Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture.

This is how you ignore a problem. Claim that its rare because its not rampant. Thats so comforting. Tell that to the cops who fear for their lives to calm down because of the total picture.

Oh, works in reverse for the cops.. The big picture doesnt exist. If it did you'd tell them stop being Drama Queens because of the "bigger picture"
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
How dare citizens organize to protest police brutality! HOW! DARE! THEY!
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???
I think "doing you're job" takes a back seat to "getting shot by a criminal, or killing a criminal who is trying to kill you and then be put on trial for murder". I mean let's be realistic. Personal preservation will ALWAYS take precedent over anything else. It's human nature.
Most of the posters here have never experienced this life of crime & depravity. They post about it, both sides, from their pedestals and while they may or may not have good intentions the one thing I notice most is they haven't got a clue.
I've lived the life. Been arrested, assaulted & beat pretty severely more times than I can count. Every single time "I" could have prevented it. Every time.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture. Our police force needs better training imo. Stricter hiring guidelines & perhaps better pay to draw better recruits. That can help weed out the bad hires but at the end of the day you have a criminal element that is dominating many black neighborhoods and no amount of police reform is going to change that. That change has to come from within the community & culture in which it resides. You have to make education & work more appealing & the violent rap culture less appealing. That change starts at home not at the police department.

Well said. We just need to record all interactions with the Police. From the beginning of the confrontation, right up to the court proceedings. I mean, so many Citizens are turning up dead in their cells, after being arrested for minor offenses.

We need to have outside independent sources recording everything. Because video can be edited. The whole process has to be fully transparent to the public. That's the only way to achieve real justice.
Suicide in custody is not uncommon.

That is true, but we need an outside independent source recording everything in our jails. Citizens are dying in their cells too often. Something's wrong. The entire interaction with officers needs to be recorded. It's best for all parties involved.
If you are suggesting cameras in the cells you can get lost with that idea.
that would be considered spying on the prisoners. I can't believe that poster wants that?
They have very little left in the way of dignity or humanity or personal freedom. It's bad enough when you're sitting on the shitter and guards walk by but now you want to film it? Fuck that.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture.

This is how you ignore a problem. Claim that its rare because its not rampant. Thats so comforting. Tell that to the cops who fear for their lives to calm down because of the total picture.

Oh, works in reverse for the cops.. The big picture doesnt exist. If it did you'd tell them stop being Drama Queens because of the "bigger picture"
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!

Interesting point. Thanks.
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???
I think "doing you're job" takes a back seat to "getting shot by a criminal, or killing a criminal who is trying to kill you and then to be put on trial as a murderer for it". I mean let's be realistic. Personal preservation will ALWAYS take present over anything else. It's human nature.

I think we just need balance. Both Police and Citizens should be treated the same way. When crimes are committed, they should be punished. No one should be above the law.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture.

This is how you ignore a problem. Claim that its rare because its not rampant. Thats so comforting. Tell that to the cops who fear for their lives to calm down because of the total picture.

Oh, works in reverse for the cops.. The big picture doesnt exist. If it did you'd tell them stop being Drama Queens because of the "bigger picture"
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!
My black neighbors aren't accosted outside their homes. Why is that? Is it because I'm their neighbor? Is it because they took off their "uniform"? Is it because the behave like productive citizens that contribute to their community?
They reap what they sow...

Exactly.........I mean......has anybody ever seen anything more dumb than the BLM movement? I mean.........its profound stoopidness!!!

Offuckingcourse the police are not going to respond to calls now until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the perp(s) have fled!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
How dare citizens organize to protest police brutality! HOW! DARE! THEY!

Yeah, they are saying if you stop complaining about it then it'll go away like magic. When really they are just tired of hearing about certain communities complaining about rights and stuff
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture.

This is how you ignore a problem. Claim that its rare because its not rampant. Thats so comforting. Tell that to the cops who fear for their lives to calm down because of the total picture.

Oh, works in reverse for the cops.. The big picture doesnt exist. If it did you'd tell them stop being Drama Queens because of the "bigger picture"
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!
My black neighbors aren't accosted outside their homes. Why is that? Is it because I'm their neighbor? Is it because they took off their "uniform"? Is it because the behave like productive citizens that contribute to their community?

