Corporations: the leftwing boogeyman


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
What is it about lefties and corporations?

Corporations are merely the means of bringing the factors of production - capital, labor, management, raw materials if it's manufacturing, plant and equipment together to produce goods and services.

I'm guessing it's because it's one of the higher expressions of capitalism.

Corporations provide products for people. They provide jobs for people who not in a million years otherwise could provide their own livelihood. They provide investments for people's 401Ks.

Not only that, they've become the lap kitties of the left, adopting most of the leftwing agenda:

- pervasive anti-white male discrimination

- contributions to leftwing foundations and candidates

- "partner" benefits to shacked up homosexuals

- the "cleansing" of religious aspects from the workplace

- all kinds of butt-kissing for minority events like black history week

- PR efforts and contributions for Pee See diseases like AIDS and breast cancer
who told you this story ?....wait let me guess

[ame=]‪Capitalism (1948)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
who told you this story ?....wait let me guess

I only got one problem with corporations - that black Haliburton helicopter that's been buzzing my house for a week, trying to remotely suck away my vital juices.
[ame=]‪Network - Jensen's Speech‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Corporations would be fine if they followed the same rules as the rest of us. But they don't. Limited liability gives them perpetual life and protects investors from the risks that generate their profits. This promotes a lack of accountability. The reason corporate executives are paid so much is that they are essentially hired guns, elected by investors to do whatever it takes to produce profits (and to take the fall if they get caught). The investors can't be held liable for the actions of the executives, so they have very little incentive to choose ethical leaders - in fact, they have the opposite incentive.

The other issue with corporations is their growing collusion with government. Corporatist government leaders continue to promote policies that merge the state and business interests (e.g. Obamacare) and create the opposite of a free market. Corporations use their intimate relationship with the state to promote protectionist regulation that keeps them in control and limits competition.

Changing limited liability laws and shoring up the separation between government and business could bring things back into balance. But we seem to be headed in the opposite direction.
What is it about lefties and corporations?

Corporations are merely the means of bringing the factors of production - capital, labor, management, raw materials if it's manufacturing, plant and equipment together to produce goods and services.

I'm guessing it's because it's one of the higher expressions of capitalism.

Corporations provide products for people. They provide jobs for people who not in a million years otherwise could provide their own livelihood. They provide investments for people's 401Ks.

Not only that, they've become the lap kitties of the left, adopting most of the leftwing agenda:

- pervasive anti-white male discrimination

- contributions to leftwing foundations and candidates

- "partner" benefits to shacked up homosexuals

- the "cleansing" of religious aspects from the workplace

- all kinds of butt-kissing for minority events like black history week

- PR efforts and contributions for Pee See diseases like AIDS and breast cancer

I would also remind the tax-loving left-wingers (who hate corporations so much) that every dime of taxes paid by the employees of a corporation actually come from the corporation to begin with. And that is quite a chunk of this country’s revenue.
What is it about lefties and corporations?

Corporations are merely the means of bringing the factors of production - capital, labor, management, raw materials if it's manufacturing, plant and equipment together to produce goods and services.

I'm guessing it's because it's one of the higher expressions of capitalism.

Corporations provide products for people. They provide jobs for people who not in a million years otherwise could provide their own livelihood. They provide investments for people's 401Ks.

Not only that, they've become the lap kitties of the left, adopting most of the leftwing agenda:

- pervasive anti-white male discrimination

- contributions to leftwing foundations and candidates

- "partner" benefits to shacked up homosexuals

- the "cleansing" of religious aspects from the workplace

- all kinds of butt-kissing for minority events like black history week

- PR efforts and contributions for Pee See diseases like AIDS and breast cancer

I would also remind the tax-loving left-wingers (who hate corporations so much) that every dime of taxes paid by the employees of a corporation actually come from the corporation to begin with. And that is quite a chunk of this country’s revenue.

ya ..the federal reserve corp..where they create with paper and ink
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Corporations would be fine if they followed the same rules as the rest of us. But they don't...
Computers would be fine if they followed the same rules as the rest of us. But they don't...
Bananas would be fine if they followed the same rules as the rest of us. But they don't...
Music would be fine if it followed the same rules as the rest of us. But it doesn't...

Computers, bananas, music, and corporations are not us, they aren't people. They're things we make and own and use. We have one set of rules for their use and a different set of rules for our behavior.

What is it about lefties and corporations?

Corporations are merely the means of bringing the factors of production - capital, labor, management, raw materials if it's manufacturing, plant and equipment together to produce goods and services.

I'm guessing it's because it's one of the higher expressions of capitalism.

Corporations provide products for people. They provide jobs for people who not in a million years otherwise could provide their own livelihood. They provide investments for people's 401Ks.

Not only that, they've become the lap kitties of the left, adopting most of the leftwing agenda:

- pervasive anti-white male discrimination

- contributions to leftwing foundations and candidates

- "partner" benefits to shacked up homosexuals

- the "cleansing" of religious aspects from the workplace

- all kinds of butt-kissing for minority events like black history week

- PR efforts and contributions for Pee See diseases like AIDS and breast cancer

A blind hatred for corporations is silly, I agree.

