Cory Booker is dead to us


Feb 14, 2011
It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.


Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -
Tell me again how Democrats are so diverse, how they are so varied and nuanced.


Cory Booker is dead to us

Cory Booker is dead to us

Cory Booker is dead to us

Cory Booker is dead to us
Perhaps Romney will give him an important spot in the Administration.

It will be a big tent.
It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.


Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -

It wasn't a gaffe, it was honesty. I suppose Clinton is dead to you too. Hell, if what Booker did was bad--then Clinton doubling down on that AND endorsing the extension of the Bush tax cuts Obama must be considering putting Clinton on 'The List' :eusa_eh:
Corey Booker (who is VERY popular), Bill Clinton and Juan Williams are all dead to democrats. Good.
It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.


Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -

I'm starting to wonder if there's any more room left under the bus at this point....
What a bunch of intolerant RACIST the left are..

maybe Booker will wake up to the disgusting hateful party he belongs to
It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.


Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -

I'm starting to wonder if there's any more room left under the bus at this point....

I read in the HuffPuff that Obama created a bunch of green jobs... he ordered a whole fleet of buses.
It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.


Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -

This is just sad... Maybe the GOP can woo this guy over to our side.
Booker was honest, no room for honesty in the Obama administration, at least open honesty.
Really. A "ranking administration official" said this, and all the lemmings run off the cliff.

Too fucking funny.

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