Cost of Banning Muslims

Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

Yeah, the the Undertakers who don't get work. Crime scene clean up crews.

I see why you support terrorism, Silly Bonobo.
Yea, I support terrorism.

Seely, it probably got buried under all the pap, certain unnamed posters have been spewing, but,

I asked what value was assigned for the lost lives in the calculation in the OP.

Let me clarify, since you are talking economic value, that was what I meant too.

What ECONOMIC value was given for centuries of lost work, not to mention the loss of any children and THEIR contribution to society?

I am NOT talking about any mumbo jumbo about the Sanctity of Human Life or the Pain and Suffering endured by those that died or their survivors, or the wounded.

(I hate when they say just wounded, it always seems like they should note how many missing limbs, or horrible maimings, or brain damage, ect)

Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
You don't believe in the Constitution, your antiLBGT hatred is obvious and you won't condemn the barbarism against LGBT, and Trump is weak and confused.

What lies have I told: none. I have exposed yours and will continue doing so to keep America strong.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.
Probably true. But basing those groups on Religion is questionable. More importantly, the results of doing so are not a legal question. That is an intelligence question. How many people can you piss off before you have fatally shot yourself in the foot. In the past, any POTUS had the smarts to not try that one. This guy, not so sure.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.
You know, lots of us would be Ivy League Graduates if we had fathers worth millions. His careers were successful AFTER Bankruptcies. Most of us can not afford a bankruptcy, and do not get a couple million to start with, or to cover our mistakes. You see, we would be ruined. So, sure, he has some success, but no one will ever know how much, because he will not show his financials. Maybe we will see them as a result of his latest legal problems with "Trump UnivTUSersity"?
Then there is the Mexicans paying for the wall. And on and on and on.
What he has done so far is get a portion of the Republican party, the far far far right to buy his line of drivel. And you. So, what is that, me boy. About 20% of the voting public? Yeah, so far, he looks real smart. Relatively. To really stupid people.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
WHAT lies are you speaking of. Perhaps you can be more specific. Or, perhaps not.

3.a "Questionable?" Not when a number of violent factions are waging HOly War on US in the name of that religion, AND random immigrates of that religion are going on mass murder sprees.

3b Your concern for the delicate sensibilities of the Muslims is interesting, when compared to the way you gleefully and viciously slander about HALF of your nation's citizens.

4a Money might get you INTO an Ivy League University. It does not get you passing grades.

4bYour lack of understanding about the role of bankruptcies in large portfolios is a sign of YOUR intelligence level, not Trump's.

4c Your inability to understand the leverage that an American President can have over Mexico is a sign of your intelligence, not Trump's.

4e Trump is polling well over 40%. That you consider 40% of the country to be "far, far right" is another sign of your level of intelligence, not Trump's or mine.

5. Where to start? Trump supposedly calling ALL MEXICANS RAPISTS for one big one.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
You don't believe in the Constitution, your antiLBGT hatred is obvious and you won't condemn the barbarism against LGBT, and Trump is weak and confused.

What lies have I told: none. I have exposed yours and will continue doing so to keep America strong.

1. And back to an unsupported assertion. Which is generally all you can manage.

2. YOu say it's obvious, but you can give no example or even description of it. This is where someone with the tiniest shred of Intellectual honesty would admit that they made a mistake.

3. Only a fool would think that Trump is not smart and strong.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
You don't believe in the Constitution, your antiLBGT hatred is obvious and you won't condemn the barbarism against LGBT, and Trump is weak and confused.

What lies have I told: none. I have exposed yours and will continue doing so to keep America strong.

What barbarism against LGBT are you talking about? It seems like the only ones doing barbaric acts are the muslims you constantly defend.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
You don't believe in the Constitution, your antiLBGT hatred is obvious and you won't condemn the barbarism against LGBT, and Trump is weak and confused.

What lies have I told: none. I have exposed yours and will continue doing so to keep America strong.

What barbarism against LGBT are you talking about? It seems like the only ones doing barbaric acts are the muslims you constantly defend.
You failed to read the events listed above?

You fail to be familiar with American culture, life, and history?

Correll's lies have fallen flat as usual. He has still failed to condemn all barbarism toward gays.

Trump is confused and ignorant and weak, while you are malignantly motivated, Correll.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
You don't believe in the Constitution, your antiLBGT hatred is obvious and you won't condemn the barbarism against LGBT, and Trump is weak and confused.

