Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

Man, all you white boys expected from Obama was to get rid of the debt, bring the nation together, bring back the jobs that dont exist and go back in time when Bush didnt send people on multiple deployments tiring out our Soldiers.

Gawd, how could he fail that?
What I wanted was no obumer care shit?

I was expecting more jobs, which still hasn't happened. nothing.

I was expecting Less welfare recipients instead of more like we got.

I was expecting more jobs,

I was expecting a balanced budget

I mean, it is a democrats lifelong dream to balance a budget. Dude he failed miserably.

maybe walk across the aisle and negotiate. Zippola especially after the stunt with obummercare.

and, his inability to identify our enemy as radical islam

We have more jobs, you want Obama to make you FEEL like theres more jobs
in what industry? Why is it that we need to raise the minimum wage then?

BTW, the number of unemployed is greater than the statistics cause the aren't counted after benefits run out. You should probably read up on how that works on counts.

Why were you expecting less welfare when we came out of a depression caused by he shall remain nameless
Well if you have more jobs, less people of welfare, instead the number of welfare recipients went up. reason why i know the jobs aren't created.
See point 1

Why? After a depression?

Cause that's success.

Ok, you expected something fantastic and it didnt happen. Your bad

no my expectations as he said so.

Wow...great list. So great you repeated 2 points twice

right, cause it needed to be said twice.[/QUOTE]
You dont know 90% of the problem
I lived 90% of the problem. You did not. You're on the outside looking in but you're ignoring a major art of the problem. You think you have a special tie to police abuse because of your skin color. I'm white and I've endured excessive force but to you it does not count because I am white. You can't solve the problem because you can't get past your own stereotypes

Your white life is not a representation of 90% of blacks life or 90% of any problems. You're a funny guy. I, a black dude, is on the outside looking in and you, the white criminal, knows all about it.

The color of your skin does not give you a unique perspective. Your life experience does. I have lived it, you have not. You are attaching your skin color to a cause, nothing more.

You have lived as a black man and I havent. Thats funny

I have experienced excessive police force, you have not. You are a fraud riding a wave & think you understand the problem because you are black. You're wrong.

Keep assuming champ. Thats all you have because facts dont work for you :2up:
ClosedCaption does not understand the underlying issues that lead to violent police interactions. At all.
He seeks to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on him I guess.

White men are arrested & likely delt with in a harsh manner daily. Sometimes they are even shot. Some die some don't.
Do you think I have some kind of special tie to them because I am white? Or do you think I can relate because I have been in those situations?
I've been tazed. I've been pepper sprayed. I've been beaten while handcuffed. I've been hog tied. I was even brutally beaten at 16 by 3 cops during an attempted escape from a juvenile prison. But you don't see me running around after every white man is shot screaming white lives matter or shouting into a megaphone telling people I want dead cops.
You have endured NONE OF THAT. And yet you think you have a unique perspective that gives you a unique right to speak on the matter.
ClosedCaption does not understand the underlying issues that lead to violent police interactions. At all.
He seeks to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on him I guess.

White men are arrested & likely delt with in a harsh manner daily. Sometimes they are even shot. Some die some don't.
Do you think I have some kind of special tie to them because I am white? Or do you think I can relate because I have been in those situations?
I've been tazed. I've been pepper sprayed. I've been beaten while handcuffed. I've been hog tied. I was even brutally beaten at 16 by 3 cops during an attempted escape from a juvenile prison. But you don't see me running around after every white man is shot screaming white lives matter or shouting into a megaphone telling people I want dead cops.
You have endured NONE OF THAT. And yet you think you have a unique perspective that gives you a unique right to speak on the matter.

You dont understand the underlynig issues that lead to violent ambushes on cops. You seek to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on you I guess.
I lived 90% of the problem. You did not. You're on the outside looking in but you're ignoring a major art of the problem. You think you have a special tie to police abuse because of your skin color. I'm white and I've endured excessive force but to you it does not count because I am white. You can't solve the problem because you can't get past your own stereotypes

Your white life is not a representation of 90% of blacks life or 90% of any problems. You're a funny guy. I, a black dude, is on the outside looking in and you, the white criminal, knows all about it.

