Cops kill black girl in Ohio

Because she was fixing to knife two people. That's why. Was the officer just supposed to do nothing and let her kill two people?

No, but firing wildly into the melee wasn't a good idea, either. He could have just as well hit the girl in pink who was being attacked.

He wasn't firing wildly. He picked his target and scored a hit with every round. Nice shooting, all things considered.
Girl was a psychopath with a knife trying to murder a black girl.

Really? This cop could have just as easily hit the girl who was being attacked. Even the other cops looked at him like "What the fuck did you do?"

I watch that tape...
She had a knife and was attacking another girl. Looks justified to me?

Except that there were a bunch of bystanders standing in close proximity, and any one of them could have been hit.

It was a steak knife, not a machette.

You’re an idiot. Ever shoot a gun? She was a big target. If it was my daughter she was trying to stab I would want the cop to shoot her 100x. You really are a sub human piece of filth.
Who are you referring to? Who wants cops abolished and still called a cop?

Well, Maxine Waters is one.

BLM wants the police to protect them:

Are we even having the same conversation? How did Maxine Waters come into this?

You really are an idiot, aren't you? You asked who called for abolishing the police and then called a cop.
Who are you referring to? Who wants cops abolished and still called a cop?

Well, Maxine Waters is one.

BLM wants the police to protect them:

Are we even having the same conversation? How did Maxine Waters come into this?

You really are an idiot, aren't you? You asked who called for abolishing the police and then called a cop.

I asked because I didn’t know what the hell you were referring to.

Now I know you were referring to Maxine Waters.

So wtf does she have to do with this and why were you referring to her?

What a weird conversation. Maybe you should just reply to yourself because you and I sure as hell aren’t having the same conversation.
  • They need to get their children to school and for parents to participate in their own children's upbringing.

And how SPECIFICALLY would you get this accomplished?

Not my problem to get it accomplished. It's South Chicago's problem to get it solved.

So you have no realistic solution. Got it.

“Hey guys, maybe we should fix culture instead of police reform.”

“Ok. How do we do that?”

“I dunno. Not my problem.”

Great. Thanks for your super helpful contribution there.

I propose that we also try eliminating cancer, poverty, and crime while we’re at it. Just don’t ask me about the details. See how helpful I am?
  • They need to get their children to school and for parents to participate in their own children's upbringing.

And how SPECIFICALLY would you get this accomplished?

Not my problem to get it accomplished. It's South Chicago's problem to get it solved.

So you have no realistic solution. Got it.

“Hey guys, maybe we should fix culture instead of police reform.”

“Ok. How do we do that?”

“I dunno. Not my problem.”

Great. Thanks for your super helpful contribution there.

I propose that we also try eliminating cancer, poverty, and crime while we’re at it. Just don’t ask me about the details. See how helpful I am?
Fix a black culture problem? Good luck!
Maybe after we fix racist and uneducated Trump supporters.
The riots being staged across America are not by trump supporters

The mob violence is coming from Black Lies Matter lefties who think teenagers should be allowed to stab each other with butcher knives
Well.......according to the new rules...created by the Chauvin is exactly better that criminals are no longer arrested......they will simply be informed....on tv, that they need to proceed to the nearest police station to surrender themselves into their earliest convenience, if they feel like it.....

Cops execute 10 million arrests a year without shooting anyone.

Maybe the cop was justified here, but he was still reckless. He could have just as easily hit the girl in pink who was about to be stabbed.
In Chicago there have been 183 homicides year to date. Of that, 3 were police involved. Seems to me that the community should be focusing on the bigger problem. The 3 that were police involved are the ones that get all the press.

Um, yeah... because the police aren't supposed to go around shooting people.

Those other 180 people will all go to jail for killing someone. They will be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.
Well.......according to the new rules...created by the Chauvin is exactly better that criminals are no longer arrested......they will simply be informed....on tv, that they need to proceed to the nearest police station to surrender themselves into their earliest convenience, if they feel like it.....

Cops execute 10 million arrests a year without shooting anyone.

Maybe the cop was justified here, but he was still reckless. He could have just as easily hit the girl in pink who was about to be stabbed.
Not a chance. The 16-year old was morbidly obese, like Trayvon's gf.
Plenty of white teens have been killed by cops in the past for far less.

No riots or looting occurred after.

Why the double standard?

Post 3 of them.
Easy. Added an extra one to grow on.

Superbadbrutha is a dumb fuck.

Notice how he ignored this?

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