Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?
I suspect some White neighborhoods were shunned after dark also!
You'd be wrong
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
They'll police white neighborhoods that don't riot every time something happens. People who appreciate their presence.

They'll do what they're told to do, or they'll be fired. They work for the Citizens. They're Civil Servants.
How does that compare to blaming cops for shootings the moment they happen without evidence and calling for Cops to be killed, wheelchair boy.

I know, you're ... Timmy!

You are full of shit . Cops have just shootings all the time and no one says anything .

There have been some shootings , caught on tape , that are highly questionable . Those are the ones that blow up .

And no one of any importance is calling for the shooting of police . Other than some screwballs on the web .

We just buried cops here in Louisiana, none of whom had shot anyone. They were ambushed and assassinated. Here are the words of one:

“Please don’t let hate infect your heart. This city MUST and WILL get better. I’m working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer I got you.”

Yeah, that was the Black cop. You wouldn't hear a White Lousiana cop saying that!

You are too stupid to understand how racist that statement is.

No wonder you think Fox is such a problem.

Well, gee, I guess the truth hurts you. The cop who said it WAS BLACK. And no southern White cop has been seen on national TV saying that!

And you know that because....

Maybe the black cops only say that because it is almost all white cops being killed. Did you ever even contemplate that possibility?
:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?
I suspect some White neighborhoods were shunned after dark also!
You'd be wrong
Perhaps that is why the white on white on White crime is so pervasive…your people deny it and have a false sense of security about it:
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?
I suspect some White neighborhoods were shunned after dark also!
You'd be wrong
Perhaps that is why the white on white on White crime is so pervasive…your people deny it and have a false sense of security about it:
View attachment 83563

Don't care. You're gonna have to try harder than that to get a rise out of me
I'd rather all bitter whiny cops just turn in their badges immediately. They clearly aren't cut out for the job. We'll all be safer if they do that.
i'd prefer the whiny communities govern their community and stop counting on cops. how about that? The cops have other responsibilities other than baby sitters. So turn in the criminals community or govern yourself. hahaahahahahhahahahaha

Just cut the bitter whiny cops loose. We'll all be safer. If you can't handle your job, than simply move on. I'm not interested in the whining shite. Be a cop, or don't be a cop. It's an individual's decision.

But if you do decide to do the job, just do it. You're getting paid and receiving excellent Government benefits. No one wants to hear all the whining. Period, end of story.
if you feel your neighborhood is unsafe and need 24/7 surveillance, maybe you should move.

Welcome to Third World/Police State America. Things are only getting worse. 24/7 Police surveillance and presence will happen. We'll be like France, Great Britain, and other Western European nations. The Military will be called in to 'Police.' It's inevitable.
I seriously doubt that the Military will be used as a police force.

Unless you wish to see the demise of our Constitution.

In that event you will be wishing for the return of the local Police force.

We are not very tolerant of amateurs firing at us.

I don't want it to happen, but it is likely to happen. Some sort of 'State of Emergency' (Martial Law) will be declared at some point. It's happening in France, Great Britain, and other Western European nations right now.
Most of the posters here have never experienced this life of crime & depravity. They post about it, both sides, from their pedestals and while they may or may not have good intentions the one thing I notice most is they haven't got a clue.
I've lived the life. Been arrested, assaulted & beat pretty severely more times than I can count. Every single time "I" could have prevented it. Every time.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture. Our police force needs better training imo. Stricter hiring guidelines & perhaps better pay to draw better recruits. That can help weed out the bad hires but at the end of the day you have a criminal element that is dominating many black neighborhoods and no amount of police reform is going to change that. That change has to come from within the community & culture in which it resides. You have to make education & work more appealing & the violent rap culture less appealing. That change starts at home not at the police department.

Well said. We just need to record all interactions with the Police. From the beginning of the confrontation, right up to the court proceedings. I mean, so many Citizens are turning up dead in their cells, after being arrested for minor offenses.

We need to have outside independent sources recording everything. Because video can be edited. The whole process has to be fully transparent to the public. That's the only way to achieve real justice.
The difference being you or I doing the filming.

Excessive Government involvement means surveillance devices mounted everywhere.

Your Police State.

Body cameras and dash cameras are acceptable.

None of us like aggressive and out of control police.

