Corporate backlash against Texas

I was addressing your previous point, that the founding fathers would have agreed that most "fighting for freedom" is against "democratically elected governments".

The Empire they fought against, was not democratic. The world they lived in, was a world of global empires, that were not democratic, nor free.
Oh, I see. You were missing the point on purpose. Got it.
I do not agree with abortions. I do not support abortions. I am not pro abortion.

I am pro choice for the reason you mentioned above. They're gonna do it, so we might as well regulate it so it can be done safely.
It seems that when there are decisions that would help people, they find ways to circumvent them. Americans are at least several times more promiscuous then a half century ago. We took personal responsibility out of the equation. And just like the medical field, abortions have become a business.
It seems that when there are decisions that would help people, they find ways to circumvent them. Americans are at least several times more promiscuous then a half century ago. We took personal responsibility out of the equation. And just like the medical field, abortions have become a business.
Stop being anti birth control. Remove exemptions for contraception from insurance plans and Medicare. Provide some government assistance to research for a male contraceptive. Hand out free condoms at highschools and colleges. Push real sex education. These are the things that will prevent abortions.
It was legislation, passed legally and upheld by the Judicial Branch. That's exactly how our country's government works. Sorry if you're pissed off about not being able to murder babies.
It's not being able to murder whining Trumpsters that's really frustrating. ;)
Uber and Lyft have set up funds to defend drivers that are sued and donated millions to planned Parenthood, GoDaddy shut down a snitch site, and so on. This will not stand.

The very definition of fascism. Corporations doing the governments dirty work.
Stupid uneducated Moon Bats need Texas a lot more than Texas needs stupid uneducated Moon Bats.

Texas will do fine.
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If anybody is upset that Texas is trying to save the lives of children then they some serious mental issues and it is probably better for Texas that they don't any business there.
If anybody is upset that Texas is trying to save the lives of children then they some serious mental issues and it is probably better for Texas that they don't any business there.
True story. Everyone who disagrees with your politics is insane. Go with that.
It seems that when there are decisions that would help people, they find ways to circumvent them. Americans are at least several times more promiscuous then a half century ago. We took personal responsibility out of the equation. And just like the medical field, abortions have become a business.
Where do you come from mate ? People having sex has been going on forever. When families used to have too many kids the wife used to turn round and take it up the arse.

You might as well try to turn the tide as try to stop it. Or maybe have proper sex education and access to contraceptives.
True story. Everyone who disagrees with your politics is insane. Go with that.

In this case the ones that want to see the children killed are pretty much insane. That is a fact.
In this case the ones that want to see the children killed are pretty much insane. That is a fact.
Oh, I see. You're pretending that people opposed to abortion bans want to see children killed. Are you really that stupid? Nevermind. No need to answer.
Oh, I see. You're pretending that people opposed to abortion bans want to see children killed. Are you really that stupid? Nevermind. No need to answer.

If we have abortions then children die.

Abortion is killing a child in the early state of development.

What part of that are you confused about?

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
If we have abortions then children die.

Abortion is killing a child in the early state of development.

What part of that are you confused about?

The part where I "want to see children murdered". Because I don't.

This is the typical statist schtick where you pretend that anyone who opposes your plans has diabolical intent.

People who oppose government health care want people to die!
People who oppose welfare want poor people to suffer!
People who oppose the drug war want people to be addicted to drugs!
People who oppose woke culture are bigots!

Etc... Tired old political nonsense. Doesn't get us anywhere.

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