Cops: We are leaving

It's time to say thank you to the police.

I've always waved and expressed by thanks.

Time to do more.

Black Lives Matters as a group....can go fuck itself.
Did that twice yesterday

Thanked both for risking their lives and apologized for America's idiots
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.
I would quit. Fuck that. It's a terrible job.
Liberals don't understand law and order. We need to deter the criminal element. The ass whoopings given by police were part of that deterrent. Yeah, the cops should resign in protest to the liberal nonsense going on now.

They understand law and order, they just don't like it. Mentally, liberals are like spoiled children. They have to have their way all the time. Like spoiled children, they act out when they don't get their way or something happened they don't like. They have no concept in dealing with problems in a civilized adult way.
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Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Because that's what the media tells you. They don't air stories about unarmed whites getting killed by police. Nobody would care. We whites won't protest or riot. We assume the officer acted out of self-defense and move on to the next story.

The MSM loves to broadcast a black getting killed by police because they draw a much bigger audience to their interest sites, their chat rooms, their news station. It's all about the money. And, if there are protests and riots, the MSM couldn't be happier. They have a story for at least a week if not two or three.

When you draw more listeners and bloggers, you can charge more for advertising. And that's why you only hear when it's a black getting killed by a police officer, and not a white. you make the ASSUMPTION that it simply doesn't happen to white people.
Not only what I see with my own eyes on the news but what I see in person too.

This cop was blocking my car one day. He wouldn't move. God knows how long he was going to make me wait then my cop buddy, his co worker pulled up and he quickly moved his car.

Cops need to stop being dicks. That's not their job. Power corrupts and we see it.

You deny it? THat's why blacks don't vote for you. You can't explain this away. You can only infuriate us more. Keep it up. We need the votes.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.

I live in an area with crime. The great thing about traffic offenses is that it gives the officer an opportunity to check out other things. Several times in the past when an officer pulled somebody over for 8 miles over the speed limit, they found illegal guns, warrants on the driver or passengers, illegal narcotics, suspended drivers licenses, DUI"s. Since the Ferguson effect, the cops seldom pull over anybody anymore. When they used to, those stops acted like a drag net of sorts; getting the bad guys and gals before they had a chance to start trouble in our suburb.
They also lead to high speed chases and death when they could have done it a better way. Or another day. 8 miles over? That's called DWB

You know, many of you think illegal guns is unconstitutional and you should be able to carry any unregistered gun you want. Now you are seeing the sense of registering guns? Interesting.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Because that's what the media tells you. They don't air stories about unarmed whites getting killed by police. Nobody would care. We whites won't protest or riot. We assume the officer acted out of self-defense and move on to the next story.

The MSM loves to broadcast a black getting killed by police because they draw a much bigger audience to their interest sites, their chat rooms, their news station. It's all about the money. And, if there are protests and riots, the MSM couldn't be happier. They have a story for at least a week if not two or three.

When you draw more listeners and bloggers, you can charge more for advertising. And that's why you only hear when it's a black getting killed by a police officer, and not a white. you make the ASSUMPTION that it simply doesn't happen to white people.
Not only what I see with my own eyes on the news but what I see in person too.

This cop was blocking my car one day. He wouldn't move. God knows how long he was going to make me wait then my cop buddy, his co worker pulled up and he quickly moved his car.

Cops need to stop being dicks. That's not their job. Power corrupts and we see it.

You deny it? THat's why blacks don't vote for you. You can't explain this away. You can only infuriate us more. Keep it up. We need the votes.
I do not deny that some COPS are corrupt! Do you deny that some politicians are corrupt? And that includes some black ones! Do ewe deny that criminals are corrupt including some black ones?
Our worthless politicians have dumped all of the hard issues on the cops.....they decriminalize drug use so cops are confronting the same addicts over and over again....they deal with the mentally ill because our politicians don't have the balls to commit them in hospitals....they deal with the homeless because of the failed programs our politicians have come up with.....maybe we should defund the politicians instead of the cops....
Bingo, we have a winner.

Also add to the list, how we allow violent criminals back on the streets after being convicted. Reduced sentences, probation, all that shit needs to stop. We need longer sentences for violent criminals, and no chance of parole or time off for “good behavior”.
You know, many of you think illegal guns is unconstitutional and you should be able to carry any unregistered gun you want. Now you are seeing the sense of registering guns? Interesting.

Registering guns wouldn't matter one bit. The criminals wouldn't register them nor do they buy them from the gun store. They buy them on the black market or steal them from us law abiding citizens. These are the thoughts of the same moron lefties who think "gun free zones" and/or banning guns all together makes sense.

Are liberals capable of putting more than one thought together at a time to come to a logical conclusion? The actions of the current crop of lefties says absolutely not.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Because that's what the media tells you. They don't air stories about unarmed whites getting killed by police. Nobody would care. We whites won't protest or riot. We assume the officer acted out of self-defense and move on to the next story.

