Correlation or Causation


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
As government gets bigger and bigger, the characters of our elected representatives get nastier and nastier.

Correlation or causation?
As government gets bigger and bigger, the characters of our elected representatives get nastier and nastier.

Correlation or causation?

First you need proof. There have been nasty people throughout history. Where's the evidence they're any nastier today?
Do your own observation. From my perspective, the climate today is far nastier than any I remember.

Reagan was able to negotiate with Tip O'Neill.

Today, we have filth such as Steny Hoyer making statements such as this:

CNN brings us the bold statesmanship of the Number Two Democrat in the House, Steny Hoyer:

“It’s somewhat like taking your child hostage and saying to somebody else, ‘I’m going to shoot my child if you don’t do what I want done.’ You don’t want to shoot your child. There’s no Republican leader that wants to default on our debt, that I’ve talked to,” Hoyer said at a Capitol Hill press conference.

Hoyer’s comments came in response to a question about the Treasury Department’s notice that the nation was approaching its debt limit. He criticized Republicans for previous resistance to raising the debt ceiling and used the gun analogy to argue that the issue should not be part of the negotiations involving the fiscal cliff....

The bitter wastes of politicized America - Conservative News

Yes, there have always been nasty, mean spirited people in the U.S. What's different now is that the nastiness is backed up with massively increased federal power.

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