CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Under Oath Over Remarks About Immigrants

Does Lemonade Stand count as a restaurant? A paper route as a business? :D
Liberal Hispanic judge in the most liberal jurisdiction in the country (DC), nope she is a partisan biased judge. No way Jose!

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Does Lemonade Stand count as a restaurant? A paper route as a business? :D

Sure, so make that I've owned seven businesses ...

The longer conversations with you go on, the deeper into adolescence you decend
Does Lemonade Stand count as a restaurant? A paper route as a business? :D

Sure, so make that I've owned seven businesses ...

The longer conversations with you go on, the deeper into adolescence you decend
I'm practicing for my second childhood. It'll take another ten years to reach my second adolescence.

Too bad you didn't make enough money off those "businesses" to buy a sense of humor.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

It's an open and shut case. Either he complied with the contract or he didn't, and he obviously didn't. Whatever Trump said is irrelevant.

Easy to see you don't work in Contract law...

We don't know what is in the contract but I am sure saying some thing publicly to negatively affect the business could be in there.

Put a bet, Trump will back down.

The fact that douche bags like you don't like Trump does not legally equate to "negatively affecting his business."
So a Spaniard who legally came to the US is suing Trump for saying something about Mexican illegals and broke a contract to be a chef in a high end eatery.

Only in lib land does this make Trump the bad person.
Don't be a fucking idiot. This is what Trump said:

When Mexico sends it's people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," he said.

Where are illegals mentioned? And it says "WHEN MEXICO SENDS IT'S PEOPLE". Clearly, he is saying the entire country of Mexico is somehow attacking us. Duh! You have to explain even the most obvious to these people. They only hear what they want. Not what's "right there".
An entire section of his speech dedicated to illegal immigration and somehow you were still unable to follow it. It's not really all that surprising, you don't comprehend much.
Exactly, it was the machinations of the DNC that force Wasserman-Schultz to resign that defeated him, not Clinton.
Bernie ran against Democrats in the Democratic primaries. Losing proposition
Bernie joined the party in order to run just as Trump joined the other party in order to run; the difference was the Republican primaries were fair and democratic but the Democratic primaries were not and haven't been since the process was changed in the 1970's specifically to prevent another candidate like George McGovern or Bernie from winning.

You're against Democrats making rules for their own primaries? You do know the primaries are party primaries and not general elections?
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.

Terrible? Are you high? He has won over 90% of the suits he is involved in. Most of which he filed.
You call settling winning? Are you a Trump-bot?
Not seeing how trumps comments are relevant to a breach of contract by someone else. Not even seeing why he would have to testify to prove his case.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Is this like your promise Trump would have to go to court on his fake rape case and Trump U. ?

More Calling Wolf nonsense

just right wing gossip corner?

Andres suggested in a tweet on Tuesday that the two sides wrap up the lawsuit and donate money to a veterans’ group instead. “Why keep litigating? Let’s both of us win,” he said.
This has nothing to do with what the parties said to each other. It's what Trump said in a campaign speech.
Like the Civil War was about slavery? Sorry, M'am, but bullshit. Like slavery in the Civil War, politics is only tangential to the actual case.

While the Chef's quitting was certainly political, the bottom line here is 1) is he in breach of contract and 2) If so, is his breach worth $10,000,000?
The chef claims that Trump saying that Mexico sent us rapists and criminals affected the business which entitled the chef to breach the contract.

It is a very poor argument.
This has nothing to do with what the parties said to each other. It's what Trump said in a campaign speech.
Like the Civil War was about slavery? Sorry, M'am, but bullshit. Like slavery in the Civil War, politics is only tangential to the actual case.

While the Chef's quitting was certainly political, the bottom line here is 1) is he in breach of contract and 2) If so, is his breach worth $10,000,000?
The chef claims that Trump saying that Mexico sent us rapists and criminals affected the business which entitled the chef to breach the contract.

It is a very poor argument.
that was the excuse; it was bad will versus goodwill. he is not claiming he did not breach that contract, he merely gave, mitigating circumstances.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

The chef is already backtracking and saying he's willing to drop his suit if Trump drops his. He broke contract and he'll lose.

