Cops: We are leaving

Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol

Your article tag line referenced the finnish


ignore it?

You wanted the data, you got it.

It's overwhelming, lol

Actually, there is nothing overwhelming in the article.

It presents a good focus, but it does not support a lot of your bullshit.


Yea you have no fucking idea what's going on

As proven by your ignorance of these difference in stats. How the fuck could you ever come to teh conlcusion our police are good or bad if you didn't ever look at what other nations do?


Just so exposed here

Fuck off back to rural america pleb.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol

Your article tag line referenced the finnish


ignore it?

You wanted the data, you got it.

It's overwhelming, lol

I didn't read the articles because i know what they say...THere is no way to play with the numbers when you're comparing 0 in britain to hundreds in teh states.

Why don't they kill people? They work under different policy. Those cops lives were in danger. But they didn't' respond with deadly force.

On a population adjusted basis, Finnish police (as per your tagline) kill about 2/3 as many people as the U.S. do.

I don't know their demographics.

Which would be another good thing to look at.

How many killed/where/size of city.

I lived in an area of 750,000 people and in all my time there, no police related deaths.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol

Your article tag line referenced the finnish


ignore it?

You wanted the data, you got it.

It's overwhelming, lol

Actually, there is nothing overwhelming in the article.

It presents a good focus, but it does not support a lot of your bullshit.


Yea you have no fucking idea what's going on

As proven by your ignorance of these difference in stats. How the fuck could you ever come to teh conlcusion our police are good or bad if you didn't ever look at what other nations do?


Just so exposed here

Fuck off back to rural america pleb.

You reach your conclusions based on what you think is there. That makes you a left winger.

As I said, your tagline isn't all the damning and the rest of the article does not present anything all the heinous.

And we get back to "our police" as if they were a monlith. Which is what you are trying to do. Yet your article's main focus is that that is just what they are not.

I think you need to write whoever gave you your four year degree and ask for your money back.

You were screwed.
...Fuck cops. ...Let me say it again, fuck cops. ...
You won't be saying that when you need one. When something - anything - goes south and you are all alone (of course) you will cry for help. You will be sniveling and begging for help and will forget all about talking shit on the internet.
No. I pay taxes so when I need a cop to show up and do what I need him or her to do, I won't be saying fuck the cops.
Which means you are just another empty blow-hard on the internet. Go sit in the corner with the countless millions of poseurs just like you.
Oh you want me to be confrontational and disrespectful to my employees? they work for us remember dummy
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
Gawd, you're a whinny little twat, aren't you?

You say that while you read about cops whining?


"oh no1 is nice to us even tho we act like douche bags"


Simmer down retard.
Are you seriously denying you're a whinny little twat?!

Yea, everyone knows there is no bigger whiners than white trash American males

Just look at all the whining going on in this thread

I'm not whining i'm telling you. You pale old fuck


No one is gonna cancel my ass, i'm too high on the intersectional hierarchy

What do i have to whine about?
He's Greek. So am I. I know many stupid Greek conservative men. You wouldn't believe how many there are. And they all think they are so smart but it's so obvious Rush and Fox own them. I think they have a con gene you are either born with or maybe your parents raised them to be that way.

Some of them are successful businessmen. Some are hard working. Some are really smart at one thing. But a lot of them live at home with their parents their entire lives. They only have money because their parent have money. They rely heavily on mama and baba. I have a Greek buddy who's mid 40's and still lives with mama and baba. Very conservative family.

And most of them are assholes. I don't know if Meathead is a successful greek or a loser one but I know he has the asshole part down. LOL

Meathead, what did or do you do for a living?
The only Greek in you is the pousti. You don't speak Greek, I doubt you ever spent more than a few days there and that you are a citizen. Ay gamisou 're malaka!
It's funny my older nephew speaks greek but not the younger one. His mom and grandmother I remember before he was born constantly asked me why I don't speak Greek. Do you know what I ask them every time I see them? I ask them why Yianni can't speak greek.

