Cops: We are leaving

Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.
In other words, you are saying there is no basis in fact for your claims the police are out of control.

Oh he as a basis.....he found it in Grimm's fairytales.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
What a load of bullshit. The police are not out of control, it is the protesters, peacful and violent, and left wing politicians who are out of control.

Yea uh huh

I'm sure you have a lot of experience with american police to believe that


Where the fuck do people who have never dealt with police get off talking like they know how they act in stressful situations? You don't have any fucking idea, clearly.
So answer your own question, why are you pretending to be an expert on the police?

I'm a racially ambiguous brown man

I assure you i've had many interactions with police, in situations where i was surrounded by whites so I KNOW it was racist.

Which is why i'm not a big fan.

They tend to think i'm a latino or arab. I'm neither
A racist is some on who sees things in terms of race, so from your post, it is clear you see things in terms of race and are therefore a racist, but you have provided no evidence the police see you in terms of race.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.
In other words, you are saying there is no basis in fact for your claims the police are out of control.

Policy alone says the'yre out of control

You don't need to know anythign about their behavior. Just the rule set they work under

Relative to our own military and every other developed national police on the planet, they have way more freedom to do whatever it takes to protect tehir own safety.

Cops in britain often don't shoot guys with knives. THey rush em physically, lol

Because the rules they work under are different

Maybe if you remembered you are a fucking retard next to whatever little shits you grew up with. Nothign changes on the interent. That will make it easier to find your place in a board like this.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.
In other words, you are saying there is no basis in fact for your claims the police are out of control.

Policy alone says the'yre out of control

You don't need to know anythign about their behavior. Just the rule set they work under

Relative to our own military and every other developed national police on the planet, they have way more freedom to do whatever it takes to protect tehir own safety.

Cops in britain often don't shoot guys with knives. THey rush em physically, lol

Because the rules they work under are different

Maybe if you remembered you are a fucking retard next to whatever little shits you grew up with. Nothign changes on the interent. That will make it easier to find your place in a board like this.
From you post
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.
In other words, you are saying there is no basis in fact for your claims the police are out of control.

Policy alone says the'yre out of control

You don't need to know anythign about their behavior. Just the rule set they work under

Relative to our own military and every other developed national police on the planet, they have way more freedom to do whatever it takes to protect tehir own safety.

Cops in britain often don't shoot guys with knives. THey rush em physically, lol

Because the rules they work under are different

Maybe if you remembered you are a fucking retard next to whatever little shits you grew up with. Nothign changes on the interent. That will make it easier to find your place in a board like this.
From your post, it is clear you know nothing about police policies in the US. A definition of bigotry is holding strong opinions that are not based on facts, and in post after post, you show us strong opinions not based on facts, that is, bigotry.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.
In other words, you are saying there is no basis in fact for your claims the police are out of control.

Policy alone says the'yre out of control

You don't need to know anythign about their behavior. Just the rule set they work under

Relative to our own military and every other developed national police on the planet, they have way more freedom to do whatever it takes to protect tehir own safety.

Cops in britain often don't shoot guys with knives. THey rush em physically, lol

Because the rules they work under are different

Maybe if you remembered you are a fucking retard next to whatever little shits you grew up with. Nothign changes on the interent. That will make it easier to find your place in a board like this.

There is no standard as to what is in control or out of control.

You continue to make statements with no greed upon benchmarks for comparison.

4 year degree indeed......

Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol
The police make damn sure that no such numbers exist.

Those "metrics" are part of the problem with the corrupt city leaders and the police and teachers union.. Can't FIRE a teacher in NYCity... They put them large buildings to play Candy Crush all day long and rack up salaries/pensions.. Pretty much the same with police.. Bernie Kerak said that ONLY 1% of citizen complaints against police ever results in disciplinary action.. Because those records are SEALED... And they are sealed by JOINT AGREEMENT between the city leaders and the police union...,

There is NOTHING the majority of proud responsible cops can DO to buck their unions or reform the "internal affairs" of their depts...

This goes to CITY LEADERSHIP and their FIXATION on trivial political crusades against plastic, smokers, Global Warming, Sanctuary cities, No "military zones", no "pet stores" -- AD NAUSEUM... While those Dem cities are just ONE BAD decision away from burning down their cities in anger BECAUSE of incompetent, ARROGANT government that is not FOCUSED on "customer service"....

Dont HAVE those problems in Hillbilly Hollywood.. Our city leaders RUN THE FUCKING CITY.. Keep their noses OUT of senseless political statements and have a "user friendly" interface to the justice system...


But there are numbers out there that are very general that would be helpful....just not to the left.

Several articles quote 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 arrests every year. In a population of 330,000,000.

Some say that there are nearly 250,000,000 interactions every year.

And one of them was George Floyd.

And now we have to reform the police.

Does not add up.

Those are "top down" numbers. If Fedex relied on "top down" numbers to measure their efficiency, they could "loosen up" quite a bit and not face customer dissatisfaction..

