Could a political party committed to ‘buying votes’ from our lowest grade exist in America? What would that say about todays citizenry?

Explain that…how are “working Americans“ making less because Elon Musk is making more?

Easy Peasy

Our society has demanded less contribution from the rich while providing less protection for working Americans

The result is that working Americans have to contribute more for schools, healthcare, retirement
Easy Peasy

Our society has demanded less contribution from the rich while providing less protection for working Americans

The result is that working Americans have to contribute more for schools, healthcare, retirement
But our treasury took in record revenues under Trump so how can that be? Are your 5 million illegals helping the “working class”?
But our treasury took in record revenues under Trump so how can that be? Are your 5 million illegals helping the “working class”?

If the treasury took in record revenues…..Why did Trump run trillion dollar deficits?
What if a party could thrive and expand by vilifying our best citizens….people of faith, our most charitable givers, law-abiding patriotic nationalists, traditionalists, constitutionalists, our producers, those paying the majority of our taxes…etc etc.

What if this party could thrive and expand by championing an open border, by throwing millions of illegals in the laps of taxpayers, by perpetuating manifesting and fostering criminality through ‘tolerant’ policy, by championing immorality and indecency…by glamorizing abortion, homosexuality, atheism…by discouraging patriotism / nationalism, by encouraging disdain for America’s history, founding and constitution….etc etc.

If such a Party could exist and thrive….what kind of a nation would we have?

Our best citizens do not support Republicans. Liars, cheats and thieves support Republicans. You are living proof of of that.
Didn’t they target the same citizens? The citizens doing good things in America, good things for America?
Was there ever a party laser focused on working exclusively for Mexico’s people and our lowest grade human beings?

You and Trump supporters are the lowest grade of human beings.
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Our best citizens do not support Republicans. Liars, cheats and thieves support Republicans. You are living proof of of that.

Hahahaha….meanwhile you can’t spot one single Republican at the link or the images below….can you?


As with most partisan propaganda there is more than a grain of truth in what you say here.

As with most partisan propaganda you throw rocks at the worst that your adversaries manifest and nothing about their good qualities and policies.

As with most partisan propaganda you pretend like your own leadership is any better even if that leadership has behaved traitorously in recent times.

January 6, 2021, hangs heavy over the head of your Orange Faux-Tan standard bearer; an unforgivable political "sin" that will not and cannot be forgotten.

I really do not want to vote Democratic again in 2024.

But you will leave me no choice if you run your ignorant arrogant autocratic amoral lying incompetent traitorous Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God again.

Set aside your Orange Albatross and thereby eliminate the existential threat to American representative democracy and I'll consider voting (R) again.

So will millions of other Independents and Reagan Democrats who will support much of your agenda once you recover both your sanity and courage.

I am a Reagan Republican and the problem with the Republican Party goes beyond Trump. The problem is that the party has been taken over by right wing fascists and religious fanatics. What we have seen is hatred for transgenders and gays. Republicans have used them the same way that Hitler used Jews in Nazi Germany. The Republican Party has attacked our voting rights. They are going after drop boxes and mail-in voting with false claims of fraud. The Republicans desperately tried to stop voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. They are attacking free speech rights. They want to impose their religious beliefs on us at the point of a gun. They want to elevate churches over government. Republicans are racist. DeSantis dismantled a black majority in Florida and had people who were told they could vote arrested. These just happened to be black people. Clearly this was voter suppression.

What you are saying is that you support all of this and if another Republican who was not Trump but shared the same views, you would support them.
Hahahaha….meanwhile you can’t spot one single Republican at the link or the images below….can you?


I clicked on that link, and the people with the dyed hair did not figure on that list. You're an idiot.

In fact it's totally fake, because one guy on the third line figures twice, once without face tattoos, then again with.
This “wealth gap” you beggars always speak of….I’ve never once gave two shits about my wealthier neighbor and his earnings….why would you care about what others earn in relation to what you earn? Do you believe there’s no money to be earned by you because they’re hoarding all the cash and opportunity?

Maybe you should start. The rich getting richer hurts the economy in the long run. The rich can only spend so much and the lower income classes have less to spend, that means fewer jobs. The rich are hoarding the cash. Inflation is being caused because businesses are raising prices so they can fatten their profits and give more cash to stockholders. Dividends should be taxed at ordinary tax rates for the wealthy.
But there have been parties that are more inclusive and less willing to scapegoat the less advantaged
You mean the brainless. Our Founding Fathers were right, only the brightest citizens should be allowed to vote. If you're not smart enough to own property, you don't get to vote.
A nation "led" by a doddering old pervert who allegedly molested his own daughter and sells out our energy infrastructure to the highest bidder while preaching his own moral superiority by labeling anyone who opposes him as dangerous.

You do know Mr loser trumps 1st wife accused him of rape Dropped charges after the pay off

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