The communities, need to be proactive.

There was a time when the communities had faith and trust in their police forces, at least to some degree.

Violent criminals need to be removed from society.

All interaction with Police should be recorded and documented. It's the only way forward.
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
They'll police white neighborhoods that don't riot every time something happens. People who appreciate their presence.

They'll do what they're told to do, or they'll be fired. They work for the Citizens. They're Civil Servants.
Love you showing your true colors as a authoritarian statist
And an outside independent source should be responsible for the recording, viewing, and assessing of what's recorded. That's the best way to ensure real justice is done. We shouldn't depend solely on police investigating themselves.
And an outside independent source should be responsible for the recording, viewing, and assessing of what's recorded. That's the best way to ensure real justice is done. We shouldn't depend solely on police investigating themselves.
Are you afraid they will come for your pot you dishonest hack?
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
They'll police white neighborhoods that don't riot every time something happens. People who appreciate their presence.

They'll do what they're told to do, or they'll be fired. They work for the Citizens. They're Civil Servants.
Love you showing your true colors as a authoritarian statist

The exact opposite. They're Civil Servants who work for the Citizens. It's not the other way around. But unfortunately, you and too many others view it as the other way around. They'll do what they're told, or they'll be looking for another job. Period, end of story.
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And an outside independent source should be responsible for the recording, viewing, and assessing of what's recorded. That's the best way to ensure real justice is done. We shouldn't depend solely on police investigating themselves.
Are you afraid they will come for your pot you dishonest hack?

Nope. I don't do drugs. However, i do believe most drugs should be decriminalized.
And an outside independent source should be responsible for the recording, viewing, and assessing of what's recorded. That's the best way to ensure real justice is done. We shouldn't depend solely on police investigating themselves.
Are you afraid they will come for your pot you dishonest hack?
Not his pot, his closet full of tinfoil lol

Solely depending on police investigating themselves, is very unwise. They have a 'Code.' They will lie for each other. There needs to be an outside independent source that records and reviews the recordings. And the same goes for investigating police as well.
IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?
I suspect some White neighborhoods were shunned after dark also!
You'd be wrong
Perhaps that is why the white on white on White crime is so pervasive…your people deny it and have a false sense of security about it:
View attachment 83563

Don't care. You're gonna have to try harder than that to get a rise out of me
That is precisely the problem with MANY White people. You are motived by gut instinct and media reporting whims.
Gee with love like this I cant see why they don't want to go in to their hoods.

So the majority of Blacks who have nothing to do with BLM have to suffer because White people with power deem it so? That democratic Plantation is starting to look like the old southern conservative plantation. <sarcasm>
Hopefully one day Americans will wake up. The Police are Civil Servants who work for them. They work for the Taxpayers. They're employees. It's not the other way around. The Citizens don't work for them. More Americans need to start understanding that. If they don't, a brutal Police State is inevitable.
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???

Is it about being unprofessional or a community that wants to coddle and make excuses for criminals' behavior? If black lives matter, where are the mentors and men from among them who are sick of seeing THEIR young people turning to drugs, gangs, and crime? Is it easier to blame the cops than face criminal statistics? When will the real men begin to stand up for themselves, face some responsibility and accountability for their kids?
You guys sit around the pool hall or some other male bonding place taking bits and pieces of media driven hate and making it worse.
You don't question your sources or consider that most Black fathers take care of their kids even if they might not be married to the mothers at the time of birth. You just take the propaganda delivered to you on a silver platter and run with it because that is exactly what you want to hear. Many of you probably never have any kind of interaction with a Black person except in a work environment. That makes what Rush, Bill O'Reilly or Hannity say the hate monger's gospel. You are well indoctrinated...

This is not propoganda, and I frankly don't care if my view happens to be shared by O'Reilly and Hannity or not. It's rather hypocritical to concern yourself with cops that are going after those who commit the crime, and not look to those men who should be policing their own kids rather than abandoning the mom to raise them on their own because they are a bunch of lazy asses who don't care. You want me to believe black lives matter? ... than concern yourself with those kids within your own continuity and reach out to them instead of showing a blind eye to it. Man up and reach out and actually concern yourself with those youth in your own backyard and neighborhoods, stop making excuses to look for someone else to blame for what you are not willing to do.

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