There are other "top down" numbers we have NATIONALLY.. Like the 41 UNARMED people killed by police last year --- OF WHICH -- about 40% were black.. Or the MUCH higher number of cops killed predominantly by blacks..

The problems tho are LOCAL and not national.. And they ARE predominantly big blue city issues.. Lots of discussion could be had on why this IS -- but my feeling is they have OVER-BLOATED bureaucracies and lesser qualified people working the "public interface" issues in the justice system..

And it's NOT the Police Chiefs and cops that are solely at fault.. It's those same mammoth minions of morons in the bureaucracy setting priorities that CAUSE questionable police actions. Or not having accurate warrants and criminal records. Or HOBBLING the police by now DECRIMINALIZING a large list of crimes, no bail releases, or not having the political will to go after the gangs and parole violations that cause communities to suffer... Or the stifling effect of Police unions on "internal review"...
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol

Your article tag line referenced the finnish
The police make damn sure that no such numbers exist.

Those "metrics" are part of the problem with the corrupt city leaders and the police and teachers union.. Can't FIRE a teacher in NYCity... They put them large buildings to play Candy Crush all day long and rack up salaries/pensions.. Pretty much the same with police.. Bernie Kerak said that ONLY 1% of citizen complaints against police ever results in disciplinary action.. Because those records are SEALED... And they are sealed by JOINT AGREEMENT between the city leaders and the police union...,

There is NOTHING the majority of proud responsible cops can DO to buck their unions or reform the "internal affairs" of their depts...

This goes to CITY LEADERSHIP and their FIXATION on trivial political crusades against plastic, smokers, Global Warming, Sanctuary cities, No "military zones", no "pet stores" -- AD NAUSEUM... While those Dem cities are just ONE BAD decision away from burning down their cities in anger BECAUSE of incompetent, ARROGANT government that is not FOCUSED on "customer service"....

Dont HAVE those problems in Hillbilly Hollywood.. Our city leaders RUN THE FUCKING CITY.. Keep their noses OUT of senseless political statements and have a "user friendly" interface to the justice system...


But there are numbers out there that are very general that would be helpful....just not to the left.

Several articles quote 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 arrests every year. In a population of 330,000,000.

Some say that there are nearly 250,000,000 interactions every year.

And one of them was George Floyd.

And now we have to reform the police.

Does not add up.

Those are "top down" numbers. If Fedex relied on "top down" numbers to measure their efficiency, they could "loosen up" quite a bit and not face customer dissatisfaction..

There are other "top down" numbers we have NATIONALLY.. Like the 41 UNARMED people killed by police last year --- OF WHICH -- about 40% were black.. Or the MUCH higher number of cops killed predominantly by blacks..

The problems tho are LOCAL and not national.. And they ARE predominantly big blue city issues.. Lots of discussion could be had on why this IS -- but my feeling is they have OVER-BLOATED bureaucracies and lesser qualified people working the "public interface" issues in the justice system..

And it's NOT the Police Chiefs and cops that are solely at fault.. It's those same mammoth minions of morons in the bureaucracy setting priorities that CAUSE questionable police actions. Or not having accurate warrants and criminal records. Or HOBBLING the police by now DECRIMINALIZING a large list of crimes, no bail releases, or not having the political will to go after the gangs and parole violations that cause communities to suffer... Or the stifling effect of Police unions on "internal review"...

If you mean they are national totals, I would agree. It does point out that there are a huge number of transactions that don't result in a guy dying because of police brutality.

41 people killed by police.

18,000 killed by drunk drivers (and how many maimed) ?

Really...41 is a crisis.

I mentioned the bell curve. This is at 20 sigma. Does not register.

Agreed on the rest of the analysis. And it is worth discussing.

But I am not interested in a discussion where the police are presumed guilty from the start.

Which what these morons are doing.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol

Your article tag line referenced the finnish


ignore it?

You wanted the data, you got it.

It's overwhelming, lol

I didn't read the articles because i know what they say...THere is no way to play with the numbers when you're comparing 0 in britain to hundreds in teh states.

Why don't they kill people? They work under different policy. Those cops lives were in danger. But they didn't' respond with deadly force.
The same people who are going to stop thugs and looters. You think inner cities are shitholes now? Stay tuned.
Oh no, police will stop murdering people in inner cities. That's really going to make them shitholes :rolleyes:

Pretty dense if you dont realize that NO POLICING means MORE murder in those predominantly big blue cities... GO FOR IT !!! Let your Antifa and BLM stand-ins provide all the security you need.,,, You'll LOVE THEIR accountability and ethics and procedures... Moron...
Last edited:
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.

They're called rules of engagement

You can google the militaries code, it's complicated. Not something i'm expert enough to comment on

For domestic police it's simple. Do you feel scared for your own personal safety/ Open fire

There are no fuckign rules of engagement beyond protect thyself

I asked for metrics.

You ever hear of a bell curve ? What does it tell you about police.

Let's see your numbers that show 10% or 20% of all cops are bad.

