Coronavirus ! common sense tells us China is not telling the truth !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
weve all heard the reports from China that around 650 deaths are attributed to the Coronavirus but common sense should tell us that the numbers are much much higher ! think about it ..China is a country of 1.5 billion people ! common sense would tell you that in a country with that many citizens thousands of deaths and births happen probably every day ! with that in mind an extra 650 deaths in a few weeks should not be a problem for them to handle ! but anyone can go on line and see video and pictures of hospitals packed with body bags in hallways and in emergency rooms and other places ! a country that large that deals with probably 3 times as many sick or terminally ill patients as the US does should not have body bags everywhere with 650 deaths ! i have a bad feeling that in a few weeks or maybe less the top story on everyone's mind will not be impeachment and politics dems vs republicans and other things ..i'm afraid that Coronavirus will overshadow anything else going on ! somethings up folks !...and it looks bad indeed ! download (2).jpg
The Chinese aren't the only ones with data on the Virus. There are a few dozen cases outside of China. Australians and Americans have gene sequenced the 2019 CV virus. We know the mortality rate is low, less than 3%. We know the R0 is between 2 and 3, very low when compared to something like Measles with an R0 of 15. We know the transmission method and that masks, properly worn, are an effective deterrent.

The bad news is, transmission seems to be possible before infected patients are symptomatic. But, as China has been effectively contained, the chance of widespread global infection is low.
The Chinese aren't the only ones with data on the Virus. There are a few dozen cases outside of China. Australians and Americans have gene sequenced the 2019 CV virus. We know the mortality rate is low, less than 3%. We know the R0 is between 2 and 3, very low when compared to something like Measles with an R0 of 15. We know the transmission method and that masks, properly worn, are an effective deterrent.

The bad news is, transmission seems to be possible before infected patients are symptomatic. But, as China has been effectively contained, the chance of widespread global infection is low.
i hope you are right ! but somethings up with all the deaths in China ! is this virus more contagious than any thing weve seen ? 3% could add up if millions are infected !
The conavirus is no more lethal than the Flu. It is serious business for the same populations - elderly and lung-compromised.

This epidemic is no big deal.

Look at the DOW. The initial over-reaction has been corrected.

Anecdote: I misplaced my favorite brown leather jacket and am in mourning. A couple weeks ago i was flipping through stuff and saw a picture of a nice brown leather jacket. I clicked on it, and it was something like $60, so I ordered it.

Three days later I got an email advising me that because of the Chinese New Year and the conavirus, they wouldn't ship it out for a couple weeks. Should I quarantine the jacket when it comes? Hold my breath when I take it out of the package? Cancel the order?
The Chinese aren't the only ones with data on the Virus. There are a few dozen cases outside of China. Australians and Americans have gene sequenced the 2019 CV virus. We know the mortality rate is low, less than 3%. We know the R0 is between 2 and 3, very low when compared to something like Measles with an R0 of 15. We know the transmission method and that masks, properly worn, are an effective deterrent.

The bad news is, transmission seems to be possible before infected patients are symptomatic. But, as China has been effectively contained, the chance of widespread global infection is low.
i hope you are right ! but somethings up with all the deaths in China ! is this virus more contagious than any thing weve seen ? 3% could add up if millions are infected !

Actually, the virus isn't that contagious. It's still not even up to SARS levels of fatality. R0=2 means that for every infected person, 2 are likely to become infected by contact with that infected person without isolation precautions. A person with Measles will mostly likely infect 15 people through contact.

China has been isolated and travel is now highly restricted. I think we can breathe pretty easy at this point.
Three days later I got an email advising me that because of the Chinese New Year and the conavirus, they wouldn't ship it out for a couple weeks. Should I quarantine the jacket when it comes? Hold my breath when I take it out of the package? Cancel the order?

It that a joke?

CV2019 doesn't survived for more than a few minutes outside of an infected host.
The Chinese aren't the only ones with data on the Virus. There are a few dozen cases outside of China. Australians and Americans have gene sequenced the 2019 CV virus. We know the mortality rate is low, less than 3%. We know the R0 is between 2 and 3, very low when compared to something like Measles with an R0 of 15. We know the transmission method and that masks, properly worn, are an effective deterrent.

The bad news is, transmission seems to be possible before infected patients are symptomatic. But, as China has been effectively contained, the chance of widespread global infection is low.
i hope you are right ! but somethings up with all the deaths in China ! is this virus more contagious than any thing weve seen ? 3% could add up if millions are infected !

Actually, the virus isn't that contagious. It's still not even up to SARS levels of fatality. R0=2 means that for every infected person, 2 are likely to become infected by contact with that infected person without isolation precautions. A person with Measles will mostly likely infect 15 people through contact.

China has been isolated and travel is now highly restricted. I think we can breathe pretty easy at this point.
thank you for your insight on the matter ... but i still have a gut feeling that its worse than we are being told ! i could be wrong ..i hope im wrong but it still doesnt explain video and pics of bodies everywhere leaking out ! as a matter of fact the DR that 1st leaked the problem on the internet has just died ! i still believe we are not being told everything ..but like i said you seem to know more than i do about matters like this so i hope you are right !:thankusmile:
So far, there have only been two deaths to CV2019 outside of China, one in Hong Kong and one in Philippines.

Isolation seems to be working pretty well.
You can bet your ass that the CCP doesn't permit ANY negative press if they can help it. If that virus only infected ~20,000 and killed ~400 wouldn't hear a thing about it. can easily slap a zero on the end of each of those numbers.
We will see just how deadly and contagious this thing is in a few months once it finally works it's way into our population.

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