Cops: We are leaving

The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
I would like to see your source for that last assertion. I do not believe it.
It's time to say thank you to the police.

I've always waved and expressed by thanks.

Time to do more.

Black Lives Matters as a group....can go fuck itself.
Thank you. Our nice police came to my house last week. To unlock my car. Because by mistake I had locked the keys inside. that's nice. Isnt It! I thought so.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
I would like to see your source for that last assertion. I do not believe it.

Just google rules of engagement american soldier....A lot depends on where they are and what they're doing.

Like the line for them opening fire in S Korea is different than Iraq. Depends where they are. And probably many other distinctions too.

American police it's as simple as "do you have a reasonable fear for your life? If yes open fire, shoot to kill" I say shoot to kill becasue other nations they'll let you take pot shots at peoples legs or soemthing, not the way it works here. That would imply you weren't that threatened and shouldn't have been shooting in the first place. In theory this should reduce shootings, in reality just makes cops aim for center mass over even the most minimal of threats.

If you applied that standard to Iraq they could just spray anyone who looked at them funny or didn't put their hands where the soldiers could see them. Not how we do things. A lot more reasonable to assume things are a threat in a warzone than downtown chicago.

In some states citizens can use similar standards, but they'll charge you. Zimmerman being the obvious modern example here. And in most states you have a duty to retreat as a citizen outside your own home. Cops don't have a duty to retreat or protect. Just a freedom to do so.
Me; I like our police force.

Never had an issue. Never been one that I can see.

Officers are nice and respectful and kids around here are still taught to respect them.

I need to say thank you more often for being a meaningful part of our community.
Several times in the past when an officer pulled somebody over for 8 miles over the speed limit, they found illegal guns, warrants on the driver or passengers, illegal narcotics, suspended drivers licenses, DUI"s.

Actually, you can't search a vehicle just because it was speeding. Probable cause.
The problem is that they can. I have been targeted for illegal searches before - they just made some bullshit up and there is nothing that you can do about it. That is part of the problem and, unfortunately, a very hard problem to address.
What would have happened if a 17-year-old wasn't recording the George Floyd incident? What would the police report have said?

Does anyone think the police report would have said that Chauvin kneeled on Floyd's neck for close to 9 minutes including 3 minutes after he had gone unconscious? Would the other three officers give statements that they stood by and did nothing while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd?

I'm highly skeptical that anything would have happened if not for a teenager recording the incident. I wonder how many incidents like this happen, without any consequences, when someone isn't there to record it.

The "good cops" are doing a terrible job of reporting the "bad cops" and there is a lack of transparency. Getting rid of police is obviously not the answer, but it's long past time to demand changes to the way they operate. If these ones don't want to be part of the solution, then good riddance.
The police are given enormous cover for their actions. All of that needs to end.

I doubt anything would have happened to the cops either - they would have been given time to work out a plausible story for the report, given every possible cover and nothing would have come of it.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
I would like to see your source for that last assertion. I do not believe it.

Just google rules of engagement american soldier....A lot depends on where they are and what they're doing.

Like the line for them opening fire in S Korea is different than Iraq. Depends where they are. And probably many other distinctions too.

American police it's as simple as "do you have a reasonable fear for your life? If yes open fire, shoot to kill" I say shoot to kill becasue other nations they'll let you take pot shots at peoples legs or soemthing, not the way it works here. That would imply you weren't that threatened and shouldn't have been shooting in the first place. In theory this should reduce shootings, in reality just makes cops aim for center mass over even the most minimal of threats.

If you applied that standard to Iraq they could just spray anyone who looked at them funny or didn't put their hands where the soldiers could see them. Not how we do things. A lot more reasonable to assume things are a threat in a warzone than downtown chicago.