What lies have I told: none. I have exposed yours and will continue doing so to keep America strong.

What barbarism against LGBT are you talking about? It seems like the only ones doing barbaric acts are the muslims you constantly defend.
You failed to read the events listed above?

You fail to be familiar with American culture, life, and history?

Correll's lies have fallen flat as usual. He has still failed to condemn all barbarism toward gays.

Trump is confused and ignorant and weak, while you are malignantly motivated, Correll.

Hey, there's over fifty posts on this thread. Can't you just in a few words tell me about the barbarism against LBGT? I'm talking present day. From what I can see, LGBT's are a protected group and the only ones doing barbarism against them are the muzzies, like I said. Strange. A Muslim massacres and injures a hundred homosexuals in florida and some of you people right away go for banning guns and accusing non LBGT worshippers of being Nazis. You do this almost automatically, like you're programmed that way.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.
Probably true. But basing those groups on Religion is questionable. More importantly, the results of doing so are not a legal question. That is an intelligence question. How many people can you piss off before you have fatally shot yourself in the foot. In the past, any POTUS had the smarts to not try that one. This guy, not so sure.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.
You know, lots of us would be Ivy League Graduates if we had fathers worth millions. His careers were successful AFTER Bankruptcies. Most of us can not afford a bankruptcy, and do not get a couple million to start with, or to cover our mistakes. You see, we would be ruined. So, sure, he has some success, but no one will ever know how much, because he will not show his financials. Maybe we will see them as a result of his latest legal problems with "Trump UnivTUSersity"?
Then there is the Mexicans paying for the wall. And on and on and on.
What he has done so far is get a portion of the Republican party, the far far far right to buy his line of drivel. And you. So, what is that, me boy. About 20% of the voting public? Yeah, so far, he looks real smart. Relatively. To really stupid people.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
WHAT lies are you speaking of. Perhaps you can be more specific. Or, perhaps not.

3.a "Questionable?" Not when a number of violent factions are waging HOly War on US in the name of that religion, AND random immigrates of that religion are going on mass murder sprees.

3b Your concern for the delicate sensibilities of the Muslims is interesting, when compared to the way you gleefully and viciously slander about HALF of your nation's citizens.

4a Money might get you INTO an Ivy League University. It does not get you passing grades.

4bYour lack of understanding about the role of bankruptcies in large portfolios is a sign of YOUR intelligence level, not Trump's.

4c Your inability to understand the leverage that an American President can have over Mexico is a sign of your intelligence, not Trump's.

4e Trump is polling well over 40%. That you consider 40% of the country to be "far, far right" is another sign of your level of intelligence, not Trump's or mine.

5. Where to start? Trump supposedly calling ALL MEXICANS RAPISTS for one big one.
What if they convert to Christianity and attack is in the name of Jesus. Should we go after good Christians?

I hate religion so I'm torn on this one. I want to ban Muslims too. Not all but make it really hard. And spy on them while they're applying. Even try to set them up. Interview CO workers and neighbors. Be real selective
Id only accept secular liberal Muslims. Can't understand live and let live? Get out or don't come
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.
Sovereignity is indeed recognized, but not your form expression under our law.

Condemn all barbarism against LGBTs from the far right, regardless of its wellspring.

The Constitution is a strange document to you, jes.

His speeches these last two weeks reveal his ignorance and weakness.

Yes, your lies will never work. You, like Donald, are not smart.

1. "not your form expression under our law"? WTF does that mean?

2. Mm, you said my anti-LGBT agenda was obvious. When challenged to support that, you ask me to condemn something? This is where you admit that you cannot support your earlier crazy talk.

3. Nothing in the Constitution limits our governments power to invite or ban various groups of immigrants.
Probably true. But basing those groups on Religion is questionable. More importantly, the results of doing so are not a legal question. That is an intelligence question. How many people can you piss off before you have fatally shot yourself in the foot. In the past, any POTUS had the smarts to not try that one. This guy, not so sure.

4. Trump is smart and strong. Only a fool would deny that. He is an Ivy League Graduate. He has had 2 successful careers and is doing very well in a third. His aggressive campaign strategy reveals quite a bit of moral courage.
You know, lots of us would be Ivy League Graduates if we had fathers worth millions. His careers were successful AFTER Bankruptcies. Most of us can not afford a bankruptcy, and do not get a couple million to start with, or to cover our mistakes. You see, we would be ruined. So, sure, he has some success, but no one will ever know how much, because he will not show his financials. Maybe we will see them as a result of his latest legal problems with "Trump UnivTUSersity"?
Then there is the Mexicans paying for the wall. And on and on and on.
What he has done so far is get a portion of the Republican party, the far far far right to buy his line of drivel. And you. So, what is that, me boy. About 20% of the voting public? Yeah, so far, he looks real smart. Relatively. To really stupid people.

