Cops: Teen killed by DACA linked gang


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Cops: Teen Killed by DACA-Linked Gang

A 15-year-old aspiring police officer was stabbed to death by members of a Dominican gang known for having illegal aliens in its ranks, according to reports.

In what NYPD Chief Terence Monahan is calling “among the most brutal crimes I've seen in my

Would love to know if they were Trump haters and thought oh this bs isn't going on over in Europe lmao. So now that it happened right here on US soil maybe a few more trendy's will see it and we wouldn't doubt become a victim of it. Because you bone heads really don't listen.
Democrat Association of Criminal Aliens
I'd be more worried about the criminal in the WH.


Message from the king of the the Netherlands. :2up:
DACA isn't a group; it's a law. Why isn't it possible to get your point across without lies?
it's a gang linked to the DACA laws. seems pretty clear to me. whether i agree with it or not isn't the issue but it does say daca-linked. not a daca-gang.
Po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to.
so he didn't lie - you just felt like saying he did.

got it.

ignore safely grows 1 more.
Democrat Association of Criminal Aliens
I'd be more worried about the criminal in the WH.


Message from the king of the the Netherlands. :2up:
what the fuck are they going to do - invade DC on skis?
Your geographical knowledge isn't any better than your political acumen!!! :laugh2:
oh i'm sorry - let me join you in a rousing chorus of TRUMP SUCKS OH YES HE DOES and then you'll start agreeing with me.

Ski resorts Netherlands - skiing in the Netherlands (Nederland)
Cops: Teen Killed by DACA-Linked Gang

A 15-year-old aspiring police officer was stabbed to death by members of a Dominican gang known for having illegal aliens in its ranks, according to reports.

In what NYPD Chief Terence Monahan is calling “among the most brutal crimes I've seen in my

Would love to know if they were Trump haters and thought oh this bs isn't going on over in Europe lmao. So now that it happened right here on US soil maybe a few more trendy's will see it and we wouldn't doubt become a victim of it. Because you bone heads really don't listen.

The gang apologized to his family and told them it was a case of mistaken identity. It's all good now.
Democrat Association of Criminal Aliens
I'd be more worried about the criminal in the WH.


Message from the king of the the Netherlands.
what the fuck are they going to do - invade DC on skis?
Your geographical knowledge isn't any better than your political acumen!!!
oh i'm sorry - let me join you in a rousing chorus of TRUMP SUCKS OH YES HE DOES and then you'll start agreeing with me. Ski resorts Netherlands - skiing in the Netherlands (Nederland)
Very sketchy. A few man-made mountains and suddenly the Netherlands is big in skiing?!?!:laugh2:
Democrat Association of Criminal Aliens
I'd be more worried about the criminal in the WH.


Message from the king of the the Netherlands. :2up:

Stuff like this just reaffirms my decision to vote for President Trump. They way Liberals are acting right now my 2020 choice is easy. I don't need to waste time watching the DNC debates. I'll just walk into the booth that first Tuesday and pull the lever for Trump (R).
Stuff like this just reaffirms my decision to vote for President Trump. They way Liberals are acting right now my 2020 choice is easy. I don't need to waste time watching the DNC debates. I'll just walk into the booth that first Tuesday and pull the lever for Trump (R).
So supporting an international criminal is OK with the Trump acolytes? Good to know when righties post about crime statistics in "Democratic" cities.
Stuff like this just reaffirms my decision to vote for President Trump. They way Liberals are acting right now my 2020 choice is easy. I don't need to waste time watching the DNC debates. I'll just walk into the booth that first Tuesday and pull the lever for Trump (R).
So supporting an international criminal is OK with the Trump acolytes? Good to know when righties post about crime statistics in "Democratic" cities.

You have a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and a serious case of BUTT HURT! President Trump is doing a great job. Well, if you hate America I can see why you don't like the president.
Cops: Teen Killed by DACA-Linked Gang

A 15-year-old aspiring police officer was stabbed to death by members of a Dominican gang known for having illegal aliens in its ranks, according to reports.

In what NYPD Chief Terence Monahan is calling “among the most brutal crimes I've seen in my

Would love to know if they were Trump haters and thought oh this bs isn't going on over in Europe lmao. So now that it happened right here on US soil maybe a few more trendy's will see it and we wouldn't doubt become a victim of it. Because you bone heads really don't listen.
It's been going on for a couple of hundred years, at least..What's new with humans?

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