could Australia supply the West with humanely dug-up materials for electric batteries?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Labor ‘denies’ that Australia is already a ‘nuclear nation’

Labor "denies" that Australia already is a "nuclear nation", according to Shadow Energy Minister Ted O’Brien. “For seven decades, Australians have been at the forefront of nuclear technology, especially when it comes to medicines,” he told Sky News host Amanda Stoker. “With the AUKUS deal, we are going to have our own fleet of nuclear-propelled submarines. “We export uranium, powering nuclear energy plants across the world but none of our own.”

Remote : 2023-04-23(Sunday) 11 : 40 : 14
Local : 2023-04-23(Sunday) 11 : 40 : 14

Found via NicerApp WebOS

this has got me thinking : could Australia supply the West with humanely dug-up materials for electric batteries?
i think that -if viable- this would be far better than getting it from child labor done in Afghanistan under Chinese control.
it also brings up another question : do we have the ability to recycle spent electric batteries yet?
if not - shouldn't we invest in the science to make that a reality?
Or we could just use common sense & stop the insane net zero BS.
That way we won't need that many electric batteries since we would keep real vehicles & EV's would remain a novelty choice of the AGW virtue signalers.

We have plenty of rare earths & other materials we can mine here at home if we just tell the eco fascists to stay out of the way & go cry somewhere else.
We should be supplying our own materials anyway.
it also brings up another question : do we have the ability to recycle spent electric batteries yet?
if not - shouldn't we invest in the science to make that a reality?
Yes, they can recycle the lithium that the large EVs use. However, the rare earth elements in them are toast. (Anode and cathode terminal coatings)
Yes, they can recycle the lithium that the large EVs use. However, the rare earth elements in them are toast. (Anode and cathode terminal coatings)
do you know if those rare earth minerals can be found here in the West as well?
i'm a strong proponent of digging-it-up-ourselves-in-our-own-backyards, you see.
that thinking of mine applies to fossil fuels, but also just as much as to electric battery materials.
Or we could just use common sense & stop the insane net zero BS.
That way we won't need that many electric batteries since we would keep real vehicles & EV's would remain a novelty choice of the AGW virtue signalers.
'net zero' isn't BS imo. it's credible decades-old scientific analysis peer-reviewed by many.
and electric vehicles, once fully developed are not only more silent (which i would greatly welcome), they'll be just as strong and long-ranged once the infrastructure for them is in place.
so i vote for a quick adoptation of EVs, even if it means some pain for the citizenry during the transition.
We have plenty of rare earths & other materials we can mine here at home if we just tell the eco fascists to stay out of the way & go cry somewhere else.
don't go calling everyone you dislike a fascist please.
a real fascist is horrible, eco-economy pushers are just a necessary nuisance.
We should be supplying our own materials anyway.
we can agree on that :)
There is nothing "clean" about EVs. That is a delusion.
ever checked the stench at fossil fuel stations? or checked under the hood of a fossil fuel car?

dirty tech can however be made clean enough to run an economy with.
all it requires is planning and effort.
The brake calipers on my 33 year old fuel burning beater were made in Australia.

ever checked the stench at fossil fuel stations? or checked under the hood of a fossil fuel car?

dirty tech can however be made clean enough to run an economy with.
all it requires is planning and effort.
All vehicles use the same resources of heavy metals, plastics, and toxic chemicals.
Most resources are mined using large diesel powered machines in open pit mines, including lithium.
Lithium itself uses 500,000 gallons of water to make one metric ton which is evaporated in large toxic pools, typically in arid regions that can't afford to waste the water. If those pools leech as they have in South America it poisons the local water supply.

Currently only 4-5% of lithium is actually recycled with the rest ending up in landfills.
'net zero' isn't BS imo. it's credible decades-old scientific analysis peer-reviewed by many.
and electric vehicles, once fully developed are not only more silent (which i would greatly welcome), they'll be just as strong and long-ranged once the infrastructure for them is in place.
so i vote for a quick adoptation of EVs, even if it means some pain for the citizenry during the transition.

don't go calling everyone you dislike a fascist please.
a real fascist is horrible, eco-economy pushers are just a necessary nuisance.

we can agree on that :)
I'll reserve the right to use whatever label I think fits whether you like it or not.
Net zero is a pipedream for the low info's & anyone with basic math skills can easily do the calculations that prove they are total BS that will only result in mass death across the developed world.
Even the 3rd world, without our power sources & used to going without, will suffer greatly since they need us to feed them & supply them with almost everything.

It's a free country so go ahead & believe whatever other BS the eco fascists & their puppet masters have sold you if that's the best you can do.
You'll have to excuse the rest of us that see through the grift & fight to keep our lives & families safe from this idiocy.
You cannot run a farm/factory/trucking company/refinery/airplane/military/etc on battery power & "green energy".
I'm truly sorry if you aren't bright enough to realize this obvious fact.
Here's the hole they make in poor Mother Earth to get battery material...


Here's the hole they make in poor Mother Earth to get oil...


Which is the one really doing more damage to poor Mother Earth?
All vehicles use the same resources of heavy metals, plastics, and toxic chemicals.
Most resources are mined using large diesel powered machines in open pit mines, including lithium.
Lithium itself uses 500,000 gallons of water to make one metric ton which is evaporated in large toxic pools, typically in arid regions that can't afford to waste the water. If those pools leech as they have in South America it poisons the local water supply.

Currently only 4-5% of lithium is actually recycled with the rest ending up in landfills.
then it's about time that became part of the green agendas.
Or we could just use common sense & stop the insane net zero BS.
That way we won't need that many electric batteries since we would keep real vehicles & EV's would remain a novelty choice of the AGW virtue signalers.

We have plenty of rare earths & other materials we can mine here at home if we just tell the eco fascists to stay out of the way & go cry somewhere else.
We should be supplying our own materials anyway.
I like hybrid electric cars

They have high gas milage with no loss of range or performance

But I refuse to buy an all electric car and want to see the government subsidies removed from them
I always chuckle a bit whenever I see the phrase ''peer reviewed'' invoked, though. Particularly given the brood of activist political scientists doing the so-called reviewing.

But that's another topic completely.
it's climatologists, not political scientists doing those peer-reviews!
I'll reserve the right to use whatever label I think fits whether you like it or not.
Net zero is a pipedream for the low info's & anyone with basic math skills can easily do the calculations that prove they are total BS that will only result in mass death across the developed world.
Even the 3rd world, without our power sources & used to going without, will suffer greatly since they need us to feed them & supply them with almost everything.

It's a free country so go ahead & believe whatever other BS the eco fascists & their puppet masters have sold you if that's the best you can do.
You'll have to excuse the rest of us that see through the grift & fight to keep our lives & families safe from this idiocy.
You cannot run a farm/factory/trucking company/refinery/airplane/military/etc on battery power & "green energy".
I'm truly sorry if you aren't bright enough to realize this obvious fact.
and i'm sorry you're too much of an ostrich with his head in the sands of history to have a proper discussion with.
let's agree to disagree, shall we?
then it's about time that became part of the green agendas.
Start with the elite hypocrites pushing the false green agendas that fly private jets, have multiple homes and consume the resources of a small town.
Until then, it's just empty, meaningless platitudes.

I am more concerned about the microplastics and sheer amout of garbage and refuse that end up in our rivers, lakes and oceans from careless urban dwellers than the ridiculous notion of CO2, essential to life, being labeled an environmental pollutant.

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