Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis

How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
If they let her into her home before they got a warrant and searched the home she would get rid of the evidence. She wasn't lied to. She may never see her kid again though. She was doing more than just using herself. She was raising her son to be a drug user too.
She wasn't being detained. The search warrant hadn't been issued.

You are a sick, evil, bitch and I hope you rot in hell.
All druggies think non druggies are sick evil bitches. Read Brave New World. Everyone should be addicted.
And you think everyone is either and alcoholic or a drug addict...
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
From what you have posted before, you don't know jack...
You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
From what you have posted before, you don't know jack...

I do actually. He's a very personable bloke, divorced with two kids, would give the shirt off his back to you if you needed it, and he operates a lawn care maintenance company.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
Snake oil? Hardly.
Man Uses Cannabis Oil to Successfully Treat COPD Natural Society

There are many others who have benefited from this. A quick Google search will provide many examples. You can't argue with Results.
She doesn't need a prescription. The federal government just signed in to law that medicinal marijuana is legal federally. She can take this to the Supreme Court.
Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis
No surprise in a state run by ass backwards republicans. She should move west to Colorado.
Druggies need to be in prison.
The government should just legalize weed. I mean, why not. Tobacco and alcohol cause more harm than pot ever did. Kind of a double standatd, isn't it?
Pot causes way more harm for some people and is unabashedly spewed into the systems of anyone in its vicinity.
Tobacco has been all but banished from the public and popular realm so the same could happen with pot. Its legalization does not have to be inevitable.
You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
Snake oil? Hardly.
Man Uses Cannabis Oil to Successfully Treat COPD Natural Society

There are many others who have benefited from this. A quick Google search will provide many examples. You can't argue with Results.

Yes snake oil. You can't cite any actual medical studies on cannabis oil or prove that in any particular case it was the key to turning around an illness. It's more like superstition, associating random fortune with random preceding events while foregoing the scientific method that would establish a reliable record of cause and effect. For every story where someone "miraculously" is healed by cannabis oil, there's likely dozens, if not hundreds, of cases where it made no difference whatsoever or even worsened the patient's condition. These you'll never find on your pothead websites.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

And pot oil does not change that. It's amazing how every generation has snake oil salesman with their little carts and vials of colorful potions and even in this age of science and reason, they still manage to profit nicely because of people like your brother.
Snake oil? Hardly.
Man Uses Cannabis Oil to Successfully Treat COPD Natural Society

There are many others who have benefited from this. A quick Google search will provide many examples. You can't argue with Results.

Yes snake oil. You can't cite any actual medical studies on cannabis oil or prove that in any particular case it was the key to turning around an illness. It's more like superstition, associating random fortune with random preceding events while foregoing the scientific method that would establish a reliable record of cause and effect. For every story where someone "miraculously" is healed by cannabis oil, there's likely dozens, if not hundreds, of cases where it made no difference whatsoever or even worsened the patient's condition. These you'll never find on your pothead websites.
Like I said earlier, I have a friend with copd who uses it. I have first hand knowledge that it works.
Snake oil worked too. At least sometimes.
Snake oil does nothing for incurable diseases, with the possible exception of masking symptoms. In my friends case, he was actually able to get more oxygen BECAUSE of increased lung function. Explain that!
Cannibis oil is hash oil and made with butane. I have never smoked butane. There might well be a temporary effect of butane opening airways. I don't know what other treatment your friend was taking. I don't know how much improvement could be attributed to a placebo effect. Your friend is convinced pot helps so pot helps.

If you had your friend's complete medical records a doctor might be able to tell you if any improvement is attributable to pot.
Cannibis oil is hash oil and made with butane. I have never smoked butane. There might well be a temporary effect of butane opening airways. I don't know what other treatment your friend was taking. I don't know how much improvement could be attributed to a placebo effect. Your friend is convinced pot helps so pot helps.

If you had your friend's complete medical records a doctor might be able to tell you if any improvement is attributable to pot.
It's not a placebo effect. I already told you how it works. The THC actually causes the lungs to become more elestic. This allows for more oxygen.
Snake oil worked too. At least sometimes.
Snake oil does nothing for incurable diseases, with the possible exception of masking symptoms. In my friends case, he was actually able to get more oxygen BECAUSE of increased lung function. Explain that!

Did he also rub the Buddha belly? Because it could have been that.
Now you're just being stupid.

You're the one making causal links that have no basis in science. It's called superstition.

I'm just throwing it into sharp relief

Snake oil worked too. At least sometimes.
Snake oil does nothing for incurable diseases, with the possible exception of masking symptoms. In my friends case, he was actually able to get more oxygen BECAUSE of increased lung function. Explain that!

Did he also rub the Buddha belly? Because it could have been that.
Now you're just being stupid.

You're the one making causal links that have no basis in science. It's called superstition.

I'm just throwing it into sharp relief

I already explained how it works.

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