I agree. The part I don't get is the damages though. Trump will have zero difficulty lining up someone who doesn't cloud doing business with their politics

Depends. If Trump remodeled and customized the space to suit the tenant, then he is out money. Many commercial real estate management companies do this to get leases. Then there are the offers that were turned down after this gimp signed the contract. Attracting tenants isn't just a matter of having your 10 year old paint and hang a sign on the door in these places. I can find $10 mil easy, probably more. And, the place is sitting empty while the dispute rolls on, in a court presided over by a Judge with a serious conflict of interest involved.

In any case I've never heard of lease contract that has a clause in it saying some gimp can break it because somebody said something he didn't like somewhere in a speech, so yeah, this is just political thuggery and harassment, something all the Democrats here clearly support and endorse.

In other news the Democratic Party and its hired BLM street gang can chalk up yet another victory and dance for joy, as another police officer was shot in the head in Washington state, another fun political activity so dear to their 'Cause'. They're all disgusting vermin, so no need to humor any of them about anything any more.

I realize what you are saying, I guess my impression was that Trump wasn't just suing to recoup direct costs. If the guy didn't pay that to Trump, he really is an idiot. I don't see why Trump would need to be disposed for that, it would be an open and shut case where the moron who thinks Mexicans can't commit murder or rape would lose.

Maybe Trump is suing for loss of revenue or something more extensive. Those are more the types of damages I was wondering about.

As for breach of contract, absolutely, the guy breached the contract and butt hurt isn't typically an out in a contract. It becomes then a question of making Trump whole.

BTW, I've owned five businesses including a restaurant. Everything you said it true. Just discussing it

You always ask for more than you think you will end up getting, and there is the possibility there was an even bigger loss but they went with they thought the guy could actually afford to pay based on what they know of his history and credit, which he would have had to show in order to apply for the lease in the first place. I don't know and don't care what the particulars are in this case, just that it's blatantly obvious this is just grandstanding on the part of a political appointee and some guy who wants publicity.
This has nothing to do with what the parties said to each other. It's what Trump said in a campaign speech.
Like the Civil War was about slavery? Sorry, M'am, but bullshit. Like slavery in the Civil War, politics is only tangential to the actual case.

While the Chef's quitting was certainly political, the bottom line here is 1) is he in breach of contract and 2) If so, is his breach worth $10,000,000?
The chef claims that Trump saying that Mexico sent us rapists and criminals affected the business which entitled the chef to breach the contract.

It is a very poor argument.

Yes, he apparently wants to claim sending illegal alien rapists and killers back would reduce his customer base; he's just too dumb to know that is what he's doing here. lol great point!
This has nothing to do with what the parties said to each other. It's what Trump said in a campaign speech.
Like the Civil War was about slavery? Sorry, M'am, but bullshit. Like slavery in the Civil War, politics is only tangential to the actual case.

While the Chef's quitting was certainly political, the bottom line here is 1) is he in breach of contract and 2) If so, is his breach worth $10,000,000?
The chef claims that Trump saying that Mexico sent us rapists and criminals affected the business which entitled the chef to breach the contract.

It is a very poor argument.

Yes, he apparently wants to claim sending illegal alien rapists and killers back would reduce his customer base; he's just too dumb to know that is what he's doing here. lol great point!
it is about politics; Mr. Trump was being, political. There are political consequences. It is not about the money.
The chef claims that Trump saying that Mexico sent us rapists and criminals affected the business which entitled the chef to breach the contract.

It is a very poor argument.
Agreed. Depending upon the details of his contract, he could be held in violation of that contract. I asked someone else to post it, but they never got back to me.

A second part of this is, if the chef is found in breach of contract, how much does he owe Trump? The full $10M, something less?, something more?
I think Mr. Trump should switch to drugs, and marijuana in particular. He may get faster results growing plants, than litigating in Court.

Well, it's become almost impossible to collect judgements for the most part re the vast majority of the Unwashed out here, but Trump has the means to collect, at least partially.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Love to see the left desperately flailing about in the throes of severe butthurt.

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