In some states citizens can use similar standards, but they'll charge you. Zimmerman being the obvious modern example here. And in most states you have a duty to retreat as a citizen outside your own home. Cops don't have a duty to retreat or protect. Just a freedom to do so.
So, IOW, you think it COULD happen, but you have no actual evidence that it is in fact the case.
What would have happened if a 17-year-old wasn't recording the George Floyd incident? What would the police report have said?

Does anyone think the police report would have said that Chauvin kneeled on Floyd's neck for close to 9 minutes including 3 minutes after he had gone unconscious? Would the other three officers give statements that they stood by and did nothing while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd?

I'm highly skeptical that anything would have happened if not for a teenager recording the incident. I wonder how many incidents like this happen, without any consequences, when someone isn't there to record it.

The "good cops" are doing a terrible job of reporting the "bad cops" and there is a lack of transparency. Getting rid of police is obviously not the answer, but it's long past time to demand changes to the way they operate. If these ones don't want to be part of the solution, then good riddance.
The police are given enormous cover for their actions. All of that needs to end.

I doubt anything would have happened to the cops either - they would have been given time to work out a plausible story for the report, given every possible cover and nothing would have come of it.

That would be pretty tough to do IF he died from that knee on his neck.
Several times in the past when an officer pulled somebody over for 8 miles over the speed limit, they found illegal guns, warrants on the driver or passengers, illegal narcotics, suspended drivers licenses, DUI"s.

Actually, you can't search a vehicle just because it was speeding. Probable cause.
The problem is that they can. I have been targeted for illegal searches before - they just made some bullshit up and there is nothing that you can do about it. That is part of the problem and, unfortunately, a very hard problem to address.

As a former truck driver, I can testify they searched us every time we got pulled over. In fact they pull you over specifically to search you and they don't have to hide anything. It's even marked on the ticket or warning that the items found defective were indeed from a random search.

If we truly have equal protection under the law, either all vehicles can get searched or they can't; not just be able to search CDL vehicles.
In some states citizens can use similar standards, but they'll charge you. Zimmerman being the obvious modern example here. And in most states you have a duty to retreat as a citizen outside your own home. Cops don't have a duty to retreat or protect. Just a freedom to do so.

The only reason Zimmerman was arrested is because they didn't want to have a riot like we just had that the MSM was trying to start. It was a show arrest to calm the animals. If I shoot somebody in self-defense in my state, there are no charges. They won't even write me a ticket.

Like most states, our law reads that I as a CCW holder can use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. There is no part of the law that says my attacker has to be armed.
The problem is the other officers had nothing to do with Floyd's death. They were only holding his legs down which is procedure for restraining an out of control suspect. In essence, they were arrested and charged for doing their job exactly how they were trained. This is the problem when you're a cop working in a commie city. I hope when they are found not guilty, they sue that city into bankruptcy.

The people watching were screaming at them to let him go. Floyd was pleading for his life.

The other three officers did NOTHING while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd right in front of them.

We need better officers than that.

Being on a police force is like being in the military. There is a chain of command. If a lower ranking officer stops his superior, they would be disciplined and that goes on your record. One of those citizens could have stopped him to, but they would have been arrested and charged.

The murderer was the training officer. Like I said, we need better officers than that.

Obviously the citizens would have been arrested for stopping the officers.

That's what I said. My point however is that these other officers should not have been charged. They were pretty much helpless to do anything. They are assuming the senior officer knows that they are doing. I'm sure if they could have predicted the death of Floyd, they would have done things differently. But I've watched hundreds of episodes of the show COPS (which has been taken off the air) and a lot of irate suspects claim they can't breathe just so they can get a chance at running away.

How much common sense is needed to step up and do something when a guy is pleading for his life saying that he can't breathe?

We need better officers than that.

I don't know what they're teaching those idiots in the academy, but if they can walk out of the academy and stand by and do NOTHING while one of them slowly murders a man right in front of them, then they need to re-evaluate their training program.

We deserve better officers than that. That's ridiculous.

