Cops Quitting All Over Atlanta!

My question is still this....why isn't Trump doing something about this shit?
Now the police are under attack. If someone robs you, stabs you, kills you, needs help with birthing a baby, domestic dispute, etc etc etc...who will come to their aid? NOBODY, that's who. And if we fight back with shooting whomever is threatening us, WE get thrown in jail for murder? When is Trump going to ACT?????
Unless Trump or Congress declare this an insurrection the President can NOT act at all. It is on local and State authorities NOT Trump.
My question is still this....why isn't Trump doing something about this shit?
Now the police are under attack. If someone robs you, stabs you, kills you, needs help with birthing a baby, domestic dispute, etc etc etc...who will come to their aid? NOBODY, that's who. And if we fight back with shooting whomever is threatening us, WE get thrown in jail for murder? When is Trump going to ACT?????
Unless Trump or Congress declare this an insurrection the President can NOT act at all. It is on local and State authorities NOT Trump.
thanks for the explanation. But if this is NOT an insurrection, I don't know what one would call it.
My question is still this....why isn't Trump doing something about this shit?
Now the police are under attack. If someone robs you, stabs you, kills you, needs help with birthing a baby, domestic dispute, etc etc etc...who will come to their aid? NOBODY, that's who. And if we fight back with shooting whomever is threatening us, WE get thrown in jail for murder? When is Trump going to ACT?????

Cuz he can't. It's a state and local policing problem, Trump doesn't have the authority to step in unless the governor requests help. The situation has to rise to the point where it's an insurrection or rioting so bad that the state can't handle it. Like the Watts rioting was, almost 20 years ago wasn't it? At this point, it's on the governor to order the NatGuard in Georgia to move in.

" I don't know what one would call it. "

A big fucking mess?
A bit of history that you all know what the Socialists DemonRats are trying to do.

They are scum. The Left scum WILL NEVER WIN.

That....I can tell you for sure.



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And..I don't understand the purpose of having a potus then, if every state has their own president of their own state.
And..I don't understand the purpose of having a potus then, if every state has their own president of their own state.

The POTUS exists to handle federal issues, as enumerated in the Constitution. The 10th amendment requires the Feds stay out of state and local issues, they ain't supposed to tell the states how to conduct their business.

PS: your cat don't look too happy.
After seeing the video of the shooting. It would be hard not to charge him. I like the cops and highway patrolmen I have met and worked with elsewhere, but none of them have shot anybody in the back that was only armed with a taser and running away and then (according to DA the other officer stood on his shoulder for 2 minutes without rendering aid. If you do not charge police when they cross the line of the law and community standard where you live, than you can expect to live in a police state.
Atlanta is NOT the time to get sick and need to call an ambulance. Or to be robbed. Or to have a domestic disput.

If your city is still standing tomorrow...I highly recommend getting supplies like bandaids, neosporin, aspirins, food and other supplies to tide you over. Or better yet....get out of there.
Already convicted him I see, you stupid Kiwi.

Just wait till the corrupt DA fucks up the case. Will you also excuse the future rioting over that?

In NZ he'd be arrested for sure. And convicted. Shooting a man in the back as he's running away...
You are forgetting that he fired a Taser at the officer while he was running away. The probes flew just over the officer's head. And a Taser firing off sounds like a gun.

Yep. And? He dropped the taser and ran. The cop shot him AFTER that. In your world maybe that doesn't matter. In mine, it does. Don't get me wrong. I'm no prude. I am an ex-LEO. More often than not I come down on the side of the police, especially in NZ. However both this gentleman and Floyd's death were both avoidable. Easily. Training must suck in the US. You need standardised training across the country. Otherwise it looks like a clusterfuck.
Lies from the island of idiots.

