Cost of Banning Muslims

Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?
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Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?

He was Afghan, with an Afghan family who still espoused their beliefs as evidenced by the interviews of the father. The San Bernardino killers were likewise foreign nationals who came here to murder people. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims coming to this country, but those who do absolutely positively must renounce Sharia law and accept the culture of tolerance and acceptance that THIS country enjoys.

If you place your religious values above the culture of THIS country, you are not welcome here. And, like I said before, I could care less how much money it costs us, nor do I care if I piss off some assholes who join ISIS. They would do that anyway.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?

He was Afghan, with an Afghan family who still espoused their beliefs as evidenced by the interviews of the father. The San Bernardino killers were likewise foreign nationals who came here to murder people. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims coming to this country, but those who do absolutely positively must renounce Sharia law and accept the culture of tolerance and acceptance that THIS country enjoys.

If you place your religious values above the culture of THIS country, you are not welcome here. And, like I said before, I could care less how much money it costs us, nor do I care if I piss off some assholes who join ISIS. They would do that anyway.
I agree. And a lie detector would be a great idea.

For the record you only want liberal Muslims.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?

He was Afghan, with an Afghan family who still espoused their beliefs as evidenced by the interviews of the father. The San Bernardino killers were likewise foreign nationals who came here to murder people. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims coming to this country, but those who do absolutely positively must renounce Sharia law and accept the culture of tolerance and acceptance that THIS country enjoys.

If you place your religious values above the culture of THIS country, you are not welcome here. And, like I said before, I could care less how much money it costs us, nor do I care if I piss off some assholes who join ISIS. They would do that anyway.
I agree. And a lie detector would be a great idea.

For the record you only want liberal Muslims.

Correct. Liberal Muslims are some of the best people I know.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?

He was Afghan, with an Afghan family who still espoused their beliefs as evidenced by the interviews of the father. The San Bernardino killers were likewise foreign nationals who came here to murder people. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims coming to this country, but those who do absolutely positively must renounce Sharia law and accept the culture of tolerance and acceptance that THIS country enjoys.

If you place your religious values above the culture of THIS country, you are not welcome here. And, like I said before, I could care less how much money it costs us, nor do I care if I piss off some assholes who join ISIS. They would do that anyway.

1. How do you know if they are telling the truth?

2. How do you know that they or their children won't radicalize?
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?
He was Afghan, Unfortunately, if you are born in this country, you are a US Citizen. Plain and simple.
with an Afghan family who still espoused their beliefs as evidenced by the interviews of the father. His family members were us citizens also. By definition. The San Bernardino killers were likewise foreign nationals who came here to murder people. So you had TWO members of a family who decided to follow Isis in their troubled minds. No other members of their families show adherence to ISIS beliefs. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims coming to this country, but those who do absolutely positively must renounce Sharia law and accept the culture of tolerance and acceptance that THIS country enjoys.
Uh, you somehow believe that if they renounce something that means they will not become a problem in the future??? Wow. That would be simple. But, of course, you are quite simply wrong. That people are being radicalized is well understood by those trying to eradicate the problem.