And he goes to Greece every year. I only went once for 3 weeks in 1999. I'll never go back. Greece was nice except for all Greeks.
Den exeis psychi. You have no soul.

All you have is the malaka in you and a desperate lack of sense of identity, which is why you identify yourself as Greek even though you aren't.

I have as much respect for thugs, dead or alive, as I do for you.
I’m just as Greek as you. Mom was Greek. dad is Greek. But I’m a Greek American. Most Greeks in Greece are shitheads. It’s a shithole and a conservative like you can’t deny it.

The best greeks left Greece but some of them raised Malaga’s like you.

Lots of greeks are atheist. I even find them at the Greek Orthodox church. You believe that shit? No surprise
Years ago we had a nazi cop on the lake. No life jacket? Ticket. Fire extinguisher expired? Ticket. Going the wrong way? Ticket. Came into your dock too fast? Ticket. Mildly buzzed? A drunk driving! And they would pull everyone over once a year and give you a safety check. Then you could put the sticker on the boat showing you'd gotten the safety check. Made you scared to go out on the lake. This is a great analogy of what's going on in the black community today.
We changed how the police police our lake. The cop now only pulls you over if he sees you doing something really wrong and he hasn't given a ticket yet this year. We told them that's not what we want out on our fucking lake. A dickhead cop trying to ruin lives and make money for the city. Fuck that.
So we can do the same thing with the cops as a whole. Reform what needs to be reformed. If you don't think they need any reforming then you are part of the problem.
Oh, and like in 5 years no one has died on our lake because someone was drunk. The cop said, "I don't care if you have a beer in your hand just don't be drunk"
No reason for a serious cop to be at your lake when it's all white people.
See? The republicans are the racists.
From the link;

"We hire young guys and gals in their early 20s. They have essentially zero life experience. They possess a college degree and have generally lived a pretty smooth life. They haven’t ever been arrested, they have no substance abuse problems, and they don’t have an unreasonable amount of debt.

We don’t hire candidates with criminal histories, mental illness, drug use in their backgrounds, or financial problems. All of that shows poor judgement and we try not to hire candidates with poor judgment.

Our new cops have generally never experienced the crushing loss of a loved one or a friend’s death. They don’t know anyone who is addicted to pain pills or who drinks a bottle of vodka every night to keep the demons at bay. They’ve never dealt with schizophrenia or autism or paranoia. They’ve never been in a romantic relationship that has gone so badly that one party or the other resorts to physical violence.


What do you think cops deal with on a daily basis? Drug addiction. Alcoholism. Mental illness. Crushing poverty. Family problems and dead bodies. Lots of poor judgement.

Because our young cops haven’t directly experienced such things, they lack a certain perspective when it comes to dealing with those problems. Without such perspective, they default to making arrests. Young cop sees a person breaking a law. Young cop arrests the law breaker. Problem solved, at least from the perspective of the young cop. In reality, arrests seldom really solve any problems. But it takes 15 or 20 years of arresting people before a cop realizes that fact."
...Years ago we had a nazi cop on the lake. No life jacket? Ticket. Fire extinguisher expired? Ticket. Going the wrong way? Ticket. Came into your dock too fast? Ticket. Mildly buzzed? A drunk driving! And they would pull everyone over once a year and give you a safety check. Then you could put the sticker on the boat showing you'd gotten the safety check. Made you scared to go out on the lake. ...
What were you scared of? Obeying the law? Sounds like - as usual - greasy little scumbags don't like to obey the law and blame law enforcement instead of taking personal responsibility. If there are laws relating to boating on the lake, follow those laws or stay off the fucking lake. What's so complicated about that?
Over your head stupid. You missed the point
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
...Years ago we had a nazi cop on the lake. No life jacket? Ticket. Fire extinguisher expired? Ticket. Going the wrong way? Ticket. Came into your dock too fast? Ticket. Mildly buzzed? A drunk driving! And they would pull everyone over once a year and give you a safety check. Then you could put the sticker on the boat showing you'd gotten the safety check. Made you scared to go out on the lake. ...
What were you scared of? Obeying the law? Sounds like - as usual - greasy little scumbags don't like to obey the law and blame law enforcement instead of taking personal responsibility. If there are laws relating to boating on the lake, follow those laws or stay off the fucking lake. What's so complicated about that?
We should let the cops murder blacks who break boating laws right? Where you whites would only get a ticket. That’s what’s going on.