5. YOu and yours are the ones lying. And your lies often work. THey are tearing this nation apart.
WHAT lies are you speaking of. Perhaps you can be more specific. Or, perhaps not.

3.a "Questionable?" Not when a number of violent factions are waging HOly War on US in the name of that religion, AND random immigrates of that religion are going on mass murder sprees.

3b Your concern for the delicate sensibilities of the Muslims is interesting, when compared to the way you gleefully and viciously slander about HALF of your nation's citizens.

4a Money might get you INTO an Ivy League University. It does not get you passing grades.

4bYour lack of understanding about the role of bankruptcies in large portfolios is a sign of YOUR intelligence level, not Trump's.

4c Your inability to understand the leverage that an American President can have over Mexico is a sign of your intelligence, not Trump's.

4e Trump is polling well over 40%. That you consider 40% of the country to be "far, far right" is another sign of your level of intelligence, not Trump's or mine.

5. Where to start? Trump supposedly calling ALL MEXICANS RAPISTS for one big one.
What if they convert to Christianity and attack is in the name of Jesus. Should we go after good Christians?

I hate religion so I'm torn on this one. I want to ban Muslims too. Not all but make it really hard. And spy on them while they're applying. Even try to set them up. Interview CO workers and neighbors. Be real selective

1. When they convert and start attacking in the name of Jesus, we will take a fresh look at the problem. Until then, let's try to keep it real.

2. Don't kid yourself. NOt all religions are the same.
Correll lies, yet again (this gets old), when he writes that " the Far Left HAS been saying that the US cannot pick and choose who is permitted here." No one - far left, sane center, far right - has said any such thing.

What the sane center is telling Devious Donnie that he will not be allowed to ban based on religion. End of discussion.

Not a religious ban, but a security ban. It's well within the scope of presidential authority.
Correll lies, yet again (this gets old), when he writes that " the Far Left HAS been saying that the US cannot pick and choose who is permitted here." No one - far left, sane center, far right - has said any such thing.

What the sane center is telling Devious Donnie that he will not be allowed to ban based on religion. End of discussion.

Not a religious ban, but a security ban. It's well within the scope of presidential authority.

What are your qualifications to make the above pronouncement?

"Many legal experts said Trump’s proposal for a religion-based ban would be unlikely to pass the test of U.S. constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection and would likely be struck down by the courts if he tried to implement them by presidential decree."

So, newsweek says you are wrong. Other sources, including every bat shit crazy con web site, agree with you, but for various less likely reasons.
So, the ban is based on a religion. Big problem
And, since it would take congress to pass a law, there is a big, big problem. Most politicians want nothing to do with banning religions, or in general affecting religious rights. So, no way are they going to jump on this crazy bandwagon.
Correll lies, yet again (this gets old), when he writes that " the Far Left HAS been saying that the US cannot pick and choose who is permitted here." No one - far left, sane center, far right - has said any such thing.

What the sane center is telling Devious Donnie that he will not be allowed to ban based on religion. End of discussion.

Not a religious ban, but a security ban. It's well within the scope of presidential authority.

What are your qualifications to make the above pronouncement?

"Many legal experts said Trump’s proposal for a religion-based ban would be unlikely to pass the test of U.S. constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection and would likely be struck down by the courts if he tried to implement them by presidential decree."

So, newsweek says you are wrong. Other sources, including every bat shit crazy con web site, agree with you, but for various less likely reasons.
So, the ban is based on a religion. Big problem
And, since it would take congress to pass a law, there is a big, big problem. Most politicians want nothing to do with banning religions, or in general affecting religious rights. So, no way are they going to jump on this crazy bandwagon.

1. His qualifications are the 50 funerals taking place in Orlando. And his ability to understand that the CERTAINTY OF DEATH is a security concern.

2. OUTSIDERS do not have the Protection of being an American Citizen. If Precedent says they do, that precedent needs to be overturned.
Correll lies, yet again (this gets old), when he writes that " the Far Left HAS been saying that the US cannot pick and choose who is permitted here." No one - far left, sane center, far right - has said any such thing.

