Corrupt Democrats in New York Irritate Socialist Democrats Elsewhere


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"House Democrats and their agenda have been hijacked by the corrupt machine politics of New York state."

"From the governor’s mansion to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, New York is a political patronage system designed to insulate corrupt elites from public accountability. The reason the subways don’t work even as the state government devotes seemingly endless amounts of money to the problem is because corruption taints every contract the government signs."

Nancy Pelosi Has Lost Control | HuffPost

The reader will note that this is from Huffpo, one of the most liberal of all liberal rags.

Unhappy People become Democrats because they want change from the unhappy lives they live...and they want somebody else to pay for it.

This is partially why Democrats are so Fucked Up that even Democrats don't much like them. Plus, as the above article bemoans, they are Crooks.

Unhappy Socialists....or Crooks...or Both. Thats Democrats.

Here's more:

"Ocasio-Cortez represents a greater threat to this machine than Trump, which is why Democratic leadership in Congress is now diverting time, attention and resources to defend the machine’s turf, instead of focusing on the president. Her primary defeat of then-Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.) in 2018 challenged this system."


Democrats hating on Democrats. Had to happen. Hate is what they do.

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