If you place your religious values above the culture of THIS country, you are not welcome here. So, you would like religious people of all religions thrown out. Got it. But that will not happen, me boy. And, like I said before, I could care less how much money it costs us, nor do I care if I piss off some assholes who join ISIS. They would do that anyway. Again, your very simplistic analysis of the issue opposes those who are involved in the actual, real world problem. And pissing off assholes, we all agree, is no concern to much of anyone. That is a stupid idea. But that pissed off people tend to join groups that KILL our countrymen is a concern to all who have a brain. Because we need to be aware of it, and make REASONED determinations of what to do. Your methodology feels good, but causing people to be attacked and killed so you can feel good is a really bad idea.
I know actually studying the subject, learning what those involved with the issue in depth have learned and believe, and listening to what they have to say, is not really the simple answer you would prefer. But it is based on truth, rather than the feel good mentality that small minds so desire.
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Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.
I thought you had shit on your mind. But it is really just shit for brains. The killer was a US citizen. So, did you think we should keep us citizens out, too.
So, you ban muslims. there are a couple billion of them. How many of those couple billion get pissed at us for legislating against them. and of those, how many become isis recruits. Sounds like a great plan. Jesus, does it hurt to be as stupid as you?
He was Afghan, Unfortunately, if you are born in this country, you are a US Citizen. Plain and simple.
with an Afghan family who still espoused their beliefs as evidenced by the interviews of the father. His family members were us citizens also. By definition. The San Bernardino killers were likewise foreign nationals who came here to murder people. So you had TWO members of a family who decided to follow Isis in their troubled minds. No other members of their families show adherence to ISIS beliefs. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims coming to this country, but those who do absolutely positively must renounce Sharia law and accept the culture of tolerance and acceptance that THIS country enjoys.
Uh, you somehow believe that if they renounce something that means they will not become a problem in the future??? Wow. That would be simple. But, of course, you are quite simply wrong. That people are being radicalized is well understood by those trying to eradicate the problem.

If you place your religious values above the culture of THIS country, you are not welcome here. So, you would like religious people of all religions thrown out. Got it. But that will not happen, me boy. And, like I said before, I could care less how much money it costs us, nor do I care if I piss off some assholes who join ISIS. They would do that anyway. Again, your very simplistic analysis of the issue opposes those who are involved in the actual, real world problem. And pissing off assholes, we all agree, is no concern to much of anyone. That is a stupid idea. But that pissed off people tend to join groups that KILL our countrymen is a concern to all who have a brain. Because we need to be aware of it, and make REASONED determinations of what to do. Your methodology feels good, but causing people to be attacked and killed so you can feel good is a really bad idea.
I know actually studying the subject, learning what those involved with the issue in depth have learned and believe, and listening to what they have to say, is not really the simple answer you would prefer. But it is based on truth, rather than the feel good mentality that small minds so desire.
Planned Parenthood Shooter's Motives Prove Anti-Abortion Myths Are Terribly Dangerous
The Planned Parenthood shooter, whose motives were recently made clear in unsealed court documents, was an anti-abortion evangelist

Christian terrorist organization called the Army of God. According to the newly unsealed court records, Dear used the internet to cultivate an unwavering allegiance to a man named Paul Hill, who positioned himself as a spokesperson for people thinking about killing abortion providers before actually murdering one himself, as well as the doctor's bodyguard, in 1994.

people and groups who apparently view themselves as crusaders for the unborn is a terrifying reality. In 2015, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) reported that violence against abortion providers and the women who receive abortions had hit an all time high, as both groups continued to be demonized by Republicans.

The vast majority of anti-choice activists do not end up shooting down innocent people in an abortion clinic. But their rhetoric and beliefs permeate mainstream politics and even inform legal policies in individual states that restrict a woman's right to make her own health choices by determining what's right for her life and her body.

Conservatives' near-constant attacks on a woman's right to choose consistently disregard medical science and trumpet an unrealistic moralist agenda.

During a court appearance in December, Planned Parenthood killer Robert Dear said that he was guilty. The he declared himself "a warrior for babies."

That attitude is inherently dangerous. Politicians — most of whom are male — and anti-abortion activists believe they are protecting fetuses with their restrictive policies and their moral imperatives. But what they're really doing is hurting women:

According to a recent New York Times op-ed, the Guttmacher Institute also found that there were more than 700,000 Google searches for how to self-induce an abortion in the United States 2015. The state with the most searches for D.I.Y. abortions? That would be Mississippi, which has just one abortion clinic. Simply put, as abortions become harder and harder to come by in the United States as a whole and in certain states in particular, abortion rates won't decrease — instead, desperate women will attempt to terminate unwanted pregnancies by unregulated and dangerous means.

Both the Planned Parenthood killer and GOP lawmakers believe they have the utmost regard for human life. They need to ask themselves whose well-being they really value.

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