Corporate Media Hit By Layoffs As Trump Slump Means Democrats Have No Unifying Villain To Exploit


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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That's Huffington Post Canada, bro. See how it's translated into French for the Quebecans?
I hate to see anyone lose his/her livelihood, for we all need money to live decently.

But if anyone deserves his/her comeuppance, it's those sanctimonious and hypocritical "journalists" who destroyed American journalism by vilifying The Donald.

I am especially waiting for that rag the New York Times to get its well-deserved comeuppance. It really, really, really deserves it. Way before The Donald, its bleeding heart "journalists" were murdering the truth. Remember when a young lady of ethnicity X accused some fraternity boys of ethnicity Y of raping her? The paper assumed that she was telling the truth, for she was of ethnicity X, wasn't she? Of course, it was such a grotesque lie that the lead prosecutor -- who was also a bleeding heart liberal -- was sentenced to a nominal one day in jail for his nefarious role in the big lie!

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