Corrupt and Abusive - Border Patrol

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
We're Spending Billions to Support the Most Corrupt, Abusive Arm of Law Enforcement
Almost 1,200 allegations of excessive use of force were launched against the Border Patrol in just five years.

As a former police chief in Buffalo and Seattle, Kerlikowske was familiar with the problems inherent in increasing a force's size that rapidly:

“Law enforcement always regrets hiring quickly,” he says, sitting at the conference table in the spacious wood-paneled commissioner’s suite. The horror stories are legendary in police circles: the infamous Miami police hiring surge in 1980; the notorious Washington Metropolitan Police class of 1989, when Mayor Marion Barry, under pressure from Congress, tried to increase the police force by nearly half in a single year. Both agencies faced widespread corruption problems in the years after.

Of the more than 21,000 records that we received, we reviewed the allegation summary field for the 2,093 records from JICMS data—excessive force and abuse allegations and intentional discharge of weapon. This included 1,896 records from FYs 2007 through 2012 in the excessive force and abuse data. We identified 1,187 of these records as possible allegations related to excessive force. The allegations also included physical abuse (punching, kicking, and pushing) during apprehension, and use of an electronic control device, baton, or pepper spray. Almost 1,200 allegations of excessive use of force in just five years. Those were only the allegations that were made. It is likely that there were multiples of that figure in actual excessive force actions that were never reported by the very vulnerable community that the Border Patrol encounters.

In February 2013, Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) issued a report to the CBP of its analysis of the agency's policies and cases of use of force. After keeping the report secret for over a year, it was finally released in May 2014, after the ACLU had filed a lawsuit over the CBP's refusal to comply with a FOIA request.

We re Spending Billions to Support the Most Corrupt Abusive Arm of Law Enforcement Alternet

Law enforcement covers for law enforcement. It takes a lot of effort to force law enforcement agencies to admit wrong-doing. And, when they do admit it, they find ways to excuse it.
Granted there is corruption in all areas of government, the Border Patrol isn't exempt but how about you find the story from a non agenda driven source, someone who doesn't have a predisposed bias:

AlterNet is a progressive activist "news service" and states that its mission is to "inspire citizen action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, and health care issues"

Who has had it's own corruption accusations themselves:
Narco News White Paper on Ethics Problems at Don Hazen s Alternet
So I'm to be surprised that 1200 illegals in five years either deserved what they got or made it up because they hate the border patrol?
While I'm sure some abuse happens if they had stayed home it would never have become an issue now would it?
Granted there is corruption in all areas of government, the Border Patrol isn't exempt but how about you find the story from a non agenda driven source, someone who doesn't have a predisposed bias:

AlterNet is a progressive activist "news service" and states that its mission is to "inspire citizen action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, and health care issues"

Who has had it's own corruption accusations themselves:
Narco News White Paper on Ethics Problems at Don Hazen s Alternet
All of them have a degree of bias. Do you know of any news media that doesn't have some bias in reporting? Everything we read is bias infested. I've been reading news articles for many years now, and I haven't found a non-bias source. By the way, can you dispute any of the mentions items in the article? If so, please do so. If you have information from a source that you believe contains absolutely no bias, please use that source to dispute the article that I have posted. I have seen bias in articles from NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and many more over the years. So, again, please post a link that disputes the article that I posted. Thanks.
So I'm to be surprised that 1200 illegals in five years either deserved what they got or made it up because they hate the border patrol?
While I'm sure some abuse happens if they had stayed home it would never have become an issue now would it?
Yes, abuse happens in all agencies of law enforcement, and it happens way more than is reported. Not all incidences are reported, and not all agencies make public their dirty laundry. Yes, If illegals never crossed the border, they wouldn't be abused, I agree. But, crossing the border does NOT constitute open season on illegals, nor does it give the border patrol Carte Blanche to abuse them. The main point of the article is "abuse of power and authority", whether it be border patrol, or any other agency of law enforcement. They are legalized thugs, and should be convicted, sentenced, and sent to prison for a very long time. Especially the dirt bag that was mentioned in the beginning of the article.
So I'm to be surprised that 1200 illegals in five years either deserved what they got or made it up because they hate the border patrol?
While I'm sure some abuse happens if they had stayed home it would never have become an issue now would it?
Yes, abuse happens in all agencies of law enforcement, and it happens way more than is reported. Not all incidences are reported, and not all agencies make public their dirty laundry. Yes, If illegals never crossed the border, they wouldn't be abused, I agree. But, crossing the border does NOT constitute open season on illegals, nor does it give the border patrol Carte Blanche to abuse them. The main point of the article is "abuse of power and authority, whether it be border patrol, or any other agency of law enforcement. They are legalized thugs, and should be convicted, sentenced, and sent to prison for a very long time. Especially the dirt bag that was mentioned in the beginning of the article.