point was we can retrain or re guide our police.

they used to waste time busting people for pot. We changed that here in Michigan. Now suddenly blacks aren’t being murdered for smoking pot, when you would jus5 get a ticket, irishman
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.
...Years ago we had a nazi cop on the lake. No life jacket? Ticket. Fire extinguisher expired? Ticket. Going the wrong way? Ticket. Came into your dock too fast? Ticket. Mildly buzzed? A drunk driving! And they would pull everyone over once a year and give you a safety check. Then you could put the sticker on the boat showing you'd gotten the safety check. Made you scared to go out on the lake. ...
What were you scared of? Obeying the law? Sounds like - as usual - greasy little scumbags don't like to obey the law and blame law enforcement instead of taking personal responsibility. If there are laws relating to boating on the lake, follow those laws or stay off the fucking lake. What's so complicated about that?
We should let the cops murder blacks who break boating laws right? Where you whites would only get a ticket. That’s what’s going on.

point was we can retrain or re guide our police.

they used to waste time busting people for pot. We changed that here in Michigan. Now suddenly blacks aren’t being murdered for smoking pot, when you would jus5 get a ticket, irishman
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.
That’s a lie. It’s been shown many time on this board that more whites are killed by cops than blacks! Why can’t you take the damn ticket and pay it?
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

I don't know if what you are saying is true.

Do you have data.
...Oh, and like in 5 years no one has died on our lake because someone was drunk. The cop said, "I don't care if you have a beer in your hand just don't be drunk"
Is that how you want the laws enforced on drinking and driving on the highways? How fucking stupid is that?
You wouldn’t understand you don’t have a boat and you’re a square. I’m high on it too. Boat not a car.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.
Cops aren’t killing bad white citizens. Just blacks.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Because that's what the media tells you. They don't air stories about unarmed whites getting killed by police. Nobody would care. We whites won't protest or riot. We assume the officer acted out of self-defense and move on to the next story.

The MSM loves to broadcast a black getting killed by police because they draw a much bigger audience to their interest sites, their chat rooms, their news station. It's all about the money. And, if there are protests and riots, the MSM couldn't be happier. They have a story for at least a week if not two or three.

When you draw more listeners and bloggers, you can charge more for advertising. And that's why you only hear when it's a black getting killed by a police officer, and not a white. you make the ASSUMPTION that it simply doesn't happen to white people.
I've always admired the police.

I've always had good interactions with them.

I got a ticked once. When the officer handed it to me, I said "thank you". He then thanked me for not ripping into him.

He worked in an upper income part of the city and apparently took a lot of bullshit from people.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.
Everyone else to cops: we will help you pack. Better men and women will replace you.
How about if you catch me speeding just pull up behind me, get my license, flash your lights so I know that I did SOMETHING wrong, then back the fuck away and mail me my god damned ticket.

And when you can get the ticket ... you can swear you weren't driving the car, someone must have borrowed it.

How about a more simple solution ... don't speed.
Why to black people think the police need to reform but do not think they have to be good citizens? Mail you a ticket? Why? You are sitting right there, were pulled over for speeding. Why can’t he write you a ticket and you take it and pay it? That’s what white people do.

I live in an area with crime. The great thing about traffic offenses is that it gives the officer an opportunity to check out other things. Several times in the past when an officer pulled somebody over for 8 miles over the speed limit, they found illegal guns, warrants on the driver or passengers, illegal narcotics, suspended drivers licenses, DUI"s. Since the Ferguson effect, the cops seldom pull over anybody anymore. When they used to, those stops acted like a drag net of sorts; getting the bad guys and gals before they had a chance to start trouble in our suburb.

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