass like flies on Bidens diaper!!!

If you happen to call for help from the Plano "police", you'll be met with a myriad of toddler excuses as to WHY they CANNOT do their job!!!!
"What do you expect US to do about it"
"Thats not our job"
"Sounds like a personal problem to me"
"Nothing we can do about it, tough luck"

Your best bet is to buy a good gun, and keep it on you at all times. Luckily enough, I live in an open carry state.

Not only do the "police" not give a shit whether you live or die, or your friends and family.........they have NO concept of what the REAL laws are, much less know anything about preserving the law, the security, and the lives of the peoples they are supposed to PROTECT........not rape, torture, beat, threaten, harass, and lie to.

Hopefully, one day, all these evil and corrupt politicians and "law enforcement" will be dragged out into public streets and get stoned to death by the peoples of this country. The way it SHOULD be done.......just like in the past.

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