You want to know why your neighbors arent always accosted when they step outside? Ugggghhh, because I'm referring to America not the set of Mad Max you goofy bastard.
With or without cops Black neighborhoods get a bad ap. And, the crime statistics won't change much either way
You're clueless. CLUELESS. I've lived in & worked in those communities & the "rap" is not only deserved, it is under reported. Which explains why you're clueless

Your biased opinion is duly noted. But I have lived and worked in White communities where meth crack and other drug use is rampant as is other serious crimes. Hardly a cop in sight because all the cops are out trying to extort their revenue from the Black neighborhoods.
so you're saying that the cops from one city drive and police other cities cause there are blacks? Wouldn't that mean there are more cops there then? So now you're complaining that too many cops are there. Wow, which is it?
I wasn't talking about the state police or the County Sheriff, I meant local city cops selectively policing certain neighborhoods in their city more than others. Look, I have no problem with policing hot crime spots. But, As I mentioned before in another thread, put cops in those areas who live in that community and know the people. Give cops incentives such as free middle class quality housing in the worst neighborhoods and vet them for an affinity for dealing with Black people of all classes. Give those selected a higher salary and bonuses for being community leaders in that community. That will build trust and cause far less crime to occur.
why not just hire out of the community as the Dallas Chief stated? They'll take them in? Why aren't the men and women of those communities applying for jobs with the police?
Add the incentives I suggested and watch an avalanche of applications come in.
Personally, i'm just seeing a lot of cops whining about finally being called on their egregious offenses. It's now finally happening. With the advent of video recording, Citizens can now see what's going on for the most part.

However, keep in mind that video is usually seized by the Police and can be edited. Live streaming recording would be the preferred method. It isn't 100%, but it's still an improvement. Recording interaction is best for all involved.
staged crime scenes is what you're seeing. There is no work, so the next best thing is to make money by screwing the cops by staging crime scenes and filming them. When the cops show up, become combative and tape the scene, creative.
Not to suggest there aren't bad shootings or wrongful arrests but those by & large are rare when you look at the total picture.

This is how you ignore a problem. Claim that its rare because its not rampant. Thats so comforting. Tell that to the cops who fear for their lives to calm down because of the total picture.

Oh, works in reverse for the cops.. The big picture doesnt exist. If it did you'd tell them stop being Drama Queens because of the "bigger picture"
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!
My black neighbors aren't accosted outside their homes. Why is that? Is it because I'm their neighbor? Is it because they took off their "uniform"? Is it because the behave like productive citizens that contribute to their community?

You want to know why your neighbors arent always accosted when they step outside? Ugggghhh, because I'm referring to America not the set of Mad Max you goofy bastard.
You ignore 90% of the problem
This is how you ignore a problem. Claim that its rare because its not rampant. Thats so comforting. Tell that to the cops who fear for their lives to calm down because of the total picture.

Oh, works in reverse for the cops.. The big picture doesnt exist. If it did you'd tell them stop being Drama Queens because of the "bigger picture"
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!
My black neighbors aren't accosted outside their homes. Why is that? Is it because I'm their neighbor? Is it because they took off their "uniform"? Is it because the behave like productive citizens that contribute to their community?

You want to know why your neighbors arent always accosted when they step outside? Ugggghhh, because I'm referring to America not the set of Mad Max you goofy bastard.
You ignore 90% of the problem

You dont know 90% of the problem
well they didn't get sworn in to be targets.

I'd rather all bitter whiny cops just turn in their badges immediately. They clearly aren't cut out for the job. We'll all be safer if they do that.
i'd prefer the whiny communities govern their community and stop counting on cops. how about that? The cops have other responsibilities other than baby sitters. So turn in the criminals community or govern yourself. hahaahahahahhahahahaha

Just cut the bitter whiny cops loose. We'll all be safer. If you can't handle your job, than simply move on. I'm not interested in the whining shite. Be a cop, or don't be a cop. It's an individual's decision.