What the sane center is telling Devious Donnie that he will not be allowed to ban based on religion. End of discussion.

Not a religious ban, but a security ban. It's well within the scope of presidential authority.

What are your qualifications to make the above pronouncement?

"Many legal experts said Trump’s proposal for a religion-based ban would be unlikely to pass the test of U.S. constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection and would likely be struck down by the courts if he tried to implement them by presidential decree."

So, newsweek says you are wrong. Other sources, including every bat shit crazy con web site, agree with you, but for various less likely reasons.
So, the ban is based on a religion. Big problem
And, since it would take congress to pass a law, there is a big, big problem. Most politicians want nothing to do with banning religions, or in general affecting religious rights. So, no way are they going to jump on this crazy bandwagon.

You are still proceeding from the erroneous assumption that a ban must be by necessity religious.
Correll lies, yet again (this gets old), when he writes that " the Far Left HAS been saying that the US cannot pick and choose who is permitted here." No one - far left, sane center, far right - has said any such thing.

What the sane center is telling Devious Donnie that he will not be allowed to ban based on religion. End of discussion.

Not a religious ban, but a security ban. It's well within the scope of presidential authority.

What are your qualifications to make the above pronouncement?

"Many legal experts said Trump’s proposal for a religion-based ban would be unlikely to pass the test of U.S. constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection and would likely be struck down by the courts if he tried to implement them by presidential decree."

So, newsweek says you are wrong. Other sources, including every bat shit crazy con web site, agree with you, but for various less likely reasons.
So, the ban is based on a religion. Big problem
And, since it would take congress to pass a law, there is a big, big problem. Most politicians want nothing to do with banning religions, or in general affecting religious rights. So, no way are they going to jump on this crazy bandwagon.

1. His qualifications are the 50 funerals taking place in Orlando. And his ability to understand that the CERTAINTY OF DEATH is a security concern.

2. OUTSIDERS do not have the Protection of being an American Citizen. If Precedent says they do, that precedent needs to be overturned.
The Orlando tragedy does not justify violating the Constitution.

You recognize that it takes law to do what you want. If elected, Trump will have to convince congress to pass such a law for SCOTUS to overturn.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.
It costs us $720 million a year now to bring them here....
$20,000 X 100 per day X 365 =$719,903,200.00

Hillary wants even more than 100 per day.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.
It costs us $720 million a year now to bring them here....
$20,000 X 100 per day X 365 =$719,903,200.00

Hillary wants even more than 100 per day.
You want to cut off tourism? And the funny thing is, none of this would have stopped this guy or San Bernadino.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.
It costs us $720 million a year now to bring them here....
$20,000 X 100 per day X 365 =$719,903,200.00

Hillary wants even more than 100 per day.
You want to cut off tourism? And the funny thing is, none of this would have stopped this guy or San Bernadino.
Politically-correctness is the root cause.....and Islam
Correll lies, yet again (this gets old), when he writes that " the Far Left HAS been saying that the US cannot pick and choose who is permitted here." No one - far left, sane center, far right - has said any such thing.

What the sane center is telling Devious Donnie that he will not be allowed to ban based on religion. End of discussion.

Not a religious ban, but a security ban. It's well within the scope of presidential authority.

What are your qualifications to make the above pronouncement?

"Many legal experts said Trump’s proposal for a religion-based ban would be unlikely to pass the test of U.S. constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection and would likely be struck down by the courts if he tried to implement them by presidential decree."

So, newsweek says you are wrong. Other sources, including every bat shit crazy con web site, agree with you, but for various less likely reasons.
So, the ban is based on a religion. Big problem
And, since it would take congress to pass a law, there is a big, big problem. Most politicians want nothing to do with banning religions, or in general affecting religious rights. So, no way are they going to jump on this crazy bandwagon.

1. His qualifications are the 50 funerals taking place in Orlando. And his ability to understand that the CERTAINTY OF DEATH is a security concern.

2. OUTSIDERS do not have the Protection of being an American Citizen. If Precedent says they do, that precedent needs to be overturned.
The Orlando tragedy does not justify violating the Constitution.

You recognize that it takes law to do what you want. If elected, Trump will have to convince congress to pass such a law for SCOTUS to overturn.

Your opinion is noted.

Please note my use of the word "IF".

And try to be less dishonest.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

How much agony is inflicted on the citizens of this country when one of them go's off? I understand that money is more important than people to progressives like you, but to those of us who care more about people, we really don't give a shit.

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