Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

You morons think they're all racist and cause more problems than they fix.

Now is your time to prove it without piles of black bodies all over the public streets.
Your media thrives on the news that there have been piles of Black bodies in the streets for decades anyway. So//what is your point?
Do you realize how stupid that reply was? What US media is telling you there are piles of black bodies everywhere?

BLM is the entity claiming cops are killing so many black people. The media is reluctantly reporting local murders that mostly have a black perp and a black victim(and if you actually knew anything about the US media you would also know that race of the people involved in low profile crime are never reported)

Now, my point is that if cops are so racist and killing blacks everywhere, then the cops are doing black people a favor by not making things worse and policing them with so much irrational prejudice.

You are the one that injected the phrase "piles of black bodies in the street." Your context wasn't clear. In response to your silly remark I reified your illusion to connect the media driven impression that Blacks are killing each other by the thousands. Reasonable minded people know that isn't true, but too many of EWE sheep are so gullible you actually believe it. I thought your IQ was high enough to see my sarcasm but I see that you are just as dumb as most RW idiots. I will dumb my posts down for your sake and keep them simpler so that you can understand.

Concerning racism among cops. Yes, it is apparent that there is still a lot of it among the ranks of the guys in blue. But not all of them are cold blooded murderers. Many are just brutal hateful psychopaths who want to humiliate and degrade any Black person they encounter. Others are as hatefully pathological as the former but more deadly. Black life, to them, is unworthy life. Most White cops are reflections of the White communities from which they were spawned. If those communities segregate themselves from Blacks and see them as a can we expect the White cops living among them to be any different?

Make no mistake, Cops are not doing Blacks a favor by being indiscriminately brutal and dead just because of some innate hateful predilection. No American citizen should have to live under such tyranny
thousands may be close per year. I know that in Chicago alone its close to a body a day here. thats 365 in one city of the nation. And again, no one from the left gives a shit. And then prance on the street black lives matter. What a fkn joke bubba.:2up:
Chuck, do you really think Whites aren't killing each other in Chicago too? But there is something even more sinister going on. Of all the Black homicide victims in Chicago,MOST of them are unsolved. That means ANYONE, including great White hunters ( rogue cops?) could be moonlighting as killers using the "high" black on black murder rate as a cover. Who would know?

View attachment 83537
BTW, it seems there are many unsolved no matter the race. but look at the numbers, wow, thanks for making my point. 78% of that list is a black victim. And nothing from the dems on how to reverse it. NOTHING, and then they stand up and say black lives matter. hah!!!! all the blacks supporting them, shame on you all. you back a racist party.
This is a good idea .

Complain about the school department . Your kid fails math.

Don't like the IRS targeting tea party ? You get audited !

Complain taxes are too high? Guess your road ain't being snowplowed !

How does that compare to blaming cops for shootings the moment they happen without evidence and calling for Cops to be killed, wheelchair boy.

I know, you're ... Timmy!

You are full of shit . Cops have just shootings all the time and no one says anything .

There have been some shootings , caught on tape , that are highly questionable . Those are the ones that blow up .

And no one of any importance is calling for the shooting of police . Other than some screwballs on the web .

We just buried cops here in Louisiana, none of whom had shot anyone. They were ambushed and assassinated. Here are the words of one:

“Please don’t let hate infect your heart. This city MUST and WILL get better. I’m working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer I got you.”

Yeah, that was the Black cop. You wouldn't hear a White Lousiana cop saying that!

You are too stupid to understand how racist that statement is.

No wonder you think Fox is such a problem.

Well, gee, I guess the truth hurts you. The cop who said it WAS BLACK. And no southern White cop has been seen on national TV saying that!
How professional of them!

It's very professional. When certain groups view police in words and actions the way they do, the police are giving them what they want.

There is a local fire department where I live that will not go into a Section 8 housing project without police escort no matter the call. What promoted that professional behavior is it became so unsafe for them to do so while trying to do their JOBS, they felt that if savages were going to act like savages, they'd get treated like savages.

Seems to me certain "groups" go tired of traditional abuse by their local police and started to fight back. Yep, that tends to piss bullies in blue off/. They hate it when people rebel against their abuse.

