Cost of Banning Muslims

Hard, it might seem, for pre-teens to comprehend the difference between a "cost" and an "investment". For example, they urge others to gift them with multiple sets of pretty red Doctor Dentons in sizes that will fit them now but will (if there is no justice) be outgrown in a year or so.
Correll is lying when he says the US "has an absolute right to decide who we invite to come here. It would not be "illegal" to NOT invite Muslims." Of course it is.

Correll uses the dead in Orlando to politicize his anti-LGBT agenda.

Any American who wishes to pervert the Constitution as does Correll is an enemy of America and bears watching, which I believe is probably the case.

Dumbed Down Donald is neither smart nor strong, so his yammering is like a doggie in a cage.

1.What "law" or Authority, makes it illegal?

2. Your claim that I am using this tragedy to "politicize" an anti-LGBT agenda is nonsense.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our ability to choose who we invite into our nation.

4. Trump is certainly smart, and certainly strong willed. Only a fool would deny either of those.
You have demonstrated you will lie, so you are not competent to discuss the law.

Yes, you are politicizing the dead of Orlando: for shame on you.

You do not comprehend the Constitution, as you have proven time and again.

Trump is neither smart nor strong, and neither are you.
Muslims aren't going to be banned so these discussions are pointless.

If Muslim immigrants keep killing Americans, they will be.

Nope. They won't.

Sure it will. People don't like being killed.
Nope, you are like Donald, neither strong nor smart.

THat was not a response to my point.

People don't like being killed.

If Muslim immigrants keep killing people, the people are going to want to stop Muslim Immigration.
You have demonstrated you will lie, so you are not competent to discuss the law.

Yes, you are politicizing the dead of Orlando: for shame on you.

You do not comprehend the Constitution, as you have proven time and again.

Trump is neither smart nor strong, and neither are you.

1. Says the man that can't back up his claim.

2. Moving the Goal Posts. A minute ago you were talking about some Mythical Anti-LGBT agenda of mine.

3. Says the liar.

4. As I said, only a fool would dispute that Trump is smart and Strong.
Does ANYONE know if the cost of the Lives lost were included in the calculation?
You have demonstrated you will lie, so you are not competent to discuss the law.

Yes, you are politicizing the dead of Orlando: for shame on you.

You do not comprehend the Constitution, as you have proven time and again.

Trump is neither smart nor strong, and neither are you.

1. Says the man that can't back up his claim.

2. Moving the Goal Posts. A minute ago you were talking about some Mythical Anti-LGBT agenda of mine.

3. Says the liar.

4. As I said, only a fool would dispute that Trump is smart and Strong.
Your claim is not backed up is what you mean.

You politicize the dead, and you don't comprehend the Constitution.

And the libertarian's strength grows at Dum Dum Donald's expense.
You have demonstrated you will lie, so you are not competent to discuss the law.

Yes, you are politicizing the dead of Orlando: for shame on you.

You do not comprehend the Constitution, as you have proven time and again.

Trump is neither smart nor strong, and neither are you.

1. Says the man that can't back up his claim.

2. Moving the Goal Posts. A minute ago you were talking about some Mythical Anti-LGBT agenda of mine.

3. Says the liar.

4. As I said, only a fool would dispute that Trump is smart and Strong.
Your claim is not backed up is what you mean.

You politicize the dead, and you don't comprehend the Constitution.

And the libertarian's strength grows at Dum Dum Donald's expense.

1 My belief that the US has the right to invite who we want and bar who we want is based on the Right of Sovereignty.

2. And you still are running away from your claim about my "anti-LGBT" agenda.

3. I understand the Constitution better than you, if you think we do NOT have the right to invite or dis-invite who ever we choose.

4. And as I said, only a fool would dispute that Trump is smart and strong.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

Yeah, the the Undertakers who don't get work. Crime scene clean up crews.

I see why you support terrorism, Silly Bonobo.
Your belief is not law. That's hard for your to accept, ndo: for shame on you.

Your antiLGBT agenda is quite obvious.

You have no comprehension of the Constitution or its principles.

Dumb Dumb Donnie is down eight points since Sunday and getting wider.
Your belief is not law. That's hard for your to accept, ndo: for shame on you.

Your antiLGBT agenda is quite obvious.

You have no comprehension of the Constitution or its principles.

Dumb Dumb Donnie is down eight points since Sunday and getting wider.

1. THe Right of Sovereignty is recognized by international law.

2. LOL! You are so full of crap. I challenge you to show anything to support your claim of an anti-LGBT agenda.

3. Sure I do. You are the one who is delusional.

4. Really? Sorry to hear that. Oh?! You're using that to support your claim that he is not smart or strong? That would be the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity. THus your argument is invalid.

4b Propaganda and lies do work.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

I think the real number is closer to 20 bajillion!!

That's right!! 20 BAJAILLION!!! BA-JILLION!!! 20 motherfucking BAJILLION!!


If you're gonna make up numbers from thin air, at least make 'em entertaining.:thup:
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

Yeah, the the Undertakers who don't get work. Crime scene clean up crews.

I see why you support terrorism, Silly Bonobo.
Yea, I support terrorism.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

I think the real number is closer to 20 bajillion!!

That's right!! 20 BAJAILLION!!! BA-JILLION!!! 20 motherfucking BAJILLION!!


If you're gonna make up numbers from thin air, at least make 'em entertaining.:thup:
Sorry, 24 billion. I was going off memory but I was wrong. It's 4 billion more than I said. Happy now?

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