Texas Congressman Threatens Companies That Pay For Employees Out of State Abortion Expenses. Companies say “Go F@&$ Yourself”

This Supreme Court ignores the Constitution.
Wrong again Einstein. There is no mention of a right to abortion in the constitution. Murder is not codified in law or the constitution. Democrat fascists feel they have the right to murder at will.
Wrong again Einstein. There is no mention of a right to abortion in the constitution. Murder is not codified in law or the constitution. Democrat fascists feel they have the right to murder at will.

You are wrong you stupid idiot.

Ninth Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

In other words, a right does not have to be enumerated. Some unenumerated rights.
Right to a fair trial.
Right to a jury of your peers.
Right to vote.
Right to judicial review.
Here are the top 15 with the red states marked.

View attachment 666120
So now there are only 18 states? Three of your bullshit table are not red states (OH, IN, NC). That is fully 20% of your table, dumbass. Lying doesn't help your cause. Also, what are the numbers of the other states? You are strangely silent on Georgia and Michigan. Not that it amounts to a hill of beans as the "color" of any given state can and does change from one election to another but you lying democrats will stoop to any level of lying to promote your bullshit. There are a myriad of reasons why low population states which make up the majority of your incomplete table might have lesser health care than other more populous states. BTW, the VA healthcare system is some of the worst in the nation--could it be because of lower quality employees? Hmmmmm? Try dumping your fallacious bullshit on someone who doesn't think, moron.
No it was not viable. The chances of a baby surviving if they are born before 24 weeks is slim.
The question isn't the viability of the child living at 24 weeks is not the question--except for someone who is bent on murdering it. The child is viable in the womb moron if left to mature. It is MURDER, no matter how many times you deny it. Are you suffering from guilt? Did you murder one of your children?
Republicans control Georgia's state government and Republicans control the Michigan legislature so it is 15 out of 15.
GA, is not a red state, neither are OH, IN, or NC. Like I told your lying colleague a table of 18 is not 50 states. Take your fallacious shit down the road.
You are wrong you stupid idiot.

Ninth Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

In other words, a right does not have to be enumerated. Some unenumerated rights.
Right to a fair trial.
Right to a jury of your peers.
Right to vote.
Right to judicial review.
Try again moron. Murder is not a right.
So now there are only 18 states? Three of your bullshit table are not red states (OH, IN, NC). That is fully 20% of your table, dumbass. Lying doesn't help your cause. Also, what are the numbers of the other states? You are strangely silent on Georgia and Michigan. Not that it amounts to a hill of beans as the "color" of any given state can and does change from one election to another but you lying democrats will stoop to any level of lying to promote your bullshit. There are a myriad of reasons why low population states which make up the majority of your incomplete table might have lesser health care than other more populous states. BTW, the VA healthcare system is some of the worst in the nation--could it be because of lower quality employees? Hmmmmm? Try dumping your fallacious bullshit on someone who doesn't think, moron.

If you actually click on the link you will find the whole table. I just copied the top part as it was too big to fit in one copy and paste.

You ask for a link, I give it to you and you do not even open it.

Could you be a more dishonest person if you tried?
You have to ask yourself why a bank would risk it's assets to make it easy for a tiny portion of it's employees to kill an unborn child? I wouldn't trust a bank that puts some convoluted social issue above the welfare of depositors and shareholders. Why not go along with the freaking state law until it's clarified by the voters?
You have to ask yourself why a bank would risk it's assets to make it easy for a tiny portion of it's employees to kill an unborn child? I wouldn't trust a bank that puts some convoluted social issue above the welfare of depositors and shareholders. Why not go along with the freaking state law until it's clarified by the voters?

How is a bank putting itself at risk paying for an employee to go on a trip?
Could you be a more dishonest person if you tried?
Nice try Gigi. Doesn't fly. Irrelevant crap about infant mortality in one state or another means absolutely NOTHING in a discussion about the murder of an innocent voiceless life. You and your moron colleague who are trying to derail a discussion that you clearly cannot defend is what is dishonest.
what exactly do you think a "red state" is?
You tell me, moron. I told you, it is irrelevant to the discussion about fetal murder. Distraction noted.
The solution could be to tell these companies and baby killing women that any money you get to do this is considered income and you will be taxed accordingly.
In a filing written for an April 26 meeting, Citigroup wrote: “In response to changes in reproductive health-care laws in certain states in the U.S., beginning in 2022 we provide travel benefits to facilitate access to adequate resources.”

Citigroup is not the only company with policies designed to assist employees seeking abortions who are living in restrictive states such as Texas.

In September 2021, Salesforce told employees the company would help them and their families relocate if they had issues with reproductive health care in their states.

Lyft CEO Logan Green announced the company would pay legal fees for any drivers sued under the Texas law for helping women get abortions.

The parent company of Tinder and OkCupid, Match Group Inc., announced it too was creating a fund for its Texas employees impacted by the abortion law.

In an internal note to employees, Shar Dubey, Match Group’s CEO, wrote that the company “doesn’t usually take political stands unless it is relevant to our business ... but this particular law is so regressive to the cause of women’s rights that I felt compelled to speak publicly about my personal views.”

She added: “ immigrated to America from India over 25 years ago and I have to say, as a Texas resident, I am shocked that I now live in a state where women’s reproductive laws are more regressive than most of the world, including India.”

Hey Briscoe. These companies are going to make sure their employees can obtain abortion services, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. And the Supreme Court can’t help you either.

How does feel to be the impotent little wimp that you are?
In other words you want to murder babies.
Nice try Gigi. Doesn't fly. Irrelevant crap about infant mortality in one state or another means absolutely NOTHING in a discussion about the murder of an innocent voiceless life. You and your moron colleague who are trying to derail a discussion that you clearly cannot defend is what is dishonest.

You asked for a fucking link and you got one and then you didn't even fucking open it

You are a gutless, dishonest piece of shit.
I amuses me how every time you get your ass handed to you you switch to "off topic" excuse when it was your post that is being responded to...meaning you were off topic first.
Off topic? I believe you brought red state infant mortality into a discussion about abortion. Please keep up.

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