Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

To bad for the police-dependent residents, like the old ladies and the really old men.

Everybody else just needs to pack their own heat and learn to draw fast and shoot straight and quickly.

They make purses now with concealed carry slots in them.

And any sweatshirt will cover a holstered gun. A computer bag carries a gun even better, like a purse, and then you can have your hand on the gun already and draw from concealment even faster.
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
If an area has been designated as too dangerous to safely patrol, then the cops should not be sent in there.

Otherwise they are just going to get ambushed. Especially now with all the BLM activity.

The Country is starting to flame.
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
If an area has been designated as too dangerous to safely patrol, then the cops should not be sent in there.

Otherwise they are just going to get ambushed. Especially now with all the BLM activity.

The Country is starting to flame.
The Bureau of Land Management or black lives matter? Some people seem confused.....

Both are fascist under the Obama reich, so I guess I can understand the confusion to a degree....
I would rather call a hippie than a cop.
I have unavoidably had to call cops 3 times:

1st time was when a van-load of parking lot burglars pulled into our residential parking lot and parked next to my bedroom window and started slim jimming cars.

2nd time was in a 5 car crash.

3rd time was after my residence was burglarized.

Until then, I said I would never call a cop either.

Sometimes it is unavoidable.
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon or itchy trigger finger.
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
So you're saying they should hire better candidates?
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
So you're saying they should hire better candidates?

In a nutshell, yes.
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
So you're saying they should hire better candidates?

In a nutshell, yes.
So, wouldn't it be wise the strike the democrat policies that prohibit them from doing so?
The cops hire someone off the street with a good background check who have never been a life threatening situation and don't know how to act under extreme stress, aka loose cannon.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
So you're saying they should hire better candidates?

In a nutshell, yes.
So, wouldn't it be wise the strike the democrat policies that prohibit them from doing so?

No way Jose, I don't want to strike anyone, anymore. Those days are over with.
Really? I never new cops didn't train.....huh....
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
So you're saying they should hire better candidates?

In a nutshell, yes.
So, wouldn't it be wise the strike the democrat policies that prohibit them from doing so?

No way Jose, I don't want to strike anyone, anymore. Those days are over with.
Sorry...I used too complicated a word with you....

Should democrat policies be ended that prohibit poloce from hiring the most qualified....

Is that easier for you to understand?
The cops in a small city not to far from me made 80k a year but got caught up in criminal activity, false search warrants and seizure of drugs that they sold on the open market that may have a mafia connection.
So you're saying they should hire better candidates?

In a nutshell, yes.
So, wouldn't it be wise the strike the democrat policies that prohibit them from doing so?

Put the cop in a live enemy fire situation and see if he acts cool, calm and collect without cowering. Pass that test makes an excellent cop candidate. I guess you missed my point and my big cousin was a cop.

No way Jose, I don't want to strike anyone, anymore. Those days are over with.
Sorry...I used too complicated a word with you....

Should democrat policies be ended that prohibit poloce from hiring the most qualified....

Is that easier for you to understand?
How professional of them!

Let Black Lives Matters leaders step up and police and protect. All of this demonization of police officers, glorifying cop killing, shooting cops in cold blood, putting cops on trial has made police want to stay out of neighborhoods. BLM can figure it out.
Good, turn in your badges and get some people who arent chicken shits in uniform

You'd be chicken shit too if you were demonized by the politicians, legal, media, entertainers, and activists who choose to side with thugs, all were against you and pushed narrative and rhetoric to have you killed for doing your job.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."
It's time for a lawsuit. Black taxpayers, most not affiliated with BLM or any other Black activist groups, are paying for police protection and if they aren't getting it the police chief, the police commissioner and mayor are obligated to make a case for WHY NOT>

It would be thrown out immediately. The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no obligation to protect anyone, even from a known threat.
Most of the posters here have never experienced this life of crime & depravity. They post about it, both sides, from their pedestals and while they may or may not have good intentions the one thing I notice most is they haven't got a clue.
I've lived the life. Been arrested, assaulted & beat pretty severely more times than I can count. Every single time "I" could have prevented it. Every time.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture. Our police force needs better training imo. Stricter hiring guidelines & perhaps better pay to draw better recruits. That can help weed out the bad hires but at the end of the day you have a criminal element that is dominating many black neighborhoods and no amount of police reform is going to change that. That change has to come from within the community & culture in which it resides. You have to make education & work more appealing & the violent rap culture less appealing. That change starts at home not at the police department.
See post #103…Make cops a part of the worst communities with incentives.
I will try to find it but my stupid phone doesn't show the post numbers or sig lines for some reason.

Not your phone...the software doesn't show numbers or sig lines on mobile devices.
How professional of them!

It's very professional. When certain groups view police in words and actions the way they do, the police are giving them what they want.

There is a local fire department where I live that will not go into a Section 8 housing project without police escort no matter the call. What promoted that professional behavior is it became so unsafe for them to do so while trying to do their JOBS, they felt that if savages were going to act like savages, they'd get treated like savages.

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