Cops Have It So Easy

The way they picked up that baby is racist, I say fire them all!
Everyone else doesn't go to work knowing their job that day may involve getting killed protecting their fellow citizens.

There are a lot of dangerous jobs. My son's chosen profession is that of an electrical lineman. It is a more dangerous job than being a police officer.

None of that changes the fact that there are bad apples in every profession.
Any job can include potential dangers. An electrician's job is not to die protecting others if necessary.

A lineman can die trying to restore power to thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people after a storm. Is that somehow less than doing it to "protect" others?

And again, this has nothing to do with the simple fact there are bad apples in every profession
If the real world is anything like what happened at the beginning of last night's Blue Bloods episode, in my opinion, cops may not ever get a big enough paycheck. Go here to see what happens concerning Eddie's partner, officer Rachel Witten that is.

God bless you and our men and women in uniform always!!!


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