Cops: We are leaving

The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?

No. You answered my question just like I thought you would. You automatically believe the families paid for Doctor that did the autopsy, but would suspect a non-bias autopsy that came to the opposite conclusion.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?

No. You answered my question just like I thought you would. You automatically believe the families paid for Doctor that did the autopsy, but would suspect a non-bias autopsy that came to the opposite conclusion.

If two different experts come to contradictory results, then I would question why they came to different results and which one is the correct one.

How is that unreasonable?
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?

No. You answered my question just like I thought you would. You automatically believe the families paid for Doctor that did the autopsy, but would suspect a non-bias autopsy that came to the opposite conclusion.

If two different experts come to contradictory results, then I would question why they came to different results and which one is the correct one.

How is that unreasonable?

Because you automatically concluded that the independent hired Doctors autopsy was Gospel, but now you say that the real independent autopsy would be suspect. You didn't say both should be questionable, only one.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?

No. You answered my question just like I thought you would. You automatically believe the families paid for Doctor that did the autopsy, but would suspect a non-bias autopsy that came to the opposite conclusion.

If two different experts come to contradictory results, then I would question why they came to different results and which one is the correct one.

How is that unreasonable?

Because you automatically concluded that the independent hired Doctors autopsy was Gospel, but now you say that the real independent autopsy would be suspect. You didn't say both should be questionable, only one.

They would both be questionable if they came to contradictory results. Duh.

If they contradict each other, they can't both be correct. Which one is right? I don't know because I'm not an expert. If the experts contradict each other, then I don't know which expert is right or if either of them are right. So the first thing I would do is try to understand why experts in the same field came to completely different answers.

Again, how is that unreasonable?
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?

No. You answered my question just like I thought you would. You automatically believe the families paid for Doctor that did the autopsy, but would suspect a non-bias autopsy that came to the opposite conclusion.

If two different experts come to contradictory results, then I would question why they came to different results and which one is the correct one.

How is that unreasonable?

Because you automatically concluded that the independent hired Doctors autopsy was Gospel, but now you say that the real independent autopsy would be suspect. You didn't say both should be questionable, only one.

They would both be questionable if they came to contradictory results. Duh.

If they contradict each other, they can't both be correct. Which one is right? I don't know because I'm not an expert. If the experts contradict each other, then I don't know which expert is right or if either of them are right. So the first thing I would do is try to understand why experts in the same field came to completely different answers.

Again, how is that unreasonable?

It's not unreasonable. But what you posted is that you fully trust the hired Doctor by the family and not the state Doctor; or at the very least, concluded his or her findings would be questionable. Until I put you in the corner, you never once said that the family Doctor was questionable.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

Murder requires proof, and that proof is not in just yet.

He died under Chauvin's knee and the other officer didn't do anything about it.

The people watching the incident understood that Floyd's life was in danger. Why didn't the other three officers?

We need better officers than that.

I see you avoided my earlier question. Good call on your part.

Which one?

The one where I asked what if the official autopsy reveals Floyd didn't die from the knee on the neck? What happens if he had a heart attack due to over excitement and the drugs he was on? What will be your position then???

I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

Any other hypothetical questions?

No. You answered my question just like I thought you would. You automatically believe the families paid for Doctor that did the autopsy, but would suspect a non-bias autopsy that came to the opposite conclusion.

If two different experts come to contradictory results, then I would question why they came to different results and which one is the correct one.

How is that unreasonable?

Because you automatically concluded that the independent hired Doctors autopsy was Gospel, but now you say that the real independent autopsy would be suspect. You didn't say both should be questionable, only one.

They would both be questionable if they came to contradictory results. Duh.

If they contradict each other, they can't both be correct. Which one is right? I don't know because I'm not an expert. If the experts contradict each other, then I don't know which expert is right or if either of them are right. So the first thing I would do is try to understand why experts in the same field came to completely different answers.

Again, how is that unreasonable?