None of the officers knew he was being killed. They see suspects put on the same act all the time. I do agree that the officer should have got off his neck, but if they charge him with murder, and the state doesn't allow the jury to rule on a lesser charge, this guy just might walk free because it really wasn't murder. It was more like manslaughter.
What would have happened if a 17-year-old wasn't recording the George Floyd incident? What would the police report have said?

Does anyone think the police report would have said that Chauvin kneeled on Floyd's neck for close to 9 minutes including 3 minutes after he had gone unconscious? Would the other three officers give statements that they stood by and did nothing while Chauvin slowly murdered Floyd?

I'm highly skeptical that anything would have happened if not for a teenager recording the incident. I wonder how many incidents like this happen, without any consequences, when someone isn't there to record it.

The "good cops" are doing a terrible job of reporting the "bad cops" and there is a lack of transparency. Getting rid of police is obviously not the answer, but it's long past time to demand changes to the way they operate. If these ones don't want to be part of the solution, then good riddance.
The police are given enormous cover for their actions. All of that needs to end.

I doubt anything would have happened to the cops either - they would have been given time to work out a plausible story for the report, given every possible cover and nothing would have come of it.

That would be pretty tough to do IF he died from that knee on his neck.
Not really tbh. Floyd did die because of that knee on his neck. Had that knee not been there he would not have died.

However, there were other circumstances as well. I would venture a guess that virtually every single time there are extenuating circumstances, Those other circumstances are always going to be focused on by the police as a justification.
Several times in the past when an officer pulled somebody over for 8 miles over the speed limit, they found illegal guns, warrants on the driver or passengers, illegal narcotics, suspended drivers licenses, DUI"s.

Actually, you can't search a vehicle just because it was speeding. Probable cause.
The problem is that they can. I have been targeted for illegal searches before - they just made some bullshit up and there is nothing that you can do about it. That is part of the problem and, unfortunately, a very hard problem to address.

As a former truck driver, I can testify they searched us every time we got pulled over. In fact they pull you over specifically to search you and they don't have to hide anything. It's even marked on the ticket or warning that the items found defective were indeed from a random search.

If we truly have equal protection under the law, either all vehicles can get searched or they can't; not just be able to search CDL vehicles.
Maybe, maybe not but I really have not thought on the differences of a commercial driver and a POV all that much. It is worth considering that you have a constitutionally protect right from having your "persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures" and those products in your truck are none of those since they are not yours. You could make a very sound and cognoscente argument if you own your own truck that the police have no right to search it. In a world with civil asset forfeiture though the fourth amendment simply is no longer recognized in any real sense of its purpose. I have had plenty of illegal searches on foot as well. In general, the cops do not bother with probable cause. What they really gauge a search off of is simple suspicion no matter how probable a crime is being committed is.
In some states citizens can use similar standards, but they'll charge you. Zimmerman being the obvious modern example here. And in most states you have a duty to retreat as a citizen outside your own home. Cops don't have a duty to retreat or protect. Just a freedom to do so.

The only reason Zimmerman was arrested is because they didn't want to have a riot like we just had that the MSM was trying to start. It was a show arrest to calm the animals. If I shoot somebody in self-defense in my state, there are no charges. They won't even write me a ticket.

Like most states, our law reads that I as a CCW holder can use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. There is no part of the law that says my attacker has to be armed.
In some states citizens can use similar standards, but they'll charge you. Zimmerman being the obvious modern example here. And in most states you have a duty to retreat as a citizen outside your own home. Cops don't have a duty to retreat or protect. Just a freedom to do so.

The only reason Zimmerman was arrested is because they didn't want to have a riot like we just had that the MSM was trying to start. It was a show arrest to calm the animals. If I shoot somebody in self-defense in my state, there are no charges. They won't even write me a ticket.

Like most states, our law reads that I as a CCW holder can use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. There is no part of the law that says my attacker has to be armed.

Yea in florida it doesn't really matter how you got there....If you're scared you can fire

Basically the same standard as cops so I guess there the reforms don't make much sense. Hahaha

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