Cops Arrest Sick Mom After Child Corrects School About Health Effects of Cannabis

Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
No doubt getting high suppresses everything else. Flakka or shatter would do the same thing. cannibis psychosis.
Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
No doubt getting high suppresses everything else. Flakka or shatter would do the same thing. Nothing is being cured while the symptoms are masked.
Nothing is being cured while the symptoms are masked
sounds like many of those prescription drugs too....
"Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?" - Bob Saget
I'm listening but not hearing anything that is different from what any addict or addict enabler says.
What's going on is you are calling me a liar. Do some research, then get back to me. I can't cure your ignorance. Only you can do that.
I'm not calling you a liar. You are merely relating the facts as you know them. That's about as truthful as you can get.

I've just heard it all before. No meth does not make you ten years younger even if you believe it does. No. Heroin did not save your son's life. No. You are not a better driver so drunk you vomited in your lap.

No one uses substances that are bad for them. The user is convinced that their drug of choice is a benefit. The only benefit. This goes for krokodil addicts whose flesh is dead and literally falling off their bodies. Once the addict is that convinced, they can convince others around them too.
No meth does not make you ten years younger even if you believe it does. No. Heroin did not save your son's life. No. You are not a better driver so drunk you vomited in your lap.

no shit.....we are talking about pot,not hard core drugs...
Surely there have been some medical treatise written on the subject. With such a miracle cure as in CURE pot should be given in hospitals. Why did Leonard Nimoy just die of COPD? Did he have a stupid doctor?

Likely your friend was also getting treatment and that's what caused his improvement.
You're not listening. My friend was slowly dying. He's better now. Those are the facts. And if you Google copd and cannabis oil, you will see that there has been a lot written about it. And yes. Nemoy's doctor was an idiot. There's also the simple fact that most states don't allow medical marajuana. Our government is causing the deaths of countless people because they want to make a weed illegal.

Anecdotal evidence is not proof.
it is to the one experiencing it...and those that have also experienced it...
"She went to the station, where she was informed that she was not being detained, but that they were obtaining a search warrant on her home and that she would not be permitted to enter the residence until the search was executed."

If this is true they lied to her. She certainly could be in her home before the search warrant was obtained.

Is there a gofundme page for this woman?
I stay away from addicts and their drugs so I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.

If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict.
I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.
was your brain damage a natural thing then?....
If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict

kinda like those on prescribed meds.....addicts....
If they let her into her home before they got a warrant and searched the home she would get rid of the evidence. She wasn't lied to. She may never see her kid again though. She was doing more than just using herself. She was raising her son to be a drug user too.
If they let her into her home before they got a warrant and searched the home she would get rid of the evidence. She wasn't lied to. She may never see her kid again though. She was doing more than just using herself. She was raising her son to be a drug user too.
She wasn't being detained. The search warrant hadn't been issued.

You are a sick, evil, bitch and I hope you rot in hell.
I stay away from addicts and their drugs so I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.

If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict.
I don't have to worry about pot induced brain damage like users do.
was your brain damage a natural thing then?....
If this woman has to use pot to get through the day she is an addict

kinda like those on prescribed meds.....addicts....
Many people on prescription drugs are addicts. There's no difference between a pillhead and a pothead. Those on prescription drugs are just like this pothead. Both are convinced they need their drug to survive which makes them drug addicts. This woman is teaching her son to be a drug addict too. That's child abuse. Take him away she should never be permitted to be around children.
If they let her into her home before they got a warrant and searched the home she would get rid of the evidence. She wasn't lied to. She may never see her kid again though. She was doing more than just using herself. She was raising her son to be a drug user too.
She wasn't being detained. The search warrant hadn't been issued.

You are a sick, evil, bitch and I hope you rot in hell.
All druggies think non druggies are sick evil bitches. Read Brave New World. Everyone should be addicted.
A retail marijuana store just opened down the street from me.
This is wrong wrong wrong. Pot has been proven to help some medical conditions. No it doesn't fix the problem but neither does any other prescrip/otc pain killers.
Anything that impairs you isnt "like wow man totally harmless" lol...but the dangers of pot have been way over hyped.
I couldnt get the link to open...was she using it for medical reasons, or was she a hang out all day doing nothing with her life pot smoker.
Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.
A propaganda story complaining about alleged propaganda. Talk about hypocrisy!
No mention of what the alleged misinformation was.
Meanwhile, misinformation about pot being benign is propagated incessantly by media with no warning of the devastating anxiety and depression inducing effects of pot. Not a word, no clamor.
I don't get those conditions, maybe you did??
Pot is as much medicine as toad slime.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
I have real life experience that says otherwise. I'm sure my friend, who is breathing better than he has in almost fifteen years, thanks to cannabis, would also Disagree with you.
How is someone sucking unfiltered smoke into their lungs breathing better? Your story is suspect.
Pay attention to what you read. I said that he is using cannabis oil. A few drops under the tongue. I never said he smoked it.

You didn't say cannabis oil. Take your own advice.
Page two. My original post. Read it Again.

My Governor Vetos Pot Oil In Idaho US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Went down in flames in my state. Cannabis oil is an unproven snake oil "cure". He probably got better on his own.
Copd does not get better On its own. Even with all the drugs people take for it, they still die. It has a 100 percent mortality rate, unless old age or something else gets you first. It is the third largest cause of death in America

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