Under NZ Police General Instructions (going back 20+ years now so they might have changed, but I doubt it), there are only four instances where you are legally allowed to shoot an offender. This shooting met none of the criteria. So no, it's not a lie.
Seems to be all quiet in Atlanta in zone 6. Maybe they are more sane than Seattle and nothing will come of this cop walk out? I see some guys tweeting to NOT do anything just to prove a point that they don't need cops to have a safe neighborhood.

One can hope.
Already convicted him I see, you stupid Kiwi.

Just wait till the corrupt DA fucks up the case. Will you also excuse the future rioting over that?

In NZ he'd be arrested for sure. And convicted. Shooting a man in the back as he's running away...
You are forgetting that he fired a Taser at the officer while he was running away. The probes flew just over the officer's head. And a Taser firing off sounds like a gun.

Yep. And? He dropped the taser and ran. The cop shot him AFTER that. In your world maybe that doesn't matter. In mine, it does. Don't get me wrong. I'm no prude. I am an ex-LEO. More often than not I come down on the side of the police, especially in NZ. However both this gentleman and Floyd's death were both avoidable. Easily. Training must suck in the US. You need standardised training across the country. Otherwise it looks like a clusterfuck.
It's easy to go frame by frame sitting in your easy chair shaking your head and saying tsk tsk tsk. As a former LEO you know full well about the heat of the moment. It's at night, you've just been overpowered by a man who took your taser. He runs, you run, he raises the taser and shoots at your head, and you shoot. The DA is caught up in the politics of the moment IMO and the charges he has brought against this man are way over the top.
Here in the United States, we have something called the 2nd Amendment, we can defend ourselves ... police are a luxury ... a waste of tax-payer money ... there's nothing a snub-nosed .38 can't fix ...
Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?
The police are all that's standing between the criminal left and a furious and fed up citizenry. Without the police the majority of citizens would be plowing through blm like a threshing machine.
Good for them, this cop is being despicably scapegoated by an obviously racist DA...
The liberal loons and BLM are neo-Communists. Their goal is to see this nation fall.
Well, some folks just have to learn the hard way.
it seems the communist have also gotten the news and are starting to rampage .
Good! Let the shooting begin.

Since Atlanta is surely not burning tonight you’ll have to wait to get your race war.

An officer was gunned down. The killer was a ‘boogaloo boy’ using nearby peaceful protests as cover, feds say.
an excerpt::

Now, federal authorities say the man, identified as Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, was an adherent of the “boogaloo boys,” a growing online extremist movement that has sought to use peaceful protests against police brutality to spread fringe views and ignite a race war. Federal investigators allege that’s exactly what Carrillo was trying to do last month.​
Most cops have to feed their families, so there will be NO mass resignations.

The cops should choose other ways to show their disgust.

Of course, when they sign up to work in the Atlanta of 2020 (and beyond), they should not be surprised by how political correctness restricts their ability to control crime.

I suspect that more good people of Atlanta will be moving to the suburbs.

I think that Dr. King would be heartbroken. He & many other people of goodwill thought that the end of segregation would usher in a golden age for Southerners of ALL ethnicities. He was wrong -- in my opinion.
Looks like the media assisted damage control Via not covering the story wall to wall, helped them make it through the night. CNN was suspiciously quiet about it. Gee... I wonder why. Lol!

Hopefully the cops can keep it up through the weekend.
Lies from the island of idiots.

Under NZ Police General Instructions (going back 20+ years now so they might have changed, but I doubt it), there are only four instances where you are legally allowed to shoot an offender. This shooting met none of the criteria. So no, it's not a lie.
This is a US message board. No one gives a single fuck about Kiwi Island, Gilligan.
Most cops have to feed their families, so there will be NO mass resignations.

Or............Most cops prefer to be guardians rather than warriors and continue to serve their community with courage, honor and respect. If any cannot deal with moral correctness then they need to find a new line of work.

‘Guardians Not Warriors’: How Crime Fell When New Jersey City Dismantled Police Dept.
Author: Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
June 8, 2020 at 7:52 pm


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