Coservatism and Racism

This has nothing to do with 'writing skills'. Keep your racist crap in the forums they belong.
more crappola....same shit,same site....more of the same racist BS....the person that wrote this opinion was so proud of it he wouldnt even sign his name...just his they pay you to post this link every day????
"Oh, and don't forget, these Eddie Haskells of freeperdom love to add: Republican Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, while Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a Democrat, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Right. Rattle off these geek-facts to a clutch of corn-rowed bubble-jacket boolies in East New York and see how far it gets you." -The Conservative Conceit

So I guess knowing your facts isn't "down with the homies" these days.
Wow, sportzter, I hadn't bothered to try the link. Bubble jacket boolies huh? I'm supposed to assume this guy speaks for them. I do bring up Strom Thurmond and Byrd in my thoughts quite often and I am also aware of the Civil War. Facts don't matter? I think you (WJ) need to take a few trips out of your log cabin in Idaho, and see, oh at least try to find another human being or two. If that doesn't change your mind, perhaps it would make sense to join the democratic party. They're voting for Kerry. He'll take your vote, although I think there's a rumor floating around about him that might not appeal to you as an anti-semite. But other than that I think he pretty much matches up with your world view.:smoke:

Welcome to the board sportzter:cheers2:
I heard about Kerry's Jewish heritage. Oh well. What's new?

I live in Brooklyn, where I see the joys of diversity up close.
I cannot believe I just read that entire article. I read the first paragraph and stopped at "We Shall Overcome." Thinking he may be making sense and that I should overlook judging races altogether and blinding myself in to thinking that EVERY person is EXACTLY the SAME I continued. Points made, points contradicting points, I actually read the entire article. Whew. Okay.

I would like to break that down and respond to it....but...

nope...not gonna do it...

Just going to say one thing: We're all different. We're not all the same. My preference is white culture. I like to listen to Country, wear polo shirts, and khakis. I can spike my hair, get sunburned, and I have a Minnesotan accent. I'm proud to be white. More of us should be instead of having what they call white guilt for our ancestor's wrongdoings. If given the choice of rap or rock it's rock every time. Nothing against's just not my thing.

Having said that I want to ask you all a question.

Is it a racist statement to say...

I am spending 10,000 a year and I want to go to a school that is dominantly white.

Keep in mind that they have all-black schools without admittance extended to whites.
"I think you (WJ) need to take a few trips out of your log cabin in Idaho, and see, oh at least try to find another human being or two. If that doesn't change your mind, perhaps it would make sense to join the democratic party. "

First off nbdysfu, let me just say that the only time I might come out of my "log cabin in Idaho" is to come pay a visit to you. Maybe then I could introduce you to the sort of thing democrats support, stabbing you in the back of the neck with a pair of sissors like a baby for instance. And second, when would it ever make sense to join the democratic party? When I am getting a blowjob in my office by an intern, or when I all of a sudden start blaming Bush for the lack of WMD found in Iraq?
"I live in Brooklyn, where I see the joys of diversity up close."

So William, what joyous sights do you see up in Brookland? I bet your just a diehard liberal, with the joy off watching the minorities on welfare over in the ghettos near you, the whole time knowing that republicans are paying for every meal they eat. So next time you see a diverse crowd, make sure you tell them to thank ME for their new Timberlands.
I wasn't talking about the article, I was responding to a post you left. And why would I read the article again, I already read the first paragraph and that was plenty of BS to last me all week.
Originally posted by sportzter5
I wasn't talking about the article, I was responding to a post you left. And why would I read the article again, I already read the first paragraph and that was plenty of BS to last me all week.
:clap: :clap: :clap: welcome to the board sportzter5.... I do believe that the remark about cabins was pointed toward someone else:D
"I already read the first paragraph and that was plenty of BS to last me all week."

I think you're just reacting to getting caught. Most conservatives are liars about race, just as most liberals are. Deal with it.
so everyones a liar but you william....boy you need a break...go for a drive in the country, get some fresh aire...
Oh, alright... not necessarily a LIAR, just misguided and uninformed. And I was once myself. I'm just here to help.
First off nbdysfu, let me just say that the only time I might come out of my "log cabin in Idaho" is to come pay a visit to you. Maybe then I could introduce you to the sort of thing democrats support, stabbing you in the back of the neck with a pair of sissors like a baby for instance. And second, when would it ever make sense to join the democratic party? When I am getting a blowjob in my office by an intern, or when I all of a sudden start blaming Bush for the lack of WMD found in Iraq?

Wow, sorry for the mixed up nbdysfu, I thought your comment was directed towards me. And William, have you gotten your diverse crowd over there in Brookland to thank ME for their Timberlands yet?
The last time I had an interaction with a Timbalans wearer, it was him threatening to beat my white ass. But how do they keep them so clean, anyway? Blacks live the dirtiest lives but have the cleanest shoes.
Originally posted by sportzter5
First off nbdysfu, let me just say that the only time I might come out of my "log cabin in Idaho" is to come pay a visit to you. Maybe then I could introduce you to the sort of thing democrats support, stabbing you in the back of the neck with a pair of sissors like a baby for instance. And second, when would it ever make sense to join the democratic party? When I am getting a blowjob in my office by an intern, or when I all of a sudden start blaming Bush for the lack of WMD found in Iraq?

Whoah, cowpoke. You're new here, so I'll just say I was referring to William Joyce, not you. I'll requote what I said:

"Wow, sportzter,[approval, I admire your courage to peep at the depths of insanity]

I hadn't bothered to try the link. ["]Bubble jacket boolies["] huh? I'm supposed to assume this guy speaks for them. I do bring up Strom Thurmond and Byrd in my thoughts quite often and I am also aware of the Civil War. Facts don't matter? I think you (WJ) need to take a few trips out of your log cabin in Idaho, and see, oh at least try to find another human being or two. If that doesn't change your mind[WJ], perhaps it would make sense to join the democratic party. They're voting for Kerry. He'll take your vote[wj], although I think there's a rumor floating around about him that might not appeal to you as an anti-semite[wj]. But other than that I think he[the vangaurd loonie] pretty much matches up with your world view[William Joyce]."

Better now? Again, WTB sportzter, I'll get yo back if you don't put scissors in mine. :D

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