The color of your skin does not give you a unique perspective. Your life experience does. I have lived it, you have not. You are attaching your skin color to a cause, nothing more.

You have lived as a black man and I havent. Thats funny

I have experienced excessive police force, you have not. You are a fraud riding a wave & think you understand the problem because you are black. You're wrong.

Keep assuming champ. Thats all you have because facts dont work for you :2up:
Your disdain for law enforcement & hatred of whites calling out black violence speak volumes. You love to pretend that you have an inside track but you don't. If you did, knowing you, you would be shouting your personal experiences in every fucking thread on the subject.

If I had to put money on it I would place you as being raised by TWO PARENTS in a middle class neighborhood because NOTHING you've ever posted has suggested you've had a rough life.
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
They'll police white neighborhoods that don't riot every time something happens. People who appreciate their presence.
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
ClosedCaption does not understand the underlying issues that lead to violent police interactions. At all.
He seeks to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on him I guess.

White men are arrested & likely delt with in a harsh manner daily. Sometimes they are even shot. Some die some don't.
Do you think I have some kind of special tie to them because I am white? Or do you think I can relate because I have been in those situations?
I've been tazed. I've been pepper sprayed. I've been beaten while handcuffed. I've been hog tied. I was even brutally beaten at 16 by 3 cops during an attempted escape from a juvenile prison. But you don't see me running around after every white man is shot screaming white lives matter or shouting into a megaphone telling people I want dead cops.
You have endured NONE OF THAT. And yet you think you have a unique perspective that gives you a unique right to speak on the matter.

You dont understand the underlynig issues that lead to violent ambushes on cops. You seek to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on you I guess.
I understand it completely. The shooters don't value life and will kill just because you wear blue. They don't even value their own lives. And FYI blacks are not the first people to shoot cops or be shot by them so stick your racist reply right up your black ass.
Ok, you expected something fantastic and it didnt happen. Your bad
no my expectations as he said so.

you mean what you thought he said
nope what he said. Change. And there isn't any. The only change is that there now 46% of the population on welfare. whoooo who

Exactly what I said, you took one word to mean a whole bunch of shit. Your bad
nope, I expected change, got none. sorry bub, that's on the guy in charge, not me. CHANGE.
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.
It's a terrible idea because violence has no borders
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Because to your kind, black lives don't matter?
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
there is so much that can be said here, but your not worth my input. you don't appreciate facts.
ClosedCaption does not understand the underlying issues that lead to violent police interactions. At all.
He seeks to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on him I guess.

White men are arrested & likely delt with in a harsh manner daily. Sometimes they are even shot. Some die some don't.
Do you think I have some kind of special tie to them because I am white? Or do you think I can relate because I have been in those situations?
I've been tazed. I've been pepper sprayed. I've been beaten while handcuffed. I've been hog tied. I was even brutally beaten at 16 by 3 cops during an attempted escape from a juvenile prison. But you don't see me running around after every white man is shot screaming white lives matter or shouting into a megaphone telling people I want dead cops.
You have endured NONE OF THAT. And yet you think you have a unique perspective that gives you a unique right to speak on the matter.

You dont understand the underlynig issues that lead to violent ambushes on cops. You seek to dismiss a large portion of the problem because he thinks it reflects on you I guess.
I understand it completely. The shooters don't value life and will kill just because you wear blue. They don't even value their own lives. And FYI blacks are not the first people to shoot cops or be shot by them so stick your racist reply right up your black ass.

Me too the cops dont value life and will kill just because they fear blacks. They dont even value their own lives (Suicides).
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
I'm sorry you were born black. Is that what you need to hear? You wish you were white? The problem is YOUR SELF PITY is not an excuse. You have trapped yourself inside your own unfounded rage.
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Because to your kind, black lives don't matter?
what's his kind? he wants something done about black on black violence, you don't. Who cares more now?
Anyone here have a son or daughter that is a cop?
Personally, letting the bad neighborhoods police themselves is a great idea. Maybe without someone to blame, they can blame themselves if they can't control their own neighborhoods.

Some people do. But all black parents have a child that is black and they cant take off their uniform or quit the race for a safer one.

All a cop has to do is quit, problems over
there is so much that can be said here, but your not worth my input. you don't appreciate facts.
I would agree but at least he engages

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