As for the firemen, I suspect the locales where they are afraid to venture into the projects is one where court sanctioned cop killings of unarmed people reached a point that any White person entering that domain was in danger.

Oh, the it's automatically abuse excuse with police. No thought that it could be that those groups simply hate police?

The fire department to which I referred is very diverse including blacks, hispanics, and females. The decision to not go without police escort had nothing to do with race but with the actions of the residents when calls took place. I don't think anyone was ever shot at but bricks, rocks, and all sorts of things were thrown at the trucks/firefighters and firefighters were threatened for coming into the complex. The #1 rule in responses, despite what people may think, is scene safety. I have no problem with them not responding.
the party, democrats, that loves to bitch about stereotyping uses it like they are junkies. It's hilarious.

Oh, I see…you just love to spout unverified anecdotes without any substance attached to them.
just fact, just read every liberal thread in here and they all will say that every conservative is a racist. READ Them. Especially since the democrats established the kkk, wow, had the last congressman that was still part of the klan, Byrd. DEMOCRAT. I know that in fact the majority of those dems in charge couldn't care a less about the progress of black culture, they just want a vote, and once they get said vote the same old same old occurs. how many democratic presidents and dem run congress for the last 50 years, and the story is still the same today after all of the votes have been cast for them. They've done shit for the black culture.
Your media thrives on the news that there have been piles of Black bodies in the streets for decades anyway. So//what is your point?
Do you realize how stupid that reply was? What US media is telling you there are piles of black bodies everywhere?

BLM is the entity claiming cops are killing so many black people. The media is reluctantly reporting local murders that mostly have a black perp and a black victim(and if you actually knew anything about the US media you would also know that race of the people involved in low profile crime are never reported)

Now, my point is that if cops are so racist and killing blacks everywhere, then the cops are doing black people a favor by not making things worse and policing them with so much irrational prejudice.

You are the one that injected the phrase "piles of black bodies in the street." Your context wasn't clear. In response to your silly remark I reified your illusion to connect the media driven impression that Blacks are killing each other by the thousands. Reasonable minded people know that isn't true, but too many of EWE sheep are so gullible you actually believe it. I thought your IQ was high enough to see my sarcasm but I see that you are just as dumb as most RW idiots. I will dumb my posts down for your sake and keep them simpler so that you can understand.

Concerning racism among cops. Yes, it is apparent that there is still a lot of it among the ranks of the guys in blue. But not all of them are cold blooded murderers. Many are just brutal hateful psychopaths who want to humiliate and degrade any Black person they encounter. Others are as hatefully pathological as the former but more deadly. Black life, to them, is unworthy life. Most White cops are reflections of the White communities from which they were spawned. If those communities segregate themselves from Blacks and see them as a can we expect the White cops living among them to be any different?

Make no mistake, Cops are not doing Blacks a favor by being indiscriminately brutal and dead just because of some innate hateful predilection. No American citizen should have to live under such tyranny
thousands may be close per year. I know that in Chicago alone its close to a body a day here. thats 365 in one city of the nation. And again, no one from the left gives a shit. And then prance on the street black lives matter. What a fkn joke bubba.:2up:
Chuck, do you really think Whites aren't killing each other in Chicago too? But there is something even more sinister going on. Of all the Black homicide victims in Chicago,MOST of them are unsolved. That means ANYONE, including great White hunters ( rogue cops?) could be moonlighting as killers using the "high" black on black murder rate as a cover. Who would know?

View attachment 83537
BTW, it seems there are many unsolved no matter the race. but look at the numbers, wow, thanks for making my point. 78% of that list is a black victim. And nothing from the dems on how to reverse it. NOTHING, and then they stand up and say black lives matter. hah!!!! all the blacks supporting them, shame on you all. you back a racist party.
Did you notice that only 14.1% of those Black homicides resulted in arrests? Why do you assume the other 86% were Black suspects?
NO ONE KNOWS. See how devious your media is?
It's very professional. When certain groups view police in words and actions the way they do, the police are giving them what they want.

There is a local fire department where I live that will not go into a Section 8 housing project without police escort no matter the call. What promoted that professional behavior is it became so unsafe for them to do so while trying to do their JOBS, they felt that if savages were going to act like savages, they'd get treated like savages.