We ought to evaluate corporations in the same way we ought to evaluate people...individually and based on what they DO.
Corporations would be fine if they followed the same rules as the rest of us. But they don't. Limited liability gives them perpetual life and protects investors from the risks that generate their profits. This promotes a lack of accountability. The reason corporate executives are paid so much is that they are essentially hired guns, elected by investors to do whatever it takes to produce profits (and to take the fall if they get caught). The investors can't be held liable for the actions of the executives, so they have very little incentive to choose ethical leaders - in fact, they have the opposite incentive.

So if the CEO does something bad, you want to be able to sue tens of thousands of stockholders, huh? :D

The other issue with corporations is their growing collusion with government. Corporatist government leaders continue to promote policies that merge the state and business interests (e.g. Obamacare) and create the opposite of a free market. Corporations use their intimate relationship with the state to promote protectionist regulation that keeps them in control and limits competition.

This has nothing to do with corporations per se, it can and does happen just as easily with privately owned firms.
So if the CEO does something bad, you want to be able to sue tens of thousands of stockholders, huh? :D

Exactly. They are the people who profit from the illicit actions of a company's officers. They should share in the culpability. If they did, you'd see a marked change in corporate culture. Executives would be chosen more conservatively and long range growth (as opposed to quick, risky gains) would come back in 'style'.

This has nothing to do with corporations per se, it can and does happen just as easily with privately owned firms.

True, but the broad reach and expansive wealth that corporations enjoy (in large part do to the limited liability provisions) make it much easier for them to collude with government on a large scale.
So if the CEO does something bad, you want to be able to sue tens of thousands of stockholders, huh? :D

Exactly. They are the people who profit from the illicit actions of a company's officers. They should share in the culpability. If they did, you'd see a marked change in corporate culture. Executives would be chosen more conservatively and long range growth (as opposed to quick, risky gains) would come back in 'style'.

No, shareholders could NEVER be certain that something bad would be done, especially with ignorant juries giving titantic awards. They couldn't look over management's shoulder every second. Nobody would buy stock, and corporations would disappear or move overseas, and take their jobs with them. The US is already driving businesses overseas with the anti-business attitude in this country - this would be the final straw.
A blind hatred for corporations is silly, I agree.

We ought to evaluate corporations in the same way we ought to evaluate people...individually and based on what they DO.

Leftism requires scapegoats. George Bush, Corporations or Michelle Bachmann, the troubles people face MUST be blamed on someone or something, with the left willing to do battle as long as people cede liberty and put them in a ruling position.
Exactly. They are the people who profit from the illicit actions of a company's officers.

Well, that should take care of all that economic expansion and growth shit.

Good plan to get us to 95% unemployment with actual starvation in the streets.

Are you Barack Obama, posting incognito?
Corporations would be fine if they followed the same rules as the rest of us. But they don't. Limited liability gives them perpetual life and protects investors from the risks that generate their profits. This promotes a lack of accountability. The reason corporate executives are paid so much is that they are essentially hired guns, elected by investors to do whatever it takes to produce profits (and to take the fall if they get caught). The investors can't be held liable for the actions of the executives, so they have very little incentive to choose ethical leaders - in fact, they have the opposite incentive.

So if the CEO does something bad, you want to be able to sue tens of thousands of stockholders, huh? :D

The other issue with corporations is their growing collusion with government. Corporatist government leaders continue to promote policies that merge the state and business interests (e.g. Obamacare) and create the opposite of a free market. Corporations use their intimate relationship with the state to promote protectionist regulation that keeps them in control and limits competition.

This has nothing to do with corporations per se, it can and does happen just as easily with privately owned firms.

You do realize that a corporation does not have to be a public company, right?

And why would government corporatism have "nothing" to do with corporations? The corporations lobby for, and typically get, what it is that ultimately leads to the corporatism being mentioned.
No, shareholders could NEVER be certain that something bad would be done, especially with ignorant juries giving titantic awards. They couldn't look over management's shoulder every second.

No, but they could, and should, be more careful about how they invest their money and the sorts of activities their investment funds.

If you own a company and you hire someone with the directive "do whatever it takes to turn a profit", and they commit heinous acts in pursuit of that goal, you can bet you'll be held accountable. Perhaps not to the same degree as the person you hire, but at the very least (depending on what they do) you've exhibited negligence and you're culpable for that in a court of law. It's the same if you have partners in your business - you share the responsibility for the actions of your company with the other owners. Why should it be any different for the owners of a corporation?

Nobody would buy stock, and corporations would disappear or move overseas, and take their jobs with them. The US is already driving businesses overseas with the anti-business attitude in this country - this would be the final straw.

It depends on how you went about it. I think sound companies with ethical track records would do fine. In any case, there's a point where we must do what's right - not just what's expedient. The multi-national companies which our current corporate law supports have a lot to do with our world dominance, but at what cost? These institutions now operate as non-geographical nation states, flaunting our laws, manipulating our government and use their wealth and power to control us. Is that really what you want?
Corporations R Us. Small businesses incorporate in order to limit liability, deal with taxes and deal with a hundred often conflicting government regulations. Anybody can incorporate. Why do radical left wingers hate and fear corporations? Mostly they are ignorant lock-step-mind numbed robots who hate anyone or any thing that Soros and Huffing and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi tells them to hate or they are dumbed down kids educated by radical lefties to hate everything connected to capitalism. Every pension system in the US is invested in corporate wealth. What is social security invested in?

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