Cops Quitting All Over Atlanta!

Felony fleeing and armed with a Taser is reasonable belief that the suspect’s escape would create a continuing danger of serious physical harm to any person.

Idiot - the tazer was fired twice and harmless. The shooter cop knew it.

The cops had the man’s drivers license, his car and and they never informed him he was under arrest - they talked for 41 minutes. The man was no threat to anyone let alone the cop who shot him in the back.

You TrumpOroids are losing your white privilege - and Trump is making it worse.
Already convicted him I see, you stupid Kiwi.

Just wait till the corrupt DA fucks up the case. Will you also excuse the future rioting over that?

In NZ he'd be arrested for sure. And convicted. Shooting a man in the back as he's running away...
You are forgetting that he fired a Taser at the officer while he was running away. The probes flew just over the officer's head. And a Taser firing off sounds like a gun.
Police need to know that most every one supports them.
Criminals don’t and they want more breadth to operate in and be criminals.
The police are all that's standing between the criminal left and a furious and fed up citizenry. Without the police the majority of citizens would be plowing through blm like a threshing machine.

While I agree to an extent, without the police to intervene on their behalf, millions of American civilians who don't quite yet get or fully understand what's about to go down will be caught unaware, denying the revolution happening around them even as it kicks down their front door. Many of us will fight back—and win. However, many, many innocent lives will be lost, largely due to cable news lies telling millions of Americans there is no revolution.
"...the revolution will not be televised."

Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
The revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie
Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia.
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs.
The revolution will not make you look five pounds
Thinner, because the revolution will not be televised, Brother."
Can anyone blame them?

The job of policing is certainly not going to be any easier in the coming years. Some of the changes will be warranted, other aspects will make it more challenging. Almost certain changes to funding are going to be rampant in many districts, even some in Canada and the U.K.

In Canada we know where are problems are and yet some still refuse to address it. We know it is hurting greatly our global standing, but so many have sold us up the river anyways, they couldn't care less.
Can anyone blame them?

Per the latest news, the reporting that there are a high number of officers quitting, is false. The Atlanta police department is experiencing a higher number of "call-outs" than usual by officers. Translation: "Sorry, I'm sick and can't make it in." This is an loose collection of officers way of protesting what is happening to their fellow officers. Understandable, under the circumstances.
PD says it's blue flu. Not ALL of them are quitting. Not ALL of them stayed home. Hopefully they've made their point and show up for their shift tomorrow. I think they HAVE made their point.
I think their point is that the city has to stopped surrendering to the mobs or it will have to do without police.
The DA Howard is playing a shell game to hide that there are sexual allegations against him.
Also for misuse of funds..

Seems the DA is trying to cover for his corruption and sexual predator issues.
Can anyone blame them?

no police.png

Here in the United States, we have something called the 2nd Amendment, we can defend ourselves ... police are a luxury ... a waste of tax-payer money ... there's nothing a snub-nosed .38 can't fix ...
I'm just gonna leave this here

Bu but but but Muh muh muh muh party switch

mayors of atlanta.png

Since I don't belong to any party I say we start a new rowdy party

This time with hookers .....and blackjack


The Free and Rowdy Party was a political party that operated in Atlanta, Georgia, during the middle of the 19th century. Although the mayoral elections of Atlanta are not contested along party lines, the first three mayors of the city were Rowdies, as members of the Free and Rowdy Party were called. They included Moses Formwalt, Benjamin Bomar, and Willis Buell, each serving one year as per the city charter.

The Rowdies included many owners of distilleries, bars and brothels, and represented most of what the city was, especially as an outpost along the railroads. They existed in direct opposition to the Moral Party, which called for temperance and chastity. The two parties were also said to differ on approaches to civil engagement, and so where the Rowdies were the party of militant disorder, the Moral Party promoted law and order.

Atlanta's fourth Mayor, Jonathan Norcross, was a member of the Moral Party, and used city hall to so harass the Rowdies that many moved out of what was then incorporated into the city, to places like Snake Nation and Murrell's Row.
Atlanta folks...cops and civilians, are all over twitter about this. No cops around. No responses. Atlanta has been calling for assistance but nobody will help them now. APD posted some bullshit that everything is fine...but APD cops are saying otherwise.
My question is still this....why isn't Trump doing something about this shit?
Now the police are under attack. If someone robs you, stabs you, kills you, needs help with birthing a baby, domestic dispute, etc etc etc...who will come to their aid? NOBODY, that's who. And if we fight back with shooting whomever is threatening us, WE get thrown in jail for murder? When is Trump going to ACT?????

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