"Corporations are people my friend"

I can't think of any worse this guy could of done.

Maybe eat a baby live, on air.

Oh gosh..that was so bad.
Bye, bye Mr. Romney.

Anybody can incorporate. Corporations -R-Us. I'm not a big fan of Romney but he is right and I am truly surprised at the attitude of radical lefties.

It's not just that..

He started out by saying he wanted to save SSI and Medicare.

Someone in the audience challenged him on that.

After the corporation quip, which was bad enough..the guy asked how Romney was going to save SSI.

Romney replied, "If you wanna raise taxes, vote for Obama!"

Which essentially means..he understands that taxes need to be raised for entitlements and he's never going to do that. Even if it means the end of the entitlement.

He just lost the Senior vote.

And that's alot.
Bye, bye Mr. Romney.

Anybody can incorporate. Corporations -R-Us. I'm not a big fan of Romney but he is right and I am truly surprised at the attitude of radical lefties.

I could not incorporate myself as a corporation so I could get the same tax deductions as coprorations do.

perhaps what romney meant was that corporations were his friends?
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Romney's new campaign commercial!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDthMGtZKa4]Fonzie Jumps the Shark - YouTube[/ame]
Bye, bye Mr. Romney.

Anybody can incorporate. Corporations -R-Us. I'm not a big fan of Romney but he is right and I am truly surprised at the attitude of radical lefties.

I could not incorporate myself as a corporation so I could get the same tax deductions as coprorations do.

perhaps what romney meant was that corporations were his friends?

Of course you could.
Has the iQ gone down on this site recently or am I just getting fed up?
Anybody can incorporate. Corporations -R-Us. I'm not a big fan of Romney but he is right and I am truly surprised at the attitude of radical lefties.

I could not incorporate myself as a corporation so I could get the same tax deductions as coprorations do.

perhaps what romney meant was that corporations were his friends?

Of course you could.
Has the iQ gone down on this site recently or am I just getting fed up?

You do not understand.(which is not any suprise) If I could incorporate myself as a corporation all my inputs to keep myself alive and prospering would be tax deductable. Food, clothing, housing, etc. My taxable amount would be my income minus all my expenses to keep myself alive and working. Just like a corporation does.

And no I could not incorporate myself. I could incorporate a company with myself as the owner, etc but not incorporate myself as the corporation.
Does anyone bother to do even a cursory search before they post?

I heard the comment from the source, the primary source, Mitt Romney. If you have a point, Windbag, please post it.

There was a thread about this started 3 hours before you started yours.


Not sure what that has to do with sources, but enjoy my point anyway.

Mea culpa, unlike you windbag I have a life. I don't spend every minute sitting at a keyboard, if the topic was already posted why not ignore the duplicate?
I could not incorporate myself as a corporation so I could get the same tax deductions as coprorations do.

perhaps what romney meant was that corporations were his friends?

Of course you could.
Has the iQ gone down on this site recently or am I just getting fed up?

You do not understand.(which is not any suprise) If I could incorporate myself as a corporation all my inputs to keep myself alive and prospering would be tax deductable. Food, clothing, housing, etc. My taxable amount would be my income minus all my expenses to keep myself alive and working. Just like a corporation does.

And no I could not incorporate myself. I could incorporate a company with myself as the owner, etc but not incorporate myself as the corporation.

So come up with a good idea or product, patent it, get a biz license, and start your company. You might accidentally even end up rich, although I know you would immediately be ashamed of your wealth and donate it to Obama.
You know it's getting bad in leftyland when a lefty who is suppoosedly smart, can't understand the context of what was said, and then starts a thread about what was said like they actually know the context of said said.
But they are people. A corporation is a group of people who have through the law united to conduct a common business.

I know it hurts your constant attacks on the American people to actually see corporations and other businesses as what they really are. It's easy to attack people earning a living and working to improve society and make a living when you take away all humanity out of the image. But unless we start creating genetic hybrids or machines that need employment, corporations will always be an association of people. You can't avoid it.
Your war on capitalism is killing this country and you will be held accountable.

I have a feeling that you cannot demarcate free market capitalism from state corporatism. Big businesses and free markets do not always go hand in hand. Many corporations thrive off the state, but many on the right refuse to acknowledge this all while preaching anti-statism and free markets.

It is disturbing, albeit amusing to watch.

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