Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis

Telling kids to say no to drugs is what? Disinformation? Isn't their any prescription available for Chron's disease other than an illegal drug? Kind of a coincidence that an alleged victim of Chron's disease is also a marijuana activist. Maybe the shit caused the disease and not vice-versa.
Mj helps with the pain and inflammation of the disease..If you think MJ use caused this, why do people that have never used have it?
The police are not there to help anyone , they are simply drones enforcing unpopular laws...
The point is, mj is NEVER the only medical option. This is just potheads wanting to get high. Medically, it's never necessary.
Not everyone responds to the same treatments that are given...
No marijuana addiction? That's good news for Mommy. She can just quit and get her kid back. No rehab required.
It's a forced issue now, she will have to even if not required to by a court order, there is administration rules to follow....yet it's just great how you guys call for smaller govt. yet we see more intrusion into our private lives, no matter which party leads..

Conservatives aren't for smaller government. It's a lie they feed people at election time to get suckers to vote for them.
I know, cause I know their heart...
Telling kids to say no to drugs is what? Disinformation? Isn't their any prescription available for Chron's disease other than an illegal drug? Kind of a coincidence that an alleged victim of Chron's disease is also a marijuana activist. Maybe the shit caused the disease and not vice-versa.
Mj helps with the pain and inflammation of the disease..If you think MJ use caused this, why do people that have never used have it?
The police are not there to help anyone , they are simply drones enforcing unpopular laws...
The point is, mj is NEVER the only medical option. This is just potheads wanting to get high. Medically, it's never necessary.
Not everyone responds to the same treatments that are given...
Especially the ones that want to get high. They only respond to pot.
Considering that alcohol is the biggest health problem in the US they want to claim pot is worse...
Telling kids to say no to drugs is what? Disinformation? Isn't their any prescription available for Chron's disease other than an illegal drug? Kind of a coincidence that an alleged victim of Chron's disease is also a marijuana activist. Maybe the shit caused the disease and not vice-versa.
Mj helps with the pain and inflammation of the disease..If you think MJ use caused this, why do people that have never used have it?
The police are not there to help anyone , they are simply drones enforcing unpopular laws...
The point is, mj is NEVER the only medical option. This is just potheads wanting to get high. Medically, it's never necessary.
Not everyone responds to the same treatments that are given...
Especially the ones that want to get high. They only respond to pot.
So, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as it does not affect ones life negatively, just like alcohol use, food, sex, religion etc...
No marijuana addiction? That's good news for Mommy. She can just quit and get her kid back. No rehab required.
It's a forced issue now, she will have to even if not required to by a court order, there is administration rules to follow....yet it's just great how you guys call for smaller govt. yet we see more intrusion into our private lives, no matter which party leads..

Conservatives aren't for smaller government. It's a lie they feed people at election time to get suckers to vote for them.
Conservatives are for limited government. I'd explain the difference but your ADHD would kick in before I finished.
Telling kids to say no to drugs is what? Disinformation? Isn't their any prescription available for Chron's disease other than an illegal drug? Kind of a coincidence that an alleged victim of Chron's disease is also a marijuana activist. Maybe the shit caused the disease and not vice-versa.
Mj helps with the pain and inflammation of the disease..If you think MJ use caused this, why do people that have never used have it?
The police are not there to help anyone , they are simply drones enforcing unpopular laws...
The point is, mj is NEVER the only medical option. This is just potheads wanting to get high. Medically, it's never necessary.
Not everyone responds to the same treatments that are given...
Especially the ones that want to get high. They only respond to pot.
Much of the meds the VA gives me seem to do very little for my chronic illness....
Telling kids to say no to drugs is what? Disinformation? Isn't their any prescription available for Chron's disease other than an illegal drug? Kind of a coincidence that an alleged victim of Chron's disease is also a marijuana activist. Maybe the shit caused the disease and not vice-versa.
Mj helps with the pain and inflammation of the disease..If you think MJ use caused this, why do people that have never used have it?
The police are not there to help anyone , they are simply drones enforcing unpopular laws...
The point is, mj is NEVER the only medical option. This is just potheads wanting to get high. Medically, it's never necessary.
Not everyone responds to the same treatments that are given...
Especially the ones that want to get high. They only respond to pot.
So, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as it does not affect ones life negatively, just like alcohol use, food, sex, religion etc...
Then stop with the back door crap and just call for full legalization for recreational use.
No marijuana addiction? That's good news for Mommy. She can just quit and get her kid back. No rehab required.
It's a forced issue now, she will have to even if not required to by a court order, there is administration rules to follow....yet it's just great how you guys call for smaller govt. yet we see more intrusion into our private lives, no matter which party leads..

Conservatives aren't for smaller government. It's a lie they feed people at election time to get suckers to vote for them.
Conservatives are for limited government. I'd explain the difference but your ADHD would kick in before I finished.
Ten Core Beliefs of the Modern-Day Tea Party Movement
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.

