Cops Quitting All Over Atlanta!

A lot of people think they are "safe" in their own homes, until they find out otherwise. Many are the armed public that thought that they wouldn't be victims in their own home, and in the end, wished they had cops to help.

To be clear: We've only defunded our police departments ... not gotten rid of them ... calls for violent crime gets responded to as fast as they can, just like anywhere else ... but for petty theft or a neighborhood dispute we might be waiting a few days, or have to bring the problem down to the station ... it's a shame we have to keep everything under lock and key all the time, but we'd still have to do that even with an excessively large police department ... an excessively large district attorney's office ... an excessively large court system ... an excessively large prison system ... an excessively large probation department ... [ka'ching] ... I guess if your community is made of money, go right ahead ...

I think it's okay to look at downsizing ... crime was bad 30 years ago, you kids don't know how good you have it today ... crime rates have plummeted since, yet police departments are (roughly) the same size ... what does your community look like with 10% fewer police and 10% more gun shops? ...

As a landlord, I made sure everybody knew I was a BIG supporter of 2nd Amendment rights ... open carry on my premises was encouraged ... the whole community thought us a bunch of gun-nuts ... in over 20 years I only had one offsite criminal come in to do mischief ... some kids, they got warning shots, they ran never to return ... the point being it's enough for criminals to know they could get shot, we didn't have to actually shoot criminals ... there's a difference ...
Drunk driver with a taser is a threat.

He was on foot. They had his license. They could have towed his car to the impound lot. The tazer was spent and harmless.

The cops broke APD use of lethal force policy.

You can’t change those facts.
The video of the entire thing is out there. The cops were totally calm and polite, when he was passed out drunk in the car. They asked him if he would do a breathalyzer test, he said yes. They even told him he didn’t have to. Of course he failed it, at that point they had no choice but to arrest him. He then started fighting them, grabbing for their weapons. At that point they had the right to use lethal force.
He got one of their deadly weapons and shot it at them. Yes, according to the DA a taser is a deadly weapon. The officer fired back. It doesn’t matter if he was turned away or not.
Drunk driver with a taser is a threat.

He was on foot. They had his license. They could have towed his car to the impound lot. The tazer was spent and harmless.

The cops broke APD use of lethal force policy.

You can’t change those facts.
The video of the entire thing is out there. The cops were totally calm and polite, when he was passed out drunk in the car. They asked him if he would do a breathalyzer test, he said yes. They even told him he didn’t have to. Of course he failed it, at that point they had no choice but to arrest him. He then started fighting them, grabbing for their weapons. At that point they had the right to use lethal force.
He got one of their deadly weapons and shot it at them. Yes, according to the DA a taser is a deadly weapon. The officer fired back. It doesn’t matter if he was turned away or not.

It has been pointed out to you repeatedly that the taser was spent, and harmless, which means the the cops shot an unarmed man in the back, but for some reason, you fail to address that issue at all.
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Oh look isn't this cute another lie by op.

multiple sources within the Atlanta Police Department told CNN that officers were not responding to calls in three of the department's six zones.

May be a lot of officers are calling in sick -- or the Chief is trying to keep a lid on things by refusing to admit publicly that he has no cops working at the moment. I'll wait and see.

That is DEFINITELY part of it! The LAST thing you ever want to do is let the criminals know there are no cops working.
May be a lot of officers are calling in sick -- or the Chief is trying to keep a lid on things by refusing to admit publicly that he has no cops working at the moment. I'll wait and see.

That is DEFINITELY part of it! The LAST thing you ever want to do is let the criminals know there are no cops working.
No cops around means no one to stop the locals from stringing a troublemaker up from a lamppost.
Can anyone blame them?

Per the latest news, the reporting that there are a high number of officers quitting, is false. The Atlanta police department is experiencing a higher number of "call-outs" than usual by officers. Translation: "Sorry, I'm sick and can't make it in." This is an loose collection of officers way of protesting what is happening to their fellow officers. Understandable, under the circumstances.


Atlanta Police Department


Earlier suggestions that multiple officers from each zone had walked off the job were inaccurate. The department is experiencing a higher than usual number of call outs with the incoming shift. We have enough resources to maintain operations & remain able to respond to incidents.


5:43 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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But Atlanta police scanner traffic conflicted with the statement. “We are not answering 911 calls right now due to personnel issues,” a police dispatcher said Wednesday.



“The decision to initiate charges by the Fulton County DA’s office is irrational, unethical and obviously based on factors which should have nothing to do with the proper administration of justice,” Samuel said in a statement.

Howard, who said his office was able to bring charges after reviewing eight videos of the incident, is locked in a reelection battle and faces multiple civil sexual-harassment lawsuits and is being criminally investigated by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for funneling nonprofit funds to boost his salary.

