Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
I'm sorry you were born black. Is that what you need to hear? You wish you were white? The problem is YOUR SELF PITY is not an excuse. You have trapped yourself inside your own unfounded rage.

Try again cracker. I love me so much I dont want a scared ass cop to put a bullet in me. I know thats racist to you but in case you didnt notice, what you think doesnt matter
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
there is so much that can be said here, but your not worth my input. you don't appreciate facts.
I would agree but at least he engages
but he doesn't accept the facts. useless discussion at that point. crazy mumbo jumbo full of blame and hate is old and boring.
Why dont cops stop the self inflicted damage they are doing to themselves that cause people to attack them?
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
I'm sorry you were born black. Is that what you need to hear? You wish you were white? The problem is YOUR SELF PITY is not an excuse. You have trapped yourself inside your own unfounded rage.

Try again cracker. I love me so much I dont want a scared ass cop to put a bullet in me. I know thats racist to you but in case you didnt notice, what you think doesnt matter
just like I stated. There you go!!!
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
there is so much that can be said here, but your not worth my input. you don't appreciate facts.
I would agree but at least he engages
but he doesn't accept the facts. useless discussion at that point. crazy mumbo jumbo full of blame and hate is old and boring.

Your "facts" are because Obama said the word "Change" you thought that meant getting rid of all the debt. How can one start to unpack that dumbassery?
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
there is so much that can be said here, but your not worth my input. you don't appreciate facts.
I would agree but at least he engages
but he doesn't accept the facts. useless discussion at that point. crazy mumbo jumbo full of blame and hate is old and boring.

Your "facts" are because Obama said the word "Change" you thought that meant getting rid of all the debt. How can one start to unpack that dumbassery?
by letting the economy create jobs, instead he blew that up with obummercare. blowed up sir!!!!!

BTW, I don't consider minimum wage jobs as full time jobs. They were never intended for such a purpose. you should learn a little about the economy. It's what I did as a high schooler, as did all of my friends and their friends and so on and so on, we moved up as we became educated and looked for better paying jobs, which aren't available cause obummer shut em down with obummer care.

Welfare from 28% up to 46% for ole obummer, good job, I know that was his goal.
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???

Is it about being unprofessional or a community that wants to coddle and make excuses for criminals' behavior? If black lives matter, where are the mentors and men from among them who are sick of seeing THEIR young people turning to drugs, gangs, and crime? Is it easier to blame the cops than face criminal statistics? When will the real men begin to stand up for themselves, face some responsibility and accountability for their kids?
well they didn't get sworn in to be targets.

I'd rather all bitter whiny cops just turn in their badges immediately. They clearly aren't cut out for the job. We'll all be safer if they do that.
i'd prefer the whiny communities govern their community and stop counting on cops. how about that? The cops have other responsibilities other than baby sitters. So turn in the criminals community or govern yourself. hahaahahahahhahahahaha

Just cut the bitter whiny cops loose. We'll all be safer. If you can't handle your job, than simply move on. I'm not interested in the whining shite. Be a cop, or don't be a cop. It's an individual's decision.

But if you do decide to do the job, just do it. You're getting paid and receiving excellent Government benefits. No one wants to hear all the whining. Period, end of story.
if you feel your neighborhood is unsafe and need 24/7 surveillance, maybe you should move.

Welcome to Third World/Police State America. Things are only getting worse. 24/7 Police surveillance and presence will happen. We'll be like France, Great Britain, and other Western European nations. The Military will be called in to 'Police.' It's inevitable.
I seriously doubt that the Military will be used as a police force.

Unless you wish to see the demise of our Constitution.

In that event you will be wishing for the return of the local Police force.

We are not very tolerant of amateurs firing at us.
Most of the posters here have never experienced this life of crime & depravity. They post about it, both sides, from their pedestals and while they may or may not have good intentions the one thing I notice most is they haven't got a clue.
I've lived the life. Been arrested, assaulted & beat pretty severely more times than I can count. Every single time "I" could have prevented it. Every time.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture. Our police force needs better training imo. Stricter hiring guidelines & perhaps better pay to draw better recruits. That can help weed out the bad hires but at the end of the day you have a criminal element that is dominating many black neighborhoods and no amount of police reform is going to change that. That change has to come from within the community & culture in which it resides. You have to make education & work more appealing & the violent rap culture less appealing. That change starts at home not at the police department.

Well said. We just need to record all interactions with the Police. From the beginning of the confrontation, right up to the court proceedings. I mean, so many Citizens are turning up dead in their cells, after being arrested for minor offenses.

We need to have outside independent sources recording everything. Because video can be edited. The whole process has to be fully transparent to the public. That's the only way to achieve real justice.
The difference being you or I doing the filming.

Excessive Government involvement means surveillance devices mounted everywhere.

Your Police State.

Body cameras and dash cameras are acceptable.

None of us like aggressive and out of control police.

The communities, need to be proactive.

There was a time when the communities had faith and trust in their police forces, at least to some degree.

Violent criminals need to be removed from society.
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

This is exactly what is happening in Chiraq. The communities that need police presence the most like Austin, Englewood, Chatham etc, aka black ONLY areas, are getting what they demand no an officers in sight, no police investigation and forget the police racing to your door of you call them.
Yeah because cops in the past have been Johnny on the spot when they get calls in the hood. It's well known that it takes forever for a cop to show up in a affluent area
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
How dare citizens organize to protest police brutality! HOW! DARE! THEY!
They can protest all they want, go riot shit nope!
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???

What's wrong? you mean all those dead blacks aren't because of the police....well I'm shocked....SHOCKED I tell ya.
Yeah because cops in the past have been Johnny on the spot when they get calls in the hood. It's well known that it takes forever for a cop to show up in a affluent area
Cause it's so safe.

So what will the big change be then? :p

good point....just let em kill their own neighborhoods....cant blame whitey for everything

So, no change then? Cool beans

I guess guys bitch when they come and when they don't......kinda like blacks at Memphis, every server in town hated COGIC......for that very reason....

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