“My observation is that whenever one person is found adequate to the discharge of a is worse executed by two persons, and scarcely done at all if three or more are employed therein.” --George Washington

“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.” --Samuel Adams, 1802

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” --Benjamin Franklin

Tea Party Platform continued:
Tea Party Movement Platform
Mj helps with the pain and inflammation of the disease..If you think MJ use caused this, why do people that have never used have it?
The police are not there to help anyone , they are simply drones enforcing unpopular laws...
The point is, mj is NEVER the only medical option. This is just potheads wanting to get high. Medically, it's never necessary.
Not everyone responds to the same treatments that are given...
Especially the ones that want to get high. They only respond to pot.
So, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as it does not affect ones life negatively, just like alcohol use, food, sex, religion etc...
Then stop with the back door crap and just call for full legalization for recreational use.
Have been trying for 30 years as a member of NORML..
Mom is a drug addict. When she gets clean she can have her children back.

So I'm a drug addict for doing all I can to save my life?

I was diagnosed with a very deadly form of breast cancer. Before the discovery of Tamoxifen, millions of women died like flies. Including FOUR of my relatives.

The cancer is found and removed then it comes back and kills.

That's because my own body chemistry is the food for the cancer to grow. Specifically the estrogen and progestin my body produces is the food for that type of cancer to grow.

Up until the 1990s there was no way to stop hormones and the cancer always came back and killed.

I'm lucky. We have Tamoxifen now and the hormones are blocked so the cancer can't regrow and kill me.

Unfortunately I'm one of the ones who doesn't tolerate that drug very well. One of the side effects is that food doesn't stay in me very long. I've tried all the pills and they don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana. Without it, I couldn't take that drug and I would be dead now. I've lost a lot of weight even with the medical marijuana. I need belt to keep my size 1 pants on me.

The only reason why that woman was arrested is because she lives in a state that still makes people like me criminals for doing all I can to save my life and live to see my child finish growing up.

That is the only reason why I will never go to a state that doesn't have legal medical marijuana ever again.

I'm not a criminal for wanting to live to an old age and save my life.

I don't know what medical problem that woman has but to put her in jail for trying to feel better or to save her life is wrong and cruel.

To call a person who is saving their life a drug addict is wrong.

Is a person who is taking oxycontin a drug addict? They're taking heroin.

Is anyone who is on a drug for the rest of their life a drug addict?

All those words mean is that someone is addicted to a drug. Whether it's legal or not they're addicted to a drug. So being addicted to say a heart medication is bad in your view?

I will have to take Tamoxifen for the rest of my life. Do you call that an addiction?

If you're lucky enough to not have to take a drug to save your life that's great but please stop calling people who take a medication a drug addict. Medical marijuana is medicine to people like me and to put us in jail for it is wrong and cruel.
Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.

You know nothing.

The person said his friend was using pot oil.

That's not smoked the normal way cigarettes are smoked. It's put in a vaporizer and inhaled.

The person isn't inhaling smoke but steam. So the person isn't getting the same effects as smoking because they're inhaling steam.

Learn about something before you post.
They'd prefer to pray you into recovery...

I've been doing that too!

Every day I pray to the Mother Goddess for strength to get through the day and to not have to spend my day in the restroom throwing up all day long. Or at least not throw up in my lap in my car as I'm driving down the road. Or while I'm working.

I pray to the Mother Goddess to help me live long enough for our child to finish growing up and is able to live on her own.
They'd prefer to pray you into recovery...

I've been doing that too!

Every day I pray to the Mother Goddess for strength to get through the day and to not have to spend my day in the restroom throwing up all day long. Or at least not throw up in my lap in my car as I'm driving down the road. Or while I'm working.

I pray to the Mother Goddess to help me live long enough for our child to finish growing up and is able to live on her own.
I wish you health and wealth in your struggles..
I'm listening but not hearing anything that is different from what any addict or addict enabler says.
What's going on is you are calling me a liar. Do some research, then get back to me. I can't cure your ignorance. Only you can do that.
I'm not calling you a liar. You are merely relating the facts as you know them. That's about as truthful as you can get.

I've just heard it all before. No meth does not make you ten years younger even if you believe it does. No. Heroin did not save your son's life. No. You are not a better driver so drunk you vomited in your lap.

No one uses substances that are bad for them. The user is convinced that their drug of choice is a benefit. The only benefit. This goes for krokodil addicts whose flesh is dead and literally falling off their bodies. Once the addict is that convinced, they can convince others around them too.
Let's try this again. Copd is a disease that causes a person's lung capacity to be greatly diminished. It usually results in death. My friend started using cannabis oil to treat it. His doctor told him that his oxygen absorption rate has more than quintupled. That means his lungs are taking in five times more oxygen. In other words, his lung function improved. DRAMATICALLY! That is a fact. Now quit with your knee jerk reactions and either believe me, or simply Be silent.
Your friend was not under treatment at all. He was receiving no medical care.

I knew a man self medicating with heroin to deal with some unbearable pain from a blown out knee. He credited the heroin for a complete recovery. He was pain free because of heroin. It had nothing to do with knee replacement surgery.
What do you mean he wasn't getting treatment? Are you even listening to anything I say? He would go to see his doctor on a monthly basis. That's how bad it was. He was on two of the strongest medications available Plus a rescue inhaler. He Litterally could not breath without them. If he lost his meds and couldn't get them replaced within a few day, he would die! After starting the cannabis oil treatment, he's off his meds, except for the rescue inhaler. I think the problem is that you simply refuse to believe that pot can have any beneficial effect On anything. Does it have some side effects? Yes. But I would put up with them if it saved my life.
Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

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