Costco-members learn the hard way!


The master mind of JFK
Sep 10, 2010
While the devastation of the Costco Hepatitis A disease, becomes real to the American people. The number of “frozen berries” that have been sold, nearly (half a million) is also getting realized.

This is serious guys! Hundreds, if not thousands, could be affected with Hepatitis A! The more the news groups ignore this story trying to stay loyal to their Corporation beliefs, the more uninformed people are going to be about this “outbreak disease that’s not cool people.”

What’s going to happen here possibly, is hundreds if not thousands of people are going to need a liver or kidney transplant to survive this violent disease that Costco has gave, to its members nation-wide?

People are calling Costco’s Headquarters without getting responses and when they do get a response from the company it’s vague with no apology or talk about medical coverage. Costco will give a vaccine shot as of June 6th, but I’m sorry the damage is done the people need help and Costco and the Government are turning their backs of the poor victims in America.

Now you know who you’ve been putting into office in the government and who you been paying for salaries at Costco. You’ve been sold-out by the worst. Welcome to the real world, people!

What’s it going to cost for each person who has the disease, thousands, millions of dollars? We’re talking transplants, rehab, medicine, bills, that won’t get paid now because you aren’t going to work anymore? Seven states so far across the nation are affected by this disease and counting.

I was just listening to the news on the main stations they interrupted the program that my wife was watching just to talk about a woman that came encounter with a shark. I’m talking about are “mainstream media” not even concerned about this outbreak because Costco is a corporate so loved by all!

What a joke people!

Wake-up everybody listen to what’s been said on your news stations and what is not….
To make matter worse some of the people who work at the pharmacies, have contracted the Hepatitis A so when Costco sends you for their “Hepatitis shot,” that their offering you, may just get it from your pharmacist several pharmacist have been reported to have contract the Hepatitis A ! One woman is suing from her bedside at a hospital in Lakewood Washington.

We don’t know where this disease could have started yet? It was “Townsends Farm of Fairview Oregon,” that grows the berries but they use products from Argentina and Chile. America has got to learn to grow its own food more often…

Costco Vice President of Food Safety said Costco has informed 240,000 of their members with information about the outbreak and over 10,000 phone calls have been received by concerned members that shop at the Costco’s nation-wide.

The media is doing such a great job of covering up the story that’s why only 10,000 calls had been received by Costco and not 300,000 Plus people who could be carrying the Hepatitis A disease.

Watch-out America, you’ve missed with some bad crooks!


Fox Muldeer
Business News Investigator
Wow... Sams Clubs expectations don't have to be too high after something like this. Their slogan can just be "Hey! We won't give you Hepatitis."
I almost applied at Costco's years and years ago but they were only accepting employment to start at 2-4 in the morning.

I said no thanks.

Someone in a different part of the country said they worked for years at Costco before they let him work normal business hours. I never understood how this is a good place of employment.

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