Cops Tell Black Communities to Police Themselves!!!!

Yeah because cops in the past have been Johnny on the spot when they get calls in the hood. It's well known that it takes forever for a cop to show up in a affluent area
Cause it's so safe.

So what will the big change be then? :p
for seven plus years nothing. I expect when Trump wins he will bring manufacturing back to the US and create all kinds of jobs. he will also put the coal miners back to work. obaummer care repealed to open even more jobs that were canceled due to the stupid program.
How professional of them!
You morons think they're all racist and cause more problems than they fix.

Now is your time to prove it without piles of black bodies all over the public streets.
Your media thrives on the news that there have been piles of Black bodies in the streets for decades anyway. So//what is your point?
Do you realize how stupid that reply was? What US media is telling you there are piles of black bodies everywhere?

BLM is the entity claiming cops are killing so many black people. The media is reluctantly reporting local murders that mostly have a black perp and a black victim(and if you actually knew anything about the US media you would also know that race of the people involved in low profile crime are never reported)

Now, my point is that if cops are so racist and killing blacks everywhere, then the cops are doing black people a favor by not making things worse and policing them with so much irrational prejudice.

You are the one that injected the phrase "piles of black bodies in the street." Your context wasn't clear. In response to your silly remark I reified your illusion to connect the media driven impression that Blacks are killing each other by the thousands. Reasonable minded people know that isn't true, but too many of EWE sheep are so gullible you actually believe it. I thought your IQ was high enough to see my sarcasm but I see that you are just as dumb as most RW idiots. I will dumb my posts down for your sake and keep them simpler so that you can understand.

Concerning racism among cops. Yes, it is apparent that there is still a lot of it among the ranks of the guys in blue. But not all of them are cold blooded murderers. Many are just brutal hateful psychopaths who want to humiliate and degrade any Black person they encounter. Others are as hatefully pathological as the former but more deadly. Black life, to them, is unworthy life. Most White cops are reflections of the White communities from which they were spawned. If those communities segregate themselves from Blacks and see them as a can we expect the White cops living among them to be any different?

Make no mistake, Cops are not doing Blacks a favor by being indiscriminately brutal and dead just because of some innate hateful predilection. No American citizen should have to live under such tyranny
How professional of them!
You morons think they're all racist and cause more problems than they fix.

Now is your time to prove it without piles of black bodies all over the public streets.

You mean a year and a half ago was the time. Thats when this article was written
You idiots still blame Bush for the 2016 economy's faults.
We've been chipping away at that devastating economic boulder Bush dropped on the US economy but it was so large that a good deal of it remains after 7 years.
I know right? that obumer dude didn't fullfill his promises. Divided a nation. lost jobs, diminished the military so we're weaker. lost health insurance for millions of people that once had it. dude was special that's for sure. I'd be crying for change to at the DNC convention. you didn't get what you voted for.
How did you become so misinformed? Who told you all of that BS?
Yeah because cops in the past have been Johnny on the spot when they get calls in the hood. It's well known that it takes forever for a cop to show up in a affluent area
Cause it's so safe.

So what will the big change be then? :p
for seven plus years nothing. I expect when Trump wins he will bring manufacturing back to the US and create all kinds of jobs. he will also put the coal miners back to work. obaummer care repealed to open even more jobs that were canceled due to the stupid program.
Some one has been feeding you a load of BS!
How professional of them!

Liberals hate cops so this is what you get. Deal with it!

Agreed. This is how it works. You attack the police, hate the police, and protest police..... ok... no police. Sucks to be you. Better go buy your weapon, and hide your daughters, because the nearest cop is 30 minutes away, and he's going to be taking his time when you call.

Too bad, so sad, should have kept your mouth shut, and done what the officer told you.
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???

Is it about being unprofessional or a community that wants to coddle and make excuses for criminals' behavior? If black lives matter, where are the mentors and men from among them who are sick of seeing THEIR young people turning to drugs, gangs, and crime? Is it easier to blame the cops than face criminal statistics? When will the real men begin to stand up for themselves, face some responsibility and accountability for their kids?
You guys sit around the pool hall or some other male bonding place taking bits and pieces of media driven hate and making it worse.
You don't question your sources or consider that most Black fathers take care of their kids even if they might not be married to the mothers at the time of birth. You just take the propaganda delivered to you on a silver platter and run with it because that is exactly what you want to hear. Many of you probably never have any kind of interaction with a Black person except in a work environment. That makes what Rush, Bill O'Reilly or Hannity say the hate monger's gospel. You are well indoctrinated...
How professional of them!

Liberals hate cops so this is what you get. Deal with it!

Agreed. This is how it works. You attack the police, hate the police, and protest police..... ok... no police. Sucks to be you. Better go buy your weapon, and hide your daughters, because the nearest cop is 30 minutes away, and he's going to be taking his time when you call.

Too bad, so sad, should have kept your mouth shut, and done what the officer told you.

These dumbass Liberals don't understand that cops are the one thing that stands between us and absolute chaos. This reminds me of the movie The Purge. Total anarchy and no one to stop it.
How professional of them!

Liberals hate cops so this is what you get. Deal with it!
Some "liberals" might hate cops but I'll bet you can't prove that MOST of them do. I will also challenge you to be a man and acknowledge that Rogue cops deserve all the hate they generate. If you treat people civilly, they don't hate you. Cops that know and interact with the people in the communities they patrol aren't hated nearly as much as strange cop who comes there with a chip on his shoulder and behaving like an occupying soldier.
This is a good idea .