But if you do decide to do the job, just do it. You're getting paid and receiving excellent Government benefits. No one wants to hear all the whining. Period, end of story.
if you feel your neighborhood is unsafe and need 24/7 surveillance, maybe you should move.

Welcome to Third World/Police State America. Things are only getting worse. 24/7 Police surveillance and presence will happen. We'll be like France, Great Britain, and other Western European nations. The Military will be called in to 'Police.' It's inevitable.
and you all have the nerve to state that trump is talking fear and hatred. wow!!!!
Black men can control the environment in which they place themselves via their personal choices. Cops are required to be in that environment.

I noticed you avoided the rest of the post too. Typical

See? You ignored it again. Black men cant control cops and Cops cant control cop killers. They can take off their uniform anytime. Me? I cant take it off.

So I guess its all fair then...unless its the cops. Then its a WAR!
My black neighbors aren't accosted outside their homes. Why is that? Is it because I'm their neighbor? Is it because they took off their "uniform"? Is it because the behave like productive citizens that contribute to their community?

You want to know why your neighbors arent always accosted when they step outside? Ugggghhh, because I'm referring to America not the set of Mad Max you goofy bastard.
You ignore 90% of the problem

You dont know 90% of the problem
oh sure we do.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

the article doesn't say that residents were told to "police themselves".

is there some point you want to make?
You're clueless. CLUELESS. I've lived in & worked in those communities & the "rap" is not only deserved, it is under reported. Which explains why you're clueless

Your biased opinion is duly noted. But I have lived and worked in White communities where meth crack and other drug use is rampant as is other serious crimes. Hardly a cop in sight because all the cops are out trying to extort their revenue from the Black neighborhoods.
so you're saying that the cops from one city drive and police other cities cause there are blacks? Wouldn't that mean there are more cops there then? So now you're complaining that too many cops are there. Wow, which is it?
I wasn't talking about the state police or the County Sheriff, I meant local city cops selectively policing certain neighborhoods in their city more than others. Look, I have no problem with policing hot crime spots. But, As I mentioned before in another thread, put cops in those areas who live in that community and know the people. Give cops incentives such as free middle class quality housing in the worst neighborhoods and vet them for an affinity for dealing with Black people of all classes. Give those selected a higher salary and bonuses for being community leaders in that community. That will build trust and cause far less crime to occur.
why not just hire out of the community as the Dallas Chief stated? They'll take them in? Why aren't the men and women of those communities applying for jobs with the police?
Add the incentives I suggested and watch an avalanche of applications come in.
I think it's a win win.
Good for the cops.

In poor New York neighborhoods, residents ask: Where are the police?
"In recent years, Marcy has had a group of very reliable visitors: the police, who patrol on foot and in cars as part of a controversial "broken windows" strategy that focuses on cracking down on small crimes to prevent bigger ones. Until three weeks ago, they had been an ever-present, highly visible presence in Marcy Houses.

Now, the police have all but disappeared, raising safety concerns among some residents while pleasing others who view the police strategy as oppressive. A reporter saw only one police car on a visit on Thursday.
The shooting of two police officers in their patrol car a block away from the development on Dec. 20 has widened a rift between the police unions and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who they accuse of making anti-police statements and fuelling a hostile environment for police, allegations he denies.

Police department data shows the number of arrests and court summonses has plunged across the city since the shooting. But it is in higher crime areas like Marcy Houses, and neighborhoods such as Mott Haven in the Bronx, that the lower police profile may be of most concern."

the article doesn't say that residents were told to "police themselves".

is there some point you want to make?

He knows what to say to get the rubes going. Thats his point.

They dont even care its a lie, they want to believe it so bad facts dont matter
Well in fairness, no one's forcing anyone to be a cop. If you're unhappy, just quit the job and go pursue another career. Refusing to police is childish and a dereliction of sworn duty. They have a job to do. If they refuse to do it, there should be consequences.
who said? Where does it say they're supposed to respond?

If they can't handle the job, they should just move on and pursue another job. They knew what they were signing up for. We don't need angry bitter cops out there. We already have enough problems. Just do the job, or quit.
spoken like a true progressive scumbag

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