You do understand that criminals have been accusing authorities of all manner of malfeasance since....well forever.
Maybe if we could convince criminals not to make false claims the real ones would get more attention...:lmao:
Granted there is corruption in all areas of government, the Border Patrol isn't exempt but how about you find the story from a non agenda driven source, someone who doesn't have a predisposed bias:

AlterNet is a progressive activist "news service" and states that its mission is to "inspire citizen action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, and health care issues"

Who has had it's own corruption accusations themselves:
Narco News White Paper on Ethics Problems at Don Hazen s Alternet
All of them have a degree of bias. Do you know of any news media that doesn't have some bias in reporting? Everything we read is bias infested. I've been reading news articles for many years now, and I haven't found a non-bias source. By the way, can you dispute any of the mentions items in the article? If so, please do so. If you have information from a source that you believe contains absolutely no bias, please use that source to dispute the article that I have posted. I have seen bias in articles from NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and many more over the years. So, again, please post a link that disputes the article that I posted. Thanks.
I stated that corruption exists, maybe you missed that but that wasn't the gist of my post. The fact that AlterNet is a self confirmed activist site casts an even larger cloud of suspicion on their motives and on what they actually post in their articles then the usual news outlets.
I would simply like to see more from more than one (activist) site confirming the entirety of the story before I trust their reporting. Nothing more, nothing less.
Kinda like when the right uses Drudge as a legitimate news outlet or when the Conspiracy theorists use Alex Jones as a legitimate source.
So I'm to be surprised that 1200 illegals in five years either deserved what they got or made it up because they hate the border patrol?
While I'm sure some abuse happens if they had stayed home it would never have become an issue now would it?
Yes, abuse happens in all agencies of law enforcement, and it happens way more than is reported. Not all incidences are reported, and not all agencies make public their dirty laundry. Yes, If illegals never crossed the border, they wouldn't be abused, I agree. But, crossing the border does NOT constitute open season on illegals, nor does it give the border patrol Carte Blanche to abuse them. The main point of the article is "abuse of power and authority, whether it be border patrol, or any other agency of law enforcement. They are legalized thugs, and should be convicted, sentenced, and sent to prison for a very long time. Especially the dirt bag that was mentioned in the beginning of the article.

You do understand that criminals have been accusing authorities of all manner of malfeasance since....well forever.
Maybe if we could convince criminals not to make false claims the real ones would get more attention...:lmao:
They're getting more attention. With the number of people carrying cell phones and actually filming abuse daily, we're seeing first hand the abuse and misconduct on behalf of all agencies of law enforcement. I'm glad to see so much of it made public. Maybe one day members of law enforcement will conduct themselves as public servants instead of legalized thugs and murderers.
So I'm to be surprised that 1200 illegals in five years either deserved what they got or made it up because they hate the border patrol?
While I'm sure some abuse happens if they had stayed home it would never have become an issue now would it?
Yes, abuse happens in all agencies of law enforcement, and it happens way more than is reported. Not all incidences are reported, and not all agencies make public their dirty laundry. Yes, If illegals never crossed the border, they wouldn't be abused, I agree. But, crossing the border does NOT constitute open season on illegals, nor does it give the border patrol Carte Blanche to abuse them. The main point of the article is "abuse of power and authority, whether it be border patrol, or any other agency of law enforcement. They are legalized thugs, and should be convicted, sentenced, and sent to prison for a very long time. Especially the dirt bag that was mentioned in the beginning of the article.