Seems to me certain "groups" go tired of traditional abuse by their local police and started to fight back. Yep, that tends to piss bullies in blue off/. They hate it when people rebel against their abuse.

As for the firemen, I suspect the locales where they are afraid to venture into the projects is one where court sanctioned cop killings of unarmed people reached a point that any White person entering that domain was in danger.

Oh, the it's automatically abuse excuse with police. No thought that it could be that those groups simply hate police?

The fire department to which I referred is very diverse including blacks, hispanics, and females. The decision to not go without police escort had nothing to do with race but with the actions of the residents when calls took place. I don't think anyone was ever shot at but bricks, rocks, and all sorts of things were thrown at the trucks/firefighters and firefighters were threatened for coming into the complex. The #1 rule in responses, despite what people may think, is scene safety. I have no problem with them not responding.
the party, democrats, that loves to bitch about stereotyping uses it like they are junkies. It's hilarious.

Oh, I see…you just love to spout unverified anecdotes without any substance attached to them.
just fact, just read every liberal thread in here and they all will say that every conservative is a racist. READ Them. Especially since the democrats established the kkk, wow, had the last congressman that was still part of the klan, Byrd. DEMOCRAT. I know that in fact the majority of those dems in charge couldn't care a less about the progress of black culture, they just want a vote, and once they get said vote the same old same old occurs. how many democratic presidents and dem run congress for the last 50 years, and the story is still the same today after all of the votes have been cast for them. They've done shit for the black culture.

I doubt if you have read EVERY" liberal" thread on USMB. Defining who is liberal is rather hard to do because most you can't pigeonhole most of us like that. True freedom is the right to pick and choose between different aspects of conservatism and liberalism.
If you limit your self to ONE political viewpoint across the board, you are not free.
Seems to me certain "groups" go tired of traditional abuse by their local police and started to fight back. Yep, that tends to piss bullies in blue off/. They hate it when people rebel against their abuse.

As for the firemen, I suspect the locales where they are afraid to venture into the projects is one where court sanctioned cop killings of unarmed people reached a point that any White person entering that domain was in danger.

Oh, the it's automatically abuse excuse with police. No thought that it could be that those groups simply hate police?

The fire department to which I referred is very diverse including blacks, hispanics, and females. The decision to not go without police escort had nothing to do with race but with the actions of the residents when calls took place. I don't think anyone was ever shot at but bricks, rocks, and all sorts of things were thrown at the trucks/firefighters and firefighters were threatened for coming into the complex. The #1 rule in responses, despite what people may think, is scene safety. I have no problem with them not responding.
the party, democrats, that loves to bitch about stereotyping uses it like they are junkies. It's hilarious.

Oh, I see…you just love to spout unverified anecdotes without any substance attached to them.
just fact, just read every liberal thread in here and they all will say that every conservative is a racist. READ Them. Especially since the democrats established the kkk, wow, had the last congressman that was still part of the klan, Byrd. DEMOCRAT. I know that in fact the majority of those dems in charge couldn't care a less about the progress of black culture, they just want a vote, and once they get said vote the same old same old occurs. how many democratic presidents and dem run congress for the last 50 years, and the story is still the same today after all of the votes have been cast for them. They've done shit for the black culture.

I doubt if you have read EVERY" liberal" thread on USMB. Defining who is liberal is rather hard to do because most you can't pigeonhole most of us like that. True freedom is the right to pick and choose between different aspects of conservatism and liberalism.
If you limit your self to ONE political viewpoint across the board, you are not free.
says you the stereotype.

ha, says the my way or the highway liberal.
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Because to your kind, black lives don't matter?
Thats funny coming from a idiot who votes for the party that had the right to lynch in its party platform.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?
Oh, the it's automatically abuse excuse with police. No thought that it could be that those groups simply hate police?

The fire department to which I referred is very diverse including blacks, hispanics, and females. The decision to not go without police escort had nothing to do with race but with the actions of the residents when calls took place. I don't think anyone was ever shot at but bricks, rocks, and all sorts of things were thrown at the trucks/firefighters and firefighters were threatened for coming into the complex. The #1 rule in responses, despite what people may think, is scene safety. I have no problem with them not responding.
the party, democrats, that loves to bitch about stereotyping uses it like they are junkies. It's hilarious.

