Cops: Teen killed by DACA linked gang

Cops: Teen Killed by DACA-Linked Gang

A 15-year-old aspiring police officer was stabbed to death by members of a Dominican gang known for having illegal aliens in its ranks, according to reports.

In what NYPD Chief Terence Monahan is calling “among the most brutal crimes I've seen in my

Would love to know if they were Trump haters and thought oh this bs isn't going on over in Europe lmao. So now that it happened right here on US soil maybe a few more trendy's will see it and we wouldn't doubt become a victim of it. Because you bone heads really don't listen.

News like this does not move the people you think it will move by posting it. They’ll say regular American citizens commit vicious crimes too and that’s good enough for them to justify illegal aliens committing atrocities.
I've seen the brutal murder on video. 5 or 6 guys attack this innocent boy. The first one hits him a few times with a machete, then the rest of them stab him with knives, over and over again. It is not pretty.

They have arrested all of the killers, maybe one is still at large.
DACA isn't a group; it's a law. Why isn't it possible to get your point across without lies?

DACA is not a law, you are really fucked up, it was a policy of a previous administration period.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Wikipedia

It is a policy implemented by the Obama Administration - Executive Branch.
A law is legislation and is enacted by congress.

Remarks by the President on Immigration

No version of the dream act has ever been passed by both houses and signed by a president aka, a law
Democrat Association of Criminal Aliens
I'd be more worried about the criminal in the WH.


Message from the king of the the Netherlands. :2up:

For what?

To give him a medal?

Don't they do that somewhere else? Wait, that's the Nobel Peace Prize I was thinking about.
Stuff like this just reaffirms my decision to vote for President Trump. They way Liberals are acting right now my 2020 choice is easy. I don't need to waste time watching the DNC debates. I'll just walk into the booth that first Tuesday and pull the lever for Trump (R).
So supporting an international criminal is OK with the Trump acolytes? Good to know when righties post about crime statistics in "Democratic" cities.

Criminal? You need to call your therapist right away!
This website is run by a Former BORDER PATROL who knows more than any leftis dip shit around.

Public Safety
Immigration laws exist, in part, to protect Americans from the activities of alien criminals. However, our immigration enforcement system is broken - we no longer try to deal effectively with illegal aliens, not even criminals in jail, and worse, not even violent criminals.

Who We Are
We are former officers of the United States Border Patrol and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. We all swore an oath to the nation when we began our service; in this day, when such things are too often seen as archaic, it is with us still - none of us remembers hearing an expiration date when we swore it.
(Click HERE to read more about us.)

NAFBPO Front Page

And this is Zach Taylor

Cops: Teen Killed by DACA-Linked Gang

A 15-year-old aspiring police officer was stabbed to death by members of a Dominican gang known for having illegal aliens in its ranks, according to reports.

In what NYPD Chief Terence Monahan is calling “among the most brutal crimes I've seen in my

Would love to know if they were Trump haters and thought oh this bs isn't going on over in Europe lmao. So now that it happened right here on US soil maybe a few more trendy's will see it and we wouldn't doubt become a victim of it. Because you bone heads really don't listen.

News like this does not move the people you think it will move by posting it. They’ll say regular American citizens commit vicious crimes too and that’s good enough for them to justify illegal aliens committing atrocities.

Thats when you slam more information in thier faces be it they like it or not.
Stuff like this just reaffirms my decision to vote for President Trump. They way Liberals are acting right now my 2020 choice is easy. I don't need to waste time watching the DNC debates. I'll just walk into the booth that first Tuesday and pull the lever for Trump (R).
So supporting an international criminal is OK with the Trump acolytes? Good to know when righties post about crime statistics in "Democratic" cities.

You have a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and a serious case of BUTT HURT! President Trump is doing a great job. Well, if you hate America I can see why you don't like the president.

DACA Was a Bad Dream
By Daniel John Sobieski
If President Trump decides to let the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) lapse or end it outright, it will be a deserved end to a magnet for illegal immigration based on an unconstitutional executive order by President Barack Hussein Obama who was frustrated that Congress failed to pass it as legislation named the DREAM Act. As syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer observed on Fox News’ Special Report at the time:

You can have executive orders that implement already existing laws. What Obama has done in the DREAM Act, which is exactly what you've talked about. Essentially he passed a law by executive order that the Congress had rejected, wouldn't pass, that is unbelievably unconstitutional. It's as if a Republican ran and said I don't like the capital gains tax, Congress rejects an abolition of that tax and then he orders the IRS not to collect it. People would be up in arms and would be impeaching. He's doing that over and over again on immigration

Even President Obama said he didn’t have the authority to do what he eventually did -- enact the Congressionally rejected DREAM Act through executive order:

With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed -- and I know that everybody here at Bell is studying hard so you know that we’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.

There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.

Well said, until President Obama spoke out of the other side of his mouth and did it anyway. Now, if a Republican Congress wants to try again to pass a law it
DACA Was a Bad Dream

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