Corporations are the very reason why Americans have it so good.

Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Peepers
The better jobs are with corporations.

And the bigger the corporation, the better the jobs.
I respectfully disagree. American mega-corporations are THE worst. All the soul-sucking BS they make you endure...


You can provide them?

I'm not a mind-reader. Here's your dumb request. If you're not asking for examples of bad corporations, what are you asking for?

You are dancing, Mr. Peepers. It was fun for a while, but now you bore us.
You are clueless, or you are afraid to venture a guess?

Are you telling me that a small business couldn't (and arent't) doing the the same? I would venture there are more of those than mega-corps sending my messages.
You are dancing, Mr. Peepers. It was fun for a while, but now you bore us.

God, you are dense. Dancing around WHAT? I re-posted your idiotic request, so there's nothing more I can do.
Worshiping at the feet of the rich and worshiping at the feet of corporations is, again, hard to understand. They do not need sympathy or defense, as they are fully capable of taking care of themselves.
Small and medium size companies employ the most workers in all industrialized countries. Entrepreneurs who serve their communities with honesty and intelligence are a great example of American capitalism on a human scale. When things get so big that profits become the holy of holies, inhumanity thrives. Any action is justified and anything that raises the quarterly results is demanded.
How can we call that admirable?
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No they aren't. The megacorps are colluding to destroy this country to suck out all the available wealtth. Only an idiot can't see that - just look around you... at JP Morgan, Monsanto, Barclay's etc. Most people in this country are employed by small businesses.

If not for corporations, the typical person on the globe would be scratching a living from the dirt.

In fact, they still do in absence of them.

Have a fucking clue - THEN post.
What is the difference between a corporation and a company?
If not for corporations, the typical person on the globe would be scratching a living from the dirt.

C'mon. That's not even remotely true, and you know it. A corporation is a man-made entity. A corporation does not exist in nature. Moron.


I think Joe Biden could use you on his staff.

That is ad hominem nonsense. It's not an answer and it suggests that you have no answer.
No they aren't. The megacorps are colluding to destroy this country to suck out all the available wealtth. Only an idiot can't see that - just look around you... at JP Morgan, Monsanto, Barclay's etc. Most people in this country are employed by small businesses.

If not for corporations, the typical person on the globe would be scratching a living from the dirt.

In fact, they still do in absence of them.

Have a fucking clue - THEN post.
What is the difference between a corporation and a company?

If you really don't know, why not spend your time posting in the cooking or decorating forums?
There are good corporations and there are poor corporations. Good corporations pay their employees a fair wage, keep their wages to stay at least even with inflation and treat their employees like people. Happy workers fulfill their job much better than a disgruntled employee. Good corporations don't take over smaller companies and then ship those jobs offshore (from 2002-2008 1.2 million jobs were shipped overseas). Good corporations appreciate the fact that they wouldn't off been so successful if they had started in other countries, appreciate the infrastructure that they use more than any other entity. Good corporations don't mind paying their fair share for the tax payer funded infrastructure, where would they be without it?
Bad corporations do the polar opposite of the good corporations.
Lumping all corporations in one group and then placing them on a pedestal that God would envy is just plain wrong.

Spoken like somebody who knows nothing about corporations. LOL

I have been involved with strategic planning in the corprorate world for over twenty years.
There are good corporations and there are poor corporations. Good corporations pay their employees a fair wage, keep their wages to stay at least even with inflation and treat their employees like people. Happy workers fulfill their job much better than a disgruntled employee. Good corporations don't take over smaller companies and then ship those jobs offshore (from 2002-2008 1.2 million jobs were shipped overseas). Good corporations appreciate the fact that they wouldn't off been so successful if they had started in other countries, appreciate the infrastructure that they use more than any other entity. Good corporations don't mind paying their fair share for the tax payer funded infrastructure, where would they be without it?
Bad corporations do the polar opposite of the good corporations.
Lumping all corporations in one group and then placing them on a pedestal that God would envy is just plain wrong.

Spoken like somebody who knows nothing about corporations. LOL

I have been involved with strategic planning in the coprorate world for over twenty years.

Well, someone has to empty the trash cans!

That model exists as well, but I am not sure if it is more or less efficent than the corporate shareholder model.

Also, if you limit it to employees you limit how much additonal captial can be raised.

Furthermore, how many employees would be willing to see thier pay decrease during times of difficulty.
About as many as would be willing to work year after year for a stagnant wage while the CEO's salary and bonus level increases by hundreds of percent and shareholder dividends expand.
I disagree, it is entrepreneurs that made America; a mixed economy is made up of small and medium sized businesses, some of which turn into major corporations. Without support companies though, Microsoft and Apple would have never achieved what they did.
If small business ran the computer industry, it would have never made it to what it is today. There would have been no compatibility and most computers would not have been able to talk to each other. Microsoft and Apple started out small but became successful through their products they provided. They became huge because everyone wanted what they had to offer.

How do you know that? If many small businesses were making computers, think of the choice we might have. C'mon. Apple and Microsoft are a feather away from being monopolies and you know it. Microsoft has already been hit by antitrust lawsuits concerning windows. Are you going to sit there and tell me that microsoft doesn't stifle and actively impede competition? And if you believe that, I've got a bridge here in Brooklyn for sale.

Yes Microsoft was for trying to muscle out competition through its operating system. But I say let them they were offering if for free anyways. Microsoft made it easy for other software companies to use their operating system without the government. Because everyone had Microsoft pretty much it made it easy to spread. If computers were all made differently and all different operating systems then the boom probably would not have happened at least not as easily. Now others are getting in or back into the market. Competition will always arise without government involvement.
If not for corporations, the typical person on the globe would be scratching a living from the dirt.

In fact, they still do in absence of them.

Have a fucking clue - THEN post.
What is the difference between a corporation and a company?

If you really don't know, why not spend your time posting in the cooking or decorating forums?
I know -- and I have a pretty good idea that you don't.
I disagree, it is entrepreneurs that made America; a mixed economy is made up of small and medium sized businesses, some of which turn into major corporations. Without support companies though, Microsoft and Apple would have never achieved what they did.

Where there are corporations, there is wealth amongst the people.

That was he OP point.
And I have to run, but I anticipate the libtard next response, to which I will point out that in America, the poorest amongst us are wealthy by the standards of the rest of the world.

Thank you, Corporate America!
I disagree, it is entrepreneurs that made America; a mixed economy is made up of small and medium sized businesses, some of which turn into major corporations. Without support companies though, Microsoft and Apple would have never achieved what they did.

Where there are corporations, there is wealth amongst the people.

That was he OP point.

Amongst is not synonymous with any kind of generality. One rich person surrounded by one hundred poor represents wealth in their midst.

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