Let's see your numbers that show that 10% or 20% of all engagements end like George Floyd.

Cause if you are out at 3 sigma and are still making statements like yours......forget it.

You don't have a case.

Yea let me pull analogous metrics from our domestic situation (which we have no good national policing data anyway)

And compare it to a warzone

You're a dumbass, shut teh fuck up

"there are no bad pigs"

Says teh old white What teh fuck do you know about police/ And 40% domestic violence rate says you know a lot of bad pigs they just treat you fine.

Shut the fuck up retard. Anyone with sense understands this. We do not put the same burdens on cops as we do people in fucking warzones full of foreigners.

Enough said

You are the one that compared it to a war zone you dimwit. And compared cops to soldiers. And then admitted the obvious- that you don't know enough about it to comment on it.

But did anyway.

Calm down, Karen.

Why is me comparing them in this context a problem for you?

Reality hurts?


You see it all the time where a soldier is shocked at what pigs can get away with. They're thinking to themselves "i couldn't do that to a fucking iraqi"

You may not like the comparison. But it's obvious.

We can say they're not comparable when pigs have more restrictions than people we send to war with our enemies not less.

You can compare them, just not the fuckign metrics. low born ****

Nothing is obvious.

You are dancing around the issue.

You can't compare metrics....but you can draw conclusions.

Why don't you go to Montana in January.....

Step outside in your bathing suite on a sunny day.

After all sunny is the summer....but it works.

Go for a walk and let us know how long you last.

Why you think the two are mutually exclusive i have no idea

This is why liberals recommend a 4 year degree

Maybe you'd be familiar with these sorts of discussions instead of whatever low born life you've lived that hasn't prepared you for this conversation

Say what you want about indoctrination, better than the ridiculous shit that comes out of some of your mouths.

Remember your place in this nation. It's not to be discussing public policy at dinner parties, clearly

This is so ironic.

You lecturing someone about "these kinds of disucssions" meaning discussions with accusations and conclusions but no data. .....that is so funny.

They you comment on four year degree.


I discuss public policy all the time. And I generally look to people to provide facts and information when they suggest things "need changing".

I am sure the dinner parties you attend are good when Chef-boyardee is served. If you are lucky, it's hot.

My place in this nation is pointing out that morons like you won't be unchallenged in your unhinged approach to things.

Not everything has a good data set retard


Had you gone to college you'd know that

It just means we don't have good data. Not a discussion can't be had. Not that complex really. I'm starting to see why you didn't go get a bachelors

We don't have any good data on national policing...yet look at this board.

Yes, I have been looking at the board. It is filled with morons like you who spout off based on something you "think" "might" be true.

You can't produce the standards or the metrics, but somehow you know.

And if you don't have good data, you reach a conclusion anyway.

You'd make a hell of a doctor.

What was your four-year in ? Asshattery.

But here is your chance.

Why don't you, as logically as possible (I get that is asking a lot), try to define your argument.

Uh huh

It is true

Policy is above board and easy to compare.

The worst comparison is with our own military.

Our cops dont' compare well to western European police either....It is a fact

You just can't combine stats anyway you want. You fucking dolt.

Again KNOW YOUR PLACE. You weren't clever enough to win your fucking spelling bee. Much less comment on public policy

Policy of what kind ?

Do you have data that compares our police to western European police ? Please share how you got to "it is a fact".

I'll keep an open mind.

I work with statistics every day of the week in my job. So, I don't know that I need any advice from a dataless moron like yourself.

My place is here pointing out what a worthless use of human cells you are.

There is so much data that says western euroepean police behave better

But western europeans outside swizterland are not armed like us.

You want that data?

I didn't even bother reading it but the gap is so huge here you go

Western Euro cops kill basically no one next to American cops.

A much better comparison is our military. They're in a warzone and have stricter rules to pull triggers

Hello moron,

I don't see the reference to Finnish police in the article......didn't look to hard since you didn't bother to read it.

America is 67 times larger than Finland in terms of was there a point you meant to make.

While you are a moron, the article does point out some things of interest.

It does lack any kind of "standard" though so you are still devoid there.

And, in general, I don't see that it paints a bad picture.

Just one video should tell you everything you need to know

This is why police in Britain have killed no one while we kill hundreds

And Finland isn't part of western europe, lol

Your article tag line referenced the finnish


ignore it?

You wanted the data, you got it.

It's overwhelming, lol

Actually, there is nothing overwhelming in the article.

It presents a good focus, but it does not support a lot of your bullshit.

The same people who are going to stop thugs and looters. You think inner cities are shitholes now? Stay tuned.
Oh no, police will stop murdering people in inner cities. That's really going to make them shitholes :rolleyes:

Pretty dense if you realize that NO POLICING means MORE murder in those predominantly big blue cities... GO FOR IT !!! Let your Antifa and BLM stand-ins provide all the security you need.,,, You'll LOVE THEIR accountability and ethics and procedures... Moron...

I think it would be great if some of those cities did away with police. What an experiment.

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