COPS: “You’re on your own” before police arrive


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Mar 8, 2013

COPS: “You’re on your own” before police arrive

[ame=]Police Nationwide Say "You're On Your Own" @Project_Veritas - YouTube[/ame]​

Project Veritas has hit another home run with a new powerhouse video out of an undercover reporter asked police officers in a number of New York State communities (and a few outside NY State) what he’s supposed to do between the time he would call 9-1-1 for help and the time cops show up.

They all agreed he was on his own.

Cops’ advice for what to do in that interim period of time before they arrive?

They tell the 63-year-old reporter to scream, make noise and flee the house.

“You lock your doors and hope nothing happens,” one cop told the reporter.

Asked how long their response time is, the cops admit their response time can be a half-an-hour or more, and far from reliable.


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COPS: ?You?re on your own? before police arrive |
project veritas...

ironic name

Ther only way a namby pamby liberal changes it's ideology is when they themselves are placed in positions of the victim. They suddenly become in favor of gun rights for themselves. See Senator Diane Feinstein and her Concealed Carry Gun permits.
what are they trying to prove with this - that the police aren't omnipresent?

no shit.

so what's the takeaway?
You'd think the cops would have a better answer than that. They should refer to neighborhood watch or something about getting along with one's neighbors.

They sound rather cold, distant, and paranoid. It makes you wonder where the culture is behind the rule of law they enforce.
Well Hell. Thats what my shotgun is for. To hold the fort till the police arrive.

No problem. If any of the bad guys get shot in the interim?? Oh well. Sorry bout their luck.
Well Hell. Thats what my shotgun is for. To hold the fort till the police arrive.

No problem. If any of the bad guys get shot in the interim?? Oh well. Sorry bout their luck.
You are not Judge, Jury and Executioner! Everyone have "rights" in America including visitors in your home! :evil:

You should drop, cover head and wait for Police!
the assumption that all home intruders are murderous berzerkers is an erroneous one.
I was once asked if I would give a warning shot to someone breaking into my house.

My answer...

"Only if you count a "miss" as a warning shot."
what are they trying to prove with this - that the police aren't omnipresent?

no shit.

so what's the takeaway?

That's the point.

It takes several minutes for the police to respond in cities depending on traffic. I live 25 milies from the nearest large city. The town I live in is made up of 500 people. No police force and dependent on the State police. Response time in the summer time is anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. We've recently had several home invasions in the area. Try to take my guns and I'll give them to you muzzle first.

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