Self checkouts will be scrapped at Walmart, Costco, and Wegmans

For every action there is a reaction, for every inaction there is nothing in return.
I was taught to treat every job like it is a step to a better job.
And it is true.
If I quit my job today, and went to work for Walmart - I guarantee you I would at minimum be an assistant store manager within a year. Be managing my own store within 2 years and end up in corporate within 5.
Making 6 figures.
Now - what is different between me and the green haired tattoo monkey with an attitude?

There is no excuse to ever do a bad job. No matter how shitty of a job it is, no matter how low the wages are - that crappy job WILL turn into better jobs if you treat that job as a stepping stone.
Some people are not driven to excel. Many are lazy or feeble minded.

For example, a close friend who is very successful has three adult children. Two are successful. The third has mental problems and will never amount to much. He can hold down a MW job for awhile, but ultimately gets fired for all sorts of reasons.
You ever deal with the miscreants WalMart hires as cashiers??
Here - most of them are either old ladies that move like pond water, or green hair freaks with 300 tattoos with no brains and an attitude

Walmart here is not like that. I guess I'm just lucky to live in a region largely free of idiots and assholes. I get my cup full of them here.
Some people are not driven to excel. Many are lazy or feeble minded.

For example, a close friend who is very successful has three adult children. Two are successful. The third has mental problems and will never amount to much. He can hold down a MW job for awhile, but ultimately gets fired for all sorts of reasons.
(My emphasis)
And that is because America finances poverty. And social media strongly influences young people to look at an employer as a persecutor. Not as an opportunity.
(My emphasis)
And that is because America finances poverty. And social media strongly influences young people to look at an employer as a persecutor. Not as an opportunity.
I don’t believe that. Most young people want a good life and are willing to work for it.
You ever deal with the miscreants WalMart hires as cashiers??
Here - most of them are either old ladies that move like pond water, or green hair freaks with 300 tattoos with no brains and an attitude
And yet Ken and Karen shop at Walmart when they under achieved in life…just to feel superior to a cashier.
And yet Ken and Karen shop at Walmart when they under achieved in life…just to feel superior to a cashier.

Some retail experts predict​

The headline is mere speculation
I'm ever so glad our local Walmart still has self-checkout. Their cashiers are the most dispirited bunch I've ever come across in retail.
Self checkouts are fine if you only have a few items that you can scan real quick and be out the door, but they're not ideal for people with a whole cart full of groceries. It takes much longer than a cashier can.
Dogbert Becomes a Pooper-Scooper

The employees and customers never benefit from the plutocrats' increased profits. But the toxic greed will inevitably lead to the Scrooges' not being here to stay.
You need your medication adjusted again.
I've never used one. They not only take a job away from someone else, they make more work for me saving the store money while not saving me a dime.
How can it be any faster for an inexperienced noob to read and figure out how to ring yourself through than it can for a trained, experienced cashier?

Wait-you think the typical cashier is "trained and experienced?"

Actually yes. There is a full service station near me and I love not having to get out of my car while the attendant pumps my gas, cleans my windshield, checks my tires, and any other quick service I might need. Life was better then. People were friendlier. I'd hate to be you always in too much of a hurry that you deprive yourself of the very pleasure of human interaction with other good people, but I realize that there in your big city surrounded by other progressives, you're just hoping to get out of there w/o getting stabbed or robbed back home to your hole in the wall to get back on the internet.

I want a service station attendant pump my gas. We we lived in Indiana and to get them to pump your gas in crappy weather was a penny, so I paid a penny more a gallon.
Yeah, it's them gouge the paint with the pump, select the wrong grade of gas, then watch the last quart dribble down the side of the car. Hopefully, they don't forget to replace the cap. Hopefully, they don't take a picture of your credit card to order a flatscreen TV.

Some retail experts predict the reported rise in crime will lead to the demise of self-checkout at big retailers like Walmart and Costco.​

Self-checkouts at big retailers like Walmart and Costco could soon be a thing of the past, warn retail experts, and corporations are pinning it on crime.

An industry expert has warned that Walmart, which has recently claimed it will be launching in-store mini post offices, will scrap self-checkout in the near future.

"I think we are going to see the demise of self-checkouts very soon," said Phil Lempert, a food industry analyst.

Meh, just look at the demographics in the area and don't put them in certain places, simple as that.

It's certainly not a benefit for the paying customer if it went away.....Hell, they would still only have two registers open.

Putting them in high crime area's was retarded to start with.

I wonder what the WM prices would be if no one stole anything. Because us paying customers have to pay for all those stolen items.
Putting them in high crime area's was retarded to start with.

I wonder what the WM prices would be if no one stole anything. Because us paying customers have to pay for all those stolen items.
The customer pays for everything a business does.
How's this thread in "health and lifestyle?" What does any of this have to do with those two things? Looks like a way to bury it.
How's this thread in "health and lifestyle?" What does any of this have to do with those two things? Looks like a way to bury it.
With crime so rampant, especially in liberal cities with lots of ilelgals, we need a separate subforum labeled “crime.”

As for me here, the Target doesn’t open its self-serve lines until noon and then closes them early evening. I asked why, and they said they need to oversee them due to a lot of shoplifting, and only can do so when they have the full crew on.

BTW, I live in the suburbs of a very liberal city, and about 5 miles from a big settlement of illegals.
It's a systemic failure. Around 20% of customers have experienced unconscious shoplifting with unscanned items in the bagging. Ordinary customers are not trained to scan items properly and it takes months for learn that skill.

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