Oh, I see…you just love to spout unverified anecdotes without any substance attached to them.
just fact, just read every liberal thread in here and they all will say that every conservative is a racist. READ Them. Especially since the democrats established the kkk, wow, had the last congressman that was still part of the klan, Byrd. DEMOCRAT. I know that in fact the majority of those dems in charge couldn't care a less about the progress of black culture, they just want a vote, and once they get said vote the same old same old occurs. how many democratic presidents and dem run congress for the last 50 years, and the story is still the same today after all of the votes have been cast for them. They've done shit for the black culture.

I doubt if you have read EVERY" liberal" thread on USMB. Defining who is liberal is rather hard to do because most you can't pigeonhole most of us like that. True freedom is the right to pick and choose between different aspects of conservatism and liberalism.
If you limit your self to ONE political viewpoint across the board, you are not free.
says you the stereotype.

ha, says the my way or the highway liberal.

Stop lying, I never said that!
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
Do you realize how stupid that reply was? What US media is telling you there are piles of black bodies everywhere?

BLM is the entity claiming cops are killing so many black people. The media is reluctantly reporting local murders that mostly have a black perp and a black victim(and if you actually knew anything about the US media you would also know that race of the people involved in low profile crime are never reported)

Now, my point is that if cops are so racist and killing blacks everywhere, then the cops are doing black people a favor by not making things worse and policing them with so much irrational prejudice.

You are the one that injected the phrase "piles of black bodies in the street." Your context wasn't clear. In response to your silly remark I reified your illusion to connect the media driven impression that Blacks are killing each other by the thousands. Reasonable minded people know that isn't true, but too many of EWE sheep are so gullible you actually believe it. I thought your IQ was high enough to see my sarcasm but I see that you are just as dumb as most RW idiots. I will dumb my posts down for your sake and keep them simpler so that you can understand.

Concerning racism among cops. Yes, it is apparent that there is still a lot of it among the ranks of the guys in blue. But not all of them are cold blooded murderers. Many are just brutal hateful psychopaths who want to humiliate and degrade any Black person they encounter. Others are as hatefully pathological as the former but more deadly. Black life, to them, is unworthy life. Most White cops are reflections of the White communities from which they were spawned. If those communities segregate themselves from Blacks and see them as a can we expect the White cops living among them to be any different?

Make no mistake, Cops are not doing Blacks a favor by being indiscriminately brutal and dead just because of some innate hateful predilection. No American citizen should have to live under such tyranny
thousands may be close per year. I know that in Chicago alone its close to a body a day here. thats 365 in one city of the nation. And again, no one from the left gives a shit. And then prance on the street black lives matter. What a fkn joke bubba.:2up:
Chuck, do you really think Whites aren't killing each other in Chicago too? But there is something even more sinister going on. Of all the Black homicide victims in Chicago,MOST of them are unsolved. That means ANYONE, including great White hunters ( rogue cops?) could be moonlighting as killers using the "high" black on black murder rate as a cover. Who would know?

View attachment 83537
BTW, it seems there are many unsolved no matter the race. but look at the numbers, wow, thanks for making my point. 78% of that list is a black victim. And nothing from the dems on how to reverse it. NOTHING, and then they stand up and say black lives matter. hah!!!! all the blacks supporting them, shame on you all. you back a racist party.
Did you notice that only 14.1% of those Black homicides resulted in arrests? Why do you assume the other 86% were Black suspects?
NO ONE KNOWS. See how devious your media is?
Almost all of the media does everything it can to prop black men up no matter what they do.
Agree......should start to pull cops out of black communities immediately. Let these people police themselves ftw!!:rock:

Wont have any more racial killings.........makes a lot of sense.:2up:....go........go........go!!
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?
Neighborhoods don't kill, psychopaths do.Stop dodging the real issues: cowardice and poor social interaction with with the people you police!
You are the one that injected the phrase "piles of black bodies in the street." Your context wasn't clear. In response to your silly remark I reified your illusion to connect the media driven impression that Blacks are killing each other by the thousands. Reasonable minded people know that isn't true, but too many of EWE sheep are so gullible you actually believe it. I thought your IQ was high enough to see my sarcasm but I see that you are just as dumb as most RW idiots. I will dumb my posts down for your sake and keep them simpler so that you can understand.

