Corrupt Swamp Rat Vietnamese Baby Killer Mueller Being Exposed on FOX Now!

Scum bags like the OP Snouter and the low life cowards who defend his warped way of thinking and abuse of veterans will crawl out from under their rocks and there is no real way to stop them.
Except to shine a harsh light on them, until they curl-up like the worms they are.

Easy. One is an operative of the Democratic Party, and one is President of the United States.

Yes. A lot of traitors and criminals and organized crime syndicate members have been in the military; it's hardly and exclusive club, and it's entry requirements are mostly physical, and only a few moral bars. And, how hard was it to get a medal in Viet Nam? Even Kerry got a couple just for getting a scratch or two.
Spoken by a peice of shit that has never sereved, never paid, never sacraficed. Ya they just hand medals out to fucking morons like you! Oh I am sorry you do not have one.

Kiss my ass. Nobody cares that you got to suck Reagan's dick in public, and I don't know a single real veteran who doesn't know about 'medal inflation' since the Korean War and how it cheapens the awards, especially among officers, and I don't know a single real vet who doesn't know the military had more than its share of scum running around in country, such as those like Calley and his troops, compared to the real soldiers serving, like the Airborne troopers who put a stop to his kind of 'service' while 'in country'.

Just because you obviously feel guilty about your criminal activities in country doesn't mean you get to speak for anybody else; many don't feel guilty at all, many served honorably and don't need somebody else telling us anything, especially you. And, the irony is it was the Airborne soldiers who got their careers screwed over, while scum like you worshipped Calley as if he were some sort of hapless innocent victim.

And, you aren't a 'conservative', anyway, so you don't get to tell anybody to shut up about anything, gimp.
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Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p
They’ve partnered up with the KY folks for a great two-for-one deal.

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