Corporate backlash against Texas

Uber and Lyft have set up funds to defend drivers that are sued and donated millions to planned Parenthood, GoDaddy shut down a snitch site, and so on. This will not stand.

Uuh... Ok? Not sure what that means.....
Sorry about that I usually double check the talk text....

I meant to say you underestimate the power of religious fervor the same way the US underestimated it in Afghanistan. I personally believe this issue is a waste of time because I don't see any practical way to enforce the law.
A woman who is determined to end a pregnancy will find a way to do it. I don't have to agree with it to know that it's true.
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Sorry about that I usually double check the talk text....

I meant to say you underestimate the power of religious fervor the same way the US underestimated it in Afghanistan. I personally believe this issue is a waste of time because I don't see any way practically enforce the law.
A woman who is determined to end a pregnancy will find a way to do it. I don't have to agree with it to know that it's true.
I do not agree with abortions. I do not support abortions. I am not pro abortion.

I am pro choice for the reason you mentioned above. They're gonna do it, so we might as well regulate it so it can be done safely.
More Proof that the majority of capitalist corporations are run by DemonRats.

There is no separation from government and private businesses.

It’s no different than the oligarchs in Russia
I never pay attention to that b******* regardless of what they do initially for public impression they all buckle to the mighty Dollar later on regardless of where they have to get it from or what they have to swallow to keep it.
I did not honestly think I would live to see the day but the Left is losing the culture too

Losing politically

And losing the culture

For example OH NO Rosanna Arquette won't come to Texas. Wahhaahaha I can hear all of Texas laughing now

People are done.
Steeped in irony, yes. Do you understand what I'm referring to?
The people of Texas didn't vote for this law. A few loud voices convinced the government to step in. Can you not see that?
The people of Texas didn't vote for this law. A few loud voices convinced the government to step in. Can you not see that?
I guess you didn't get my point. My bad for being too subtle. I'm mocking all the so called conservatives who think that businesses are violating our "rights" if the businesses won't do what they want. They want big government stooges like DeSantis to "do something" about it.
I guess you didn't get my point. My bad for being too subtle. I'm mocking all the so called conservatives who think that businesses are violating our "rights" if the businesses won't do what they want. They want big government stooges like DeSantis to "do something" about it.
Ah, my bad. Not yours.
Yeah. That never happens in government. Weird.
The lack of a quote stream sometimes makes it difficult to know what you're commenting on, and I'm guessing this is one of those cases.
The lack of a quote stream sometimes makes it difficult to know what you're commenting on, and I'm guessing this is one of those cases.

My reply to your comment looks just like your reply to mine.
Nobody's murdering "babbies".
You kept pushing abortions more and more as the pregnancy terms went on in months. To the point that you could kill babies born after birth. I know we have a lot of problems. I do not know if I want to live in a nation like that and maybe people we vote for have to be like yours. Only totally on the opposite side. And if that does not work then we will get the exterminators of the living and it will be poetic justice.
You kept pushing abortions more and more as the pregnancy terms went on in months. To the point that you could kill babies born after birth. I know we have a lot of problems. I do not know if I want to live in a nation like that and maybe people we vote for have to be like yours. Only totally on the opposite side. And if that does not work then we will get the exterminators of the living and it will be poetic justice.
Once more, in English this time please?

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