Concerning racism among cops. Yes, it is apparent that there is still a lot of it among the ranks of the guys in blue. But not all of them are cold blooded murderers. Many are just brutal hateful psychopaths who want to humiliate and degrade any Black person they encounter. Others are as hatefully pathological as the former but more deadly. Black life, to them, is unworthy life. Most White cops are reflections of the White communities from which they were spawned. If those communities segregate themselves from Blacks and see them as a can we expect the White cops living among them to be any different?

Make no mistake, Cops are not doing Blacks a favor by being indiscriminately brutal and dead just because of some innate hateful predilection. No American citizen should have to live under such tyranny
thousands may be close per year. I know that in Chicago alone its close to a body a day here. thats 365 in one city of the nation. And again, no one from the left gives a shit. And then prance on the street black lives matter. What a fkn joke bubba.:2up:
Chuck, do you really think Whites aren't killing each other in Chicago too? But there is something even more sinister going on. Of all the Black homicide victims in Chicago,MOST of them are unsolved. That means ANYONE, including great White hunters ( rogue cops?) could be moonlighting as killers using the "high" black on black murder rate as a cover. Who would know?

View attachment 83537
BTW, it seems there are many unsolved no matter the race. but look at the numbers, wow, thanks for making my point. 78% of that list is a black victim. And nothing from the dems on how to reverse it. NOTHING, and then they stand up and say black lives matter. hah!!!! all the blacks supporting them, shame on you all. you back a racist party.
Did you notice that only 14.1% of those Black homicides resulted in arrests? Why do you assume the other 86% were Black suspects?
NO ONE KNOWS. See how devious your media is?
Almost all of the media does everything it can to prop black men up no matter what they do.
HAHAHA! It isn't working….
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?
Heres the poop for those who comprehend Realville............

The bigger BLM gets, the more black people are going to be taken out of urban areas in body bags. Its that simple.......the greater the war on cops gets, the more depolicing will occur. Its called Realville s0ns and nobody can do dick about it. People who go on with this naïve concept of "well then they are not doing their jobs" don't get that the police can be lobbied at!!:2up:
thousands may be close per year. I know that in Chicago alone its close to a body a day here. thats 365 in one city of the nation. And again, no one from the left gives a shit. And then prance on the street black lives matter. What a fkn joke bubba.:2up:
Chuck, do you really think Whites aren't killing each other in Chicago too? But there is something even more sinister going on. Of all the Black homicide victims in Chicago,MOST of them are unsolved. That means ANYONE, including great White hunters ( rogue cops?) could be moonlighting as killers using the "high" black on black murder rate as a cover. Who would know?

View attachment 83537
BTW, it seems there are many unsolved no matter the race. but look at the numbers, wow, thanks for making my point. 78% of that list is a black victim. And nothing from the dems on how to reverse it. NOTHING, and then they stand up and say black lives matter. hah!!!! all the blacks supporting them, shame on you all. you back a racist party.
Did you notice that only 14.1% of those Black homicides resulted in arrests? Why do you assume the other 86% were Black suspects?
NO ONE KNOWS. See how devious your media is?
Almost all of the media does everything it can to prop black men up no matter what they do.
HAHAHA! It isn't working….
Yeah, because black people are too consumed with hatred to get productive things done.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?

I can't explain your life or your observations. What I KNOW is that there is no shortage of black cab drivers in the black community.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

:0) Then they should give up their badges and jobs and get the fuck out of black communities. Black officers will fill the void.
their badge doesn't say for hire in black neighborhoods only. There is other work they'd be doing, they'll work for their money. and they have removed themselves from those neighborhoods. The neighborhood doesn't want them. Why else would they kill them?

IF cops are refusing to work in black communities, then they aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do .. and IF those cops can't do their jobs without murdering innocent people, then they shouldn't be on the police force in the first place.

A win-win for everybody.
When i was going to college I drove a yellow cab. Every one of them refused to service the black neighborhoods after sundown. Even the black drivers. Wonder why?
I suspect some White neighborhoods were shunned after dark also!

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