It's not unreasonable. But what you posted is that you fully trust the hired Doctor by the family and not the state Doctor; or at the very least, concluded his or her findings would be questionable. Until I put you in the corner, you never once said that the family Doctor was questionable.

"But what you posted is that you fully trust the hired Doctor by the family and not the state Doctor"

I didn't say that at all.

They're the experts. It's not my place to question their findings. I wouldn't question their findings because I don't have the background to even begin to understand the complexity in their work.

The only way I would question their findings is by other experts who arrive at contradictory results. That clearly means that at least one of them is incorrect.

I think I've been perfectly clear on this and there's nothing unreasonable about my position regarding your hypothetical question.
. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record
Ray, can you go 5 minutes without making up something laughably stupid? One would not be disciplined for stopping his superior from using excessive force.
Actually, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that happened.
I was never a cop, I was career Army, but I saw several people including myself, face serious retaliation for calling out a higher ranking individual's illegal, unethical, or immoral conduct.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.
Apply for positions in strong red states. They still believe in law and order.....and enforce it.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.
Apply for positions in strong red states. They still believe in law and order.....and enforce it.
Places that aren't full of fucked up people who can't deal with reality, simply don't need much in the way of cops.
Salaries needs to be revisited, here's a prime example:

. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record
Ray, can you go 5 minutes without making up something laughably stupid? One would not be disciplined for stopping his superior from using excessive force.
Actually, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that happened.
I was never a cop, I was career Army, but I saw several people including myself, face serious retaliation for calling out a higher ranking individual's illegal, unethical, or immoral conduct.
I have the exact same experience as a maintainer in the AF and they try and combat that as much as humanly possible. People are killed from unsafe maintenance actions and you still have serious problems when someone of sufficient rank is doing something asinine.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.
Apply for positions in strong red states. They still believe in law and order.....and enforce it.
Places that aren't full of fucked up people who can't deal with reality, simply don't need much in the way of cops.
Where is this utopia that is lacking fucked up people :p
You didn't say both should be questionable, only one.

Here's your issue right here.

I didn't say that. Go back and read the part where you think I said that and read it over a few times.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to question his work? Oh right, nothing.
I would ask why it contradicts the independent autopsy that says he died from asphyxia and go from there.

You criticized my questioning of the family hired doctor, and yet, you say you would be suspect of the state doctors results.
...Oh, and like in 5 years no one has died on our lake because someone was drunk. The cop said, "I don't care if you have a beer in your hand just don't be drunk"
Is that how you want the laws enforced on drinking and driving on the highways? How fucking stupid is that?
You wouldn’t understand you don’t have a boat and you’re a square. I’m high on it too. Boat not a car.
Then you should go to jail before your irresponsible behavior harms another boater.
Funny that he seems to think driving a boat impaired is somehow okay.

What an asinine position to hold.

It's the same "oh, isn't it a lark!" bullshit attitude that a lot of people used to take to drunk driving on the highways 40 or 50 years ago. How many people, how many families, were killed because of such fucking assholes? Unfortunately, it is also the attitude that many people who come here from countries 40-50 years behind in cultural development bring with them. No excuse for someone born and raised here to be so fucking stupid and irresponsible.
You’ve never lived on a lake you ignorant little man
I've never lived in Utah either, but I know the law applies there, stupid.
I live on a lake. Private property private lake.

you should also don’t know people in gated communities drive golf carts drunk. You wouldn’t know because they have cops who will pull you over because you don’t belong clearly by how you are dressed and the car you drive which is?

If you live on a private lake why are cops out in boats?
We asked them to be there. Just don't torment us and give buzzed drivers DUI's. I bet they could give 100 DUI's on any given Saturday.

Oh and I like Ray from Cleveland's comment yesterday. Cops catch a lot of criminals by pulling people over for bullshit. Really? Fuck that Ray. How about we have checkpoints like in Palestine? So any criminals will be caught if they are out on the road. Or how about stop and frisk? Ray is right. We need more of a police state. LOL

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