Complain about the school department . Your kid fails math.

Don't like the IRS targeting tea party ? You get audited !

Complain taxes are too high? Guess your road ain't being snowplowed !

How does that compare to blaming cops for shootings the moment they happen without evidence and calling for Cops to be killed, wheelchair boy.

I know, you're ... Timmy!

You are full of shit . Cops have just shootings all the time and no one says anything .

There have been some shootings , caught on tape , that are highly questionable . Those are the ones that blow up .

And no one of any importance is calling for the shooting of police . Other than some screwballs on the web .

We just buried cops here in Louisiana, none of whom had shot anyone. They were ambushed and assassinated. Here are the words of one:

“Please don’t let hate infect your heart. This city MUST and WILL get better. I’m working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer I got you.”
This is a good idea .

Complain about the school department . Your kid fails math.

Don't like the IRS targeting tea party ? You get audited !

Complain taxes are too high? Guess your road ain't being snowplowed !

How does that compare to blaming cops for shootings the moment they happen without evidence and calling for Cops to be killed, wheelchair boy.

I know, you're ... Timmy!

You are full of shit . Cops have just shootings all the time and no one says anything .

There have been some shootings , caught on tape , that are highly questionable . Those are the ones that blow up .

And no one of any importance is calling for the shooting of police . Other than some screwballs on the web .

We just buried cops here in Louisiana, none of whom had shot anyone. They were ambushed and assassinated. Here are the words of one:

“Please don’t let hate infect your heart. This city MUST and WILL get better. I’m working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer I got you.”

Yeah, that was the Black cop. You wouldn't hear a White Lousiana cop saying that!
So...the better question to try to answer is...what are those communities going to do now? Volunteer to police their neighborhoods themselves? Men and women will step up and take control of what is making their neighborhoods an unsafe place? It should be interesting to see what happens.
How professional of them!

Liberals hate cops so this is what you get. Deal with it!
Some "liberals" might hate cops but I'll bet you can't prove that MOST of them do. I will also challenge you to be a man and acknowledge that Rogue cops deserve all the hate they generate. If you treat people civilly, they don't hate you. Cops that know and interact with the people in the communities they patrol aren't hated nearly as much as strange cop who comes there with a chip on his shoulder and behaving like an occupying soldier.

"Hands up don't shoot!" One dumbass liberal after another perpetuated this lie, even those in Congress. How absolutely pathetic. YOU stand up and be man and admit Mike Brown caused his own death. Most of these guys have a rap sheet a mile long. How about just following the law and when confronted by the police cooperate.
How professional of them!

Liberals hate cops so this is what you get. Deal with it!
Some "liberals" might hate cops but I'll bet you can't prove that MOST of them do. I will also challenge you to be a man and acknowledge that Rogue cops deserve all the hate they generate. If you treat people civilly, they don't hate you. Cops that know and interact with the people in the communities they patrol aren't hated nearly as much as strange cop who comes there with a chip on his shoulder and behaving like an occupying soldier.

"Hands up don't shoot!" One dumbass liberal after another perpetuated this lie, even those in Congress. How absolutely pathetic. YOU stand up and be man and admit Mike Brown caused his own death. Most of these guys have a rap sheet a mile long. How about just following the law and when confronted by the police cooperate.

Why did you bring Mike Brown up? The controversy still rages about that case because of two White witnesses who say Brown had his hands up. I don't want to rehash that case because the court has spoken. That doesn't mean justice was served. What do you say a bout THIS hands up don't shoot FACT?

How professional of them!

Liberals hate cops so this is what you get. Deal with it!
Some "liberals" might hate cops but I'll bet you can't prove that MOST of them do. I will also challenge you to be a man and acknowledge that Rogue cops deserve all the hate they generate. If you treat people civilly, they don't hate you. Cops that know and interact with the people in the communities they patrol aren't hated nearly as much as strange cop who comes there with a chip on his shoulder and behaving like an occupying soldier.

"Hands up don't shoot!" One dumbass liberal after another perpetuated this lie, even those in Congress. How absolutely pathetic. YOU stand up and be man and admit Mike Brown caused his own death. Most of these guys have a rap sheet a mile long. How about just following the law and when confronted by the police cooperate.

Why did you bring Mike Brown up? The controversy still rages about that case because of two White witnesses who say Brown had his hands up. I don't want to rehash that case because the court has spoken. That doesn't mean justice was served. What do you say a bout THIS hands up don't shoot FACT?

Shameful. Just flat out shameful. The cop needs to be fired. And sued. such feelings for Brown. He was a bully and a thug.
They reap what they sow...

You talking about the community or the police ?

You really think that being unprofessional and "punishing" the community by not doing your job is a way to gain the community trust and respect ???

Is it about being unprofessional or a community that wants to coddle and make excuses for criminals' behavior? If black lives matter, where are the mentors and men from among them who are sick of seeing THEIR young people turning to drugs, gangs, and crime? Is it easier to blame the cops than face criminal statistics? When will the real men begin to stand up for themselves, face some responsibility and accountability for their kids?
You guys sit around the pool hall or some other male bonding place taking bits and pieces of media driven hate and making it worse.
You don't question your sources or consider that most Black fathers take care of their kids even if they might not be married to the mothers at the time of birth. You just take the propaganda delivered to you on a silver platter and run with it because that is exactly what you want to hear. Many of you probably never have any kind of interaction with a Black person except in a work environment. That makes what Rush, Bill O'Reilly or Hannity say the hate monger's gospel. You are well indoctrinated...
You typing from a Chicago bath house?

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