The MSM loves to broadcast a black getting killed by police because they draw a much bigger audience to their interest sites, their chat rooms, their news station. It's all about the money. And, if there are protests and riots, the MSM couldn't be happier. They have a story for at least a week if not two or three.

When you draw more listeners and bloggers, you can charge more for advertising. And that's why you only hear when it's a black getting killed by a police officer, and not a white. you make the ASSUMPTION that it simply doesn't happen to white people.
Not only what I see with my own eyes on the news but what I see in person too.

This cop was blocking my car one day. He wouldn't move. God knows how long he was going to make me wait then my cop buddy, his co worker pulled up and he quickly moved his car.

Cops need to stop being dicks. That's not their job. Power corrupts and we see it.

You deny it? THat's why blacks don't vote for you. You can't explain this away. You can only infuriate us more. Keep it up. We need the votes.
You are not going to be satisfied with legislation passed from the now. To many people have been screwed over in the years past. There needs to be an avenue for people to have complaints against the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom and that includes the past. Otherwise there will not be satisfaction. This is not a Prog thing. There are a lot of people who need to get "paid" if no charges are set against current or former employees. And if that means state and local taxes raise appreciably, well do it. These people have even use people in the private sector for their ego driven trysts. Take their money and wealth from them to start. Do to them what they did to others families.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Because that's what the media tells you. They don't air stories about unarmed whites getting killed by police. Nobody would care. We whites won't protest or riot. We assume the officer acted out of self-defense and move on to the next story.

The MSM loves to broadcast a black getting killed by police because they draw a much bigger audience to their interest sites, their chat rooms, their news station. It's all about the money. And, if there are protests and riots, the MSM couldn't be happier. They have a story for at least a week if not two or three.

When you draw more listeners and bloggers, you can charge more for advertising. And that's why you only hear when it's a black getting killed by a police officer, and not a white. you make the ASSUMPTION that it simply doesn't happen to white people.
Not only what I see with my own eyes on the news but what I see in person too.

This cop was blocking my car one day. He wouldn't move. God knows how long he was going to make me wait then my cop buddy, his co worker pulled up and he quickly moved his car.

Cops need to stop being dicks. That's not their job. Power corrupts and we see it.

You deny it? THat's why blacks don't vote for you. You can't explain this away. You can only infuriate us more. Keep it up. We need the votes.

Infuriate you more, like you were going to vote for Trump prior to this?

As I stated earlier in the topic, as a former truck driver, I spent 30 years getting pulled over for no reason whatsoever. Most of the guys were okay, but yes, you will have a few assholes from time to time. Being an asshole right back doesn't' give me any kind of an advantage, in fact it makes it worse.

If you're unhappy with a police officers performance, you can always speak to his supervisor, you can talk with the Mayor or the Mayors aid, if it's in the city you reside, you can always contact your Council person and complain, you can even write to your local paper. That's the civilized way of handling a problem.

Many years ago I got pulled over at the weigh station. The DOT cop started giving me a hard time for no reason. At one point he was screaming at me like a drill sergeant because I was trying to call my boss which his partner instructed me to do, and he didn't know about it.

Yes sir, no sir got me out of that scale house with a minor violation. I knew something more serious was wrong with the truck, but he either didn't see it or gave me a break because I didn't battle him. Because it was state police, I wrote to my state rep about it. He wrote back and said he was taking my complaint to the DOT personally when he went back to Columbus. A week or so went past, and he wrote me back stating not to worry about the asshole anymore. I don't know what he meant by that, but I never saw that guy at that scale or anywhere afterwards.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Because that's what the media tells you. They don't air stories about unarmed whites getting killed by police. Nobody would care. We whites won't protest or riot. We assume the officer acted out of self-defense and move on to the next story.

The MSM loves to broadcast a black getting killed by police because they draw a much bigger audience to their interest sites, their chat rooms, their news station. It's all about the money. And, if there are protests and riots, the MSM couldn't be happier. They have a story for at least a week if not two or three.

When you draw more listeners and bloggers, you can charge more for advertising. And that's why you only hear when it's a black getting killed by a police officer, and not a white. you make the ASSUMPTION that it simply doesn't happen to white people.
Not only what I see with my own eyes on the news but what I see in person too.

This cop was blocking my car one day. He wouldn't move. God knows how long he was going to make me wait then my cop buddy, his co worker pulled up and he quickly moved his car.

Cops need to stop being dicks. That's not their job. Power corrupts and we see it.

You deny it? THat's why blacks don't vote for you. You can't explain this away. You can only infuriate us more. Keep it up. We need the votes.
I do not deny that some COPS are corrupt! Do you deny that some politicians are corrupt? And that includes some black ones! Do ewe deny that criminals are corrupt including some black ones?

