Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
Snake oil? Hardly.
Man Uses Cannabis Oil to Successfully Treat COPD Natural Society

There are many others who have benefited from this. A quick Google search will provide many examples. You can't argue with Results.

Yes snake oil. You can't cite any actual medical studies on cannabis oil or prove that in any particular case it was the key to turning around an illness. It's more like superstition, associating random fortune with random preceding events while foregoing the scientific method that would establish a reliable record of cause and effect. For every story where someone "miraculously" is healed by cannabis oil, there's likely dozens, if not hundreds, of cases where it made no difference whatsoever or even worsened the patient's condition. These you'll never find on your pothead websites.

You do know that is is NOT LEGAL to do any medical studies on cannabis...right?

Dude, just admit it: you don't care if it works, you just want people to suffer.

No I don't want people to suffer. Legalizing recreational drugs would cause a lot of suffering that you potheads don't care about.

See, you just lied again! You DO want them to suffer.

I have never touched pot in my life.

Neither have I, which is why I'm in a position to insist that my fellow man be as clear minded as I am at work and on the road.
I stay away from addicts and their drugs so I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.

If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict.
I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.
was your brain damage a natural thing then?....
If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict

kinda like those on prescribed meds.....addicts....
Many people on prescription drugs are addicts. There's no difference between a pillhead and a pothead. Those on prescription drugs are just like this pothead. Both are convinced they need their drug to survive which makes them drug addicts. This woman is teaching her son to be a drug addict too. That's child abuse. Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children.
Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children
so those addicted to prescribed meds should also have their kids ripped away too....right? about nicotine?.....alcohol?.....Fat Parents?....teaching their kids to overeat.....who else should not be permitted around children?....
It is illegal to detain and question a minor without his parents or a lawyer present....


So...if a kid shoots up a school...the cops cant detain him without his parents or lawyer there??? Of course they can.

They cant interrogate him. They CAN interview him. Very different. Interrogation is when probable cause has kicked in...and he then has Miranda rights. He can be interviewed. ..without rights or parent present...if he isnt being detained under probable cause of a crime.
I stay away from addicts and their drugs so I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.

If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict.
I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.
was your brain damage a natural thing then?....
If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict

kinda like those on prescribed meds.....addicts....
Many people on prescription drugs are addicts. There's no difference between a pillhead and a pothead. Those on prescription drugs are just like this pothead. Both are convinced they need their drug to survive which makes them drug addicts. This woman is teaching her son to be a drug addict too. That's child abuse. Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children.
Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children
so those addicted to prescribed meds should also have their kids ripped away too....right? about nicotine?.....alcohol?.....Fat Parents?....teaching their kids to overeat.....who else should not be permitted around children?....
Now that you bring it up. While nicotine has no cognitive impairment a kid that goes to school singing the praises of cigarettes certainly deserves a visit from children's services.

Children are removed from the homes of those addicted to pills and from alcoholics too. I have never heard of such a thing happening but a child from an obese household that chose to disagree with a visiting health professional and extol the virtues of eating an entire chocolate cake in one sitting would not be in that home for very long.

Drug use is destructive behavior. Not only is mother engaging in destructive behavior but she has taught her son that drug use is acceptable. If this child doesn't use pot now, he will and wonder why he's failing in school. He might spread the benefit to his classmates.
I stay away from addicts and their drugs so I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.

If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict.
I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.
was your brain damage a natural thing then?....
If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict

kinda like those on prescribed meds.....addicts....
Many people on prescription drugs are addicts. There's no difference between a pillhead and a pothead. Those on prescription drugs are just like this pothead. Both are convinced they need their drug to survive which makes them drug addicts. This woman is teaching her son to be a drug addict too. That's child abuse. Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children.
Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children
so those addicted to prescribed meds should also have their kids ripped away too....right? about nicotine?.....alcohol?.....Fat Parents?....teaching their kids to overeat.....who else should not be permitted around children?....
Now that you bring it up. While nicotine has no cognitive impairment a kid that goes to school singing the praises of cigarettes certainly deserves a visit from children's services.

Children are removed from the homes of those addicted to pills and from alcoholics too. I have never heard of such a thing happening but a child from an obese household that chose to disagree with a visiting health professional and extol the virtues of eating an entire chocolate cake in one sitting would not be in that home for very long.

Drug use is destructive behavior. Not only is mother engaging in destructive behavior but she has taught her son that drug use is acceptable. If this child doesn't use pot now, he will and wonder why he's failing in school. He might spread the benefit to his classmates.
according to what you are saying they better build more homes for kids because a hell of a lot of people in this country are "addicted" to something,whether legal or not.....
Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis
No surprise in a state run by ass backwards republicans. She should move west to Colorado.

1) Cannabis has been a federally regulated/banned substance for decades even when Demwits have been in control.
2) We're living in a Police State that's currently sanctioned by both Parties (actually, both Parties are two sides of the same coin so we're actually ruled by one Party).
3) You can thank Demwit, FDR, for taxing, regulating, and banning marijuana.
Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis
No surprise in a state run by ass backwards republicans. She should move west to Colorado.

1) Cannabis has been a federally regulated/banned substance for decades even when Demwits have been in control.
2) We're living in a Police State that's currently sanctioned by both Parties (actually, both Parties are two sides of the same coin so we're actually ruled by one Party).
3) You can thank Demwit, FDR, for taxing, regulating, and banning marijuana.
pot should be at least decriminalized at the federal level and taken off schedule 1.....
Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis
No surprise in a state run by ass backwards republicans. She should move west to Colorado.
Druggies need to be in prison.
The government should just legalize weed. I mean, why not. Tobacco and alcohol cause more harm than pot ever did. Kind of a double standatd, isn't it?
Pot causes way more harm for some people and is unabashedly spewed into the systems of anyone in its vicinity.
Tobacco has been all but banished from the public and popular realm so the same could happen with pot. Its legalization does not have to be inevitable.
unabashedly spewed into the systems of anyone in its vicinity.
unless you hang with smokers that is pretty fucking rare.....geezus you paranoid fucks are something else....
There is some people ^ I wish cops would tune up a bit. Got no place in a civilized society and is now on ignore.

A Nazi talking about "civilized society...."

Even for a troll, you push the irony beyond the pale.
There is some people ^ I wish cops would tune up a bit. Got no place in a civilized society and is now on ignore.

A Nazi talking about "civilized society...."

Even for a troll, you push the irony beyond the pale.
Irony is a libertardian like YOU thinking he knows what a civilized society you that would be Somalia. Remove your head from your ass and realize the NS Germany was one of the most civilized and advanced societies on earth.
Irony is a libertardian like YOU thinking he knows what a civilized society you that would be Somalia. Remove your head from your ass and realize the NS Germany was one of the most civilized and advanced societies on earth.

Brutal warlords imposing centrally managed kleptocracy on a captive population?

Sounds like Hillary and Obozo to me....
Over 16 million Americans 18+ with an alcohol use disorder. 10% of children live with one. Wanna put 1.6 million people's kids in foster care? That's not even using RX or other drug stats.
Cannabidiol under the brand name Epidiolex is in it's trial phase right now, and in a short time it will be available everywhere by prescription.

High CBD, almost no THC.

Everyones happy, except those who just want to get high...they're beat.

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