You do understand that criminals have been accusing authorities of all manner of malfeasance since....well forever.
Maybe if we could convince criminals not to make false claims the real ones would get more attention...:lmao:
They're getting more attention. With the number of people carrying cell phones and actually filming abuse daily, we're seeing first hand the abuse and misconduct on behalf of all agencies of law enforcement. I'm glad to see so much of it made public. Maybe one day members of law enforcement will conduct themselves as public servants instead of legalized thugs and murderers.

Funny thing about the majority of those "abuse" videos?
They all end up being justified .....
Granted there is corruption in all areas of government, the Border Patrol isn't exempt but how about you find the story from a non agenda driven source, someone who doesn't have a predisposed bias:

AlterNet is a progressive activist "news service" and states that its mission is to "inspire citizen action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, and health care issues"

Who has had it's own corruption accusations themselves:
Narco News White Paper on Ethics Problems at Don Hazen s Alternet
All of them have a degree of bias. Do you know of any news media that doesn't have some bias in reporting? Everything we read is bias infested. I've been reading news articles for many years now, and I haven't found a non-bias source. By the way, can you dispute any of the mentions items in the article? If so, please do so. If you have information from a source that you believe contains absolutely no bias, please use that source to dispute the article that I have posted. I have seen bias in articles from NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and many more over the years. So, again, please post a link that disputes the article that I posted. Thanks.
I stated that corruption exists, maybe you missed that but that wasn't the gist of my post. The fact that AlterNet is a self confirmed activist site casts an even larger cloud of suspicion on their motives and on what they actually post in their articles then the usual news outlets.
I would simply like to see more from more than one (activist) site confirming the entirety of the story before I trust their reporting. Nothing more, nothing less.
Kinda like when the right uses Drudge as a legitimate news outlet or when the Conspiracy theorists use Alex Jones as a legitimate source.
I do understand your point. And, to a degree, I agree with you. But, again, you're more than welcome to post a source that disputes the article. Please feel free to contribute any source that has different information on the subject. If it can be disputed, I'm certainly interested in what other sources have to say about it.
So I'm to be surprised that 1200 illegals in five years either deserved what they got or made it up because they hate the border patrol?
While I'm sure some abuse happens if they had stayed home it would never have become an issue now would it?
Yes, abuse happens in all agencies of law enforcement, and it happens way more than is reported. Not all incidences are reported, and not all agencies make public their dirty laundry. Yes, If illegals never crossed the border, they wouldn't be abused, I agree. But, crossing the border does NOT constitute open season on illegals, nor does it give the border patrol Carte Blanche to abuse them. The main point of the article is "abuse of power and authority, whether it be border patrol, or any other agency of law enforcement. They are legalized thugs, and should be convicted, sentenced, and sent to prison for a very long time. Especially the dirt bag that was mentioned in the beginning of the article.

You do understand that criminals have been accusing authorities of all manner of malfeasance since....well forever.
Maybe if we could convince criminals not to make false claims the real ones would get more attention...:lmao:
They're getting more attention. With the number of people carrying cell phones and actually filming abuse daily, we're seeing first hand the abuse and misconduct on behalf of all agencies of law enforcement. I'm glad to see so much of it made public. Maybe one day members of law enforcement will conduct themselves as public servants instead of legalized thugs and murderers.

Funny thing about the majority of those "abuse" videos?
They all end up being justified .....
Not so funny. What can we expect when law enforcement investigates its own people? Now, "IF" independent outside sources investigated every single incident of abuse, murder, rape, child molestation, stealing, accepting bribes, and other misconduct and abuse of power and authority, then we might could put weight to findings. But, until then, when any agency, or branch of an agency, investigates itself, it's very difficult to accept the findings as gospel. "Justification" is when an independent outside source does a complete and thorough investigation, and can find nothing wrong.
The obvious solution to the problem is to stop illegal aliens from entering the USA in the first place.

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