It's impossible to have any large group of people without a few bad apples. You have them in Wall Street, in the Fire Department, in the Police Department, in politics, in utility companies, in the Boy Scouts, in the teachers unions, and even the Catholic priests.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to question his work? Oh right, nothing.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.

I live in an area with crime. The great thing about traffic offenses is that it gives the officer an opportunity to check out other things. Several times in the past when an officer pulled somebody over for 8 miles over the speed limit, they found illegal guns, warrants on the driver or passengers, illegal narcotics, suspended drivers licenses, DUI"s. Since the Ferguson effect, the cops seldom pull over anybody anymore. When they used to, those stops acted like a drag net of sorts; getting the bad guys and gals before they had a chance to start trouble in our suburb.
They also lead to high speed chases and death when they could have done it a better way. Or another day. 8 miles over? That's called DWB

You know, many of you think illegal guns is unconstitutional and you should be able to carry any unregistered gun you want. Now you are seeing the sense of registering guns? Interesting.

The only reason they need to go on a high speed chase is if the driver is in some sort of serious trouble. Nobody is going to lead the police on a high speed chase because they only went 8 miles over the speed limit. What I call somebody breaking the law--you call Driving While Black.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.

"None of the officers knew he was being killed."

The guy was pleading that he can't breathe and the onlookers were screaming their concerns as the nine minutes went on. No excuses for those piece of shit former officers.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if not for the cell phone video, all four of them would have gone along with whatever bullshit story they could come up with to avoid getting fired.

Then they would have been charged with also filing a false police report. Like I said, watch the show COPS sometime. Many episodes show suspects cry about not being able to breathe. I think after a while they get numb to the claim. I don't think the other officers believed Floyd, and probably not the cop that was kneeling on his neck. I'd be willing to bet this isn't the first time he restrained a suspect like that. He was on the force close to 20 years.

I'll reserve judgments until the official autopsy report is out and we find out what he died from, and if it had anything to do with the cops knee. The preliminary autopsy showed he had illegal narcotics in his system, several serous health issues, and they used the word "restrained" as part of the reason he likely died, but never said anything about the knee.

They would have been charged with filing a false police report if they got caught, which they probably wouldn't have.

Everyone has watched the show Cops. When someone says they can't breathe, they should evaluate the situation instead of ignoring it. They should also not kneel on the handcuffed suspect's neck for 9 minutes, including 3 minutes after he has gone unconscious. This isn't complicated.

Maybe, just maybe, he's saying he can't breathe because his airway is restricted.
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the officer kneeling on his neck.
Maybe, just maybe, having an officer kneel on your neck for nine minutes is detrimental to your breathing.

Did these thoughts ever go through their minds? They can't plead ignorance, like you're trying to do, because he was clearly pleading for help and onlookers were clearly getting their attention this his life was in danger if they didn't stop kneeling on him. The other three officers did NOTHING while all of this happened and we don't need pieces of shit like that with a badge.

The independent autopsy says that he died from asphyxia.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

And independent autopsy is not an official unbiased autopsy. After all, who paid for that independent autopsy anyway?

How am I being ignorant by saying wait until all the investigations and official autopsy come out before making judgement? The cop might be guilty as all hell, and he may not be. It's not like we're talking about a sober guy here with no health problems. Anything is possible, and the American way is to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I have no horse in this race.

Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd, if that's what indeed killed them. They aren't going to risk their career by assuming the suspect was genuine, and losing their job and perhaps their career over a criminal. If they knew he was killing Floyd, I'm sure they would have done something.

The person who conducted the independent autopsy is more knowledgeable on that subject than you or I. What gives you the authority to think his work is wrong? Oh right, none.

"Again, the officers that were holding down his legs didn't know he was killing Floyd"

He was pleading for his life and onlookers were screaming at them to let him go in fear that he was going to die. Are they blind, deaf, and retarded? I don't see how else they could have been as oblivious as you claim them to be.

Maybe when the suspect is pleading that he can't breathe while their fellow officer is kneeling on his neck for nine minutes, they should fucking do something about it. Maybe. What a crazy concept.

Hindsight is 20/20.

So how many medical experts were in that crowd screaming at the officers anyhow?

Yes, the doctor that did the independent autopsy knows much more about it than anybody here, but his results are suspect given who paid him. That's why an unbiased report needs to come out before I make a decision on right or wrong. But that begs the question: What would you say if the state autopsy shows that he died from something else, and not the knee on the neck? Then what position will you take????

We don't know if any of them were medical experts. As far as we know, they weren't - just civilians. Those civilians had enough common sense to determine that kneeling on a guy's neck for nine minutes while he pleads for his life might mean that his life is in danger.

The civilians understood that. Why couldn't the other three officers???

I know what I saw. Chauvin murdered him. That's why even your fellow conservatives aren't defending them. One of my friends is a police officer and very conservative - he didn't hesitate to call this what we all know it is. Murder.

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