Here in the United States, we have something called the 2nd Amendment, we can defend ourselves ... police are a luxury ... a waste of tax-payer money ... there's nothing a snub-nosed .38 can't fix ...

We have John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch, so the second Amendment and ALL civil rights are short lived....
My question is still this....why isn't Trump doing something about this shit?
Now the police are under attack. If someone robs you, stabs you, kills you, needs help with birthing a baby, domestic dispute, etc etc etc...who will come to their aid? NOBODY, that's who. And if we fight back with shooting whomever is threatening us, WE get thrown in jail for murder? When is Trump going to ACT?????

Trump is not part of this.

Trump should NOT get involved other than to have the DOJ investigate Howard for civil rights violations.
Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?

If you call anyone you're a racist. Black people have a RIGHT to rob, rape, and murder white people because of white privilege.
Drunk driver with a taser is a threat.

He was on foot. They had his license. They could have towed his car to the impound lot. The tazer was spent and harmless.

The cops broke APD use of lethal force policy.

You can’t change those facts.
The video of the entire thing is out there. The cops were totally calm and polite, when he was passed out drunk in the car. They asked him if he would do a breathalyzer test, he said yes. They even told him he didn’t have to. Of course he failed it, at that point they had no choice but to arrest him. He then started fighting them, grabbing for their weapons. At that point they had the right to use lethal force.
He got one of their deadly weapons and shot it at them. Yes, according to the DA a taser is a deadly weapon. The officer fired back. It doesn’t matter if he was turned away or not.

It has been pointed out to you repeatedly that the taser was spent, and harmless, which means the the cops shot an unarmed man in the back, but for some reason, you fail to address that issue at all.
It showed he was willing to inflict harm to officers as well as the public. He had to be put down.
He then started fighting them, grabbing for their weapons. At that point they had the right to use lethal force.

But they didn’t use lethal force at that moment. And he clearly demonstrated his intent was to run from police. He was not advised that he was under arrest.
The officer fired back. It doesn’t matter if he was turned away or not.

You can say it doesn’t matter but you aren’t anybody that matters.

It’s Atlanta police department policy to not shoot someone in the back if they are fleeing if they are not considered a threat to the community.
Drunk driver with a taser is a threat.

He was on foot. They had his license. They could have towed his car to the impound lot. The tazer was spent and harmless.

The cops broke APD use of lethal force policy.

You can’t change those facts.
The video of the entire thing is out there. The cops were totally calm and polite, when he was passed out drunk in the car. They asked him if he would do a breathalyzer test, he said yes. They even told him he didn’t have to. Of course he failed it, at that point they had no choice but to arrest him. He then started fighting them, grabbing for their weapons. At that point they had the right to use lethal force.
He got one of their deadly weapons and shot it at them. Yes, according to the DA a taser is a deadly weapon. The officer fired back. It doesn’t matter if he was turned away or not.

It has been pointed out to you repeatedly that the taser was spent, and harmless, which means the the cops shot an unarmed man in the back, but for some reason, you fail to address that issue at all.
It showed he was willing to inflict harm to officers as well as the public. He had to be put down.

I am mailing to inflict harm on officers who shoot unarmed men in the back, so I guess I need to be put down, too. But, I don't live in N. Korea, so I guess that is not going to happen to me.
I hope they tear Atlanta apart. Then Trump will be: I TOLD YOUR ASSES SO!
If you live in atlanta...lock & load or GTFO!
I’m don’t believe in any of this Bible and JESUS stuff but this my help you out.Instead of wanting Atlanta torn apart and burned down and warning white people to get ready to start shooting - you should contact these folks and try to get the racist hate out of your heart:
March On Atlanta
by OneRace Movement Date And Time
Fri, June 19, 2020​
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM EDT​


Centennial Olympic Park
265 Park Avenue West Northwest
Atlanta, GA 30313
It is time for OneRace Movement to speak out and petition God & our civic leaders for change! Join us as we March on Atlanta on June 19!​

It is time for OneRace Movement to speak out and petition God & our civic leaders for change! Join us as we March on Atlanta on the morning of June 19, 2020.​

In light of the racially motivated violence of the past several weeks, and the corresponding protests across our nation, we are calling for a clear biblical response of righteousness and justice from the Church of our city.​

Join us in decrying racism in every form, and declaring unity from the church across lines of race, class, denomination, and culture. We want the world to see a demonstration from the Church of truth & love, demanding that the story change for the generations to come.​

On this Juneteenth we will remember the historic emancipation, while calling for liberty and justice for all in our present times!​

* Gates will open at 8:30 AM on June 19th.​

* Please note: this event is a non-violent gathering. By registering, you're agreeing to comply with this standard. No violence. No looting. Follow CDC guidelines and be safe!​

Of course there was no violence there today you would not have needed your arsenal. That might be too boring for you.


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