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Could China Beat The USA In A War?

If the Chinese were going to attack the United States they would use EMP weapons not nuclear devices. An EMP would essentially destroy every electronic device that was not protected. All cars would be disabled, all appliances, grids, airplanes, ships, we would not even be able to ascertain who attacked us, businesses would close because of inability to function, stores would not be restocked, food would rot for lack of a way to transport, trains and interstates would shut down for lack of a way to clear them, gasoline supplies would dwindle for lack of transport, cell phones would be useless, rioting would start within days for lack of food, medicine, communication. The ill would die off immediately for lack of insulin, proper medication and oxygen, Neighbor would be pitted against neighbor and the military and police would be preoccupied in retaining order.
Meanwhile, the two million soldiers in the People's Liberation Army would come ashore to do cleanup, the damage having been already done. Far fetched? sure. But there is no lack of fruitcakes with an agenda

We have made it clear that we would treat an EMP attack as a nuclear attack and would respond in kind. China is still much more vulnerable than we are. Even if they were to disable our electiric infrastructure, they are still incapable of landing troops on our shores. Our Navy would wipe them from the seas

We wouldn't be able to respond if we couldn't ascertain where the attack came from. A sub off our coastline could launch an EMP and disable us before we could even react. We would be a mess within days.

And your opinion is that you know this ultra 'secret' information and our military isn't prepared.

They have some bridges for sale in Brooklyn real cheap. Just ask anyone on the street and they'll be able to give you a good price.

Actually I had a Top Secret NATO clearance and have had access to war rooms where we developed data and strategy...

Oh yeah? How come I never saw you at any of the Friday wine and cheese parties at the secret moon base?

We have made it clear that we would treat an EMP attack as a nuclear attack and would respond in kind. China is still much more vulnerable than we are. Even if they were to disable our electiric infrastructure, they are still incapable of landing troops on our shores. Our Navy would wipe them from the seas

We wouldn't be able to respond if we couldn't ascertain where the attack came from. A sub off our coastline could launch an EMP and disable us before we could even react. We would be a mess within days.

And your opinion is that you know this ultra 'secret' information and our military isn't prepared.

They have some bridges for sale in Brooklyn real cheap. Just ask anyone on the street and they'll be able to give you a good price.

Actually I had a Top Secret NATO clearance and have had access to war rooms where we developed data and strategy...

Oh yeah? How come I never saw you at any of the Friday wine and cheese parties at the secret moon base?
Those meetings were Republican only.

That explains a few things.
We have made it clear that we would treat an EMP attack as a nuclear attack and would respond in kind. China is still much more vulnerable than we are. Even if they were to disable our electiric infrastructure, they are still incapable of landing troops on our shores. Our Navy would wipe them from the seas

We wouldn't be able to respond if we couldn't ascertain where the attack came from. A sub off our coastline could launch an EMP and disable us before we could even react. We would be a mess within days.

And your opinion is that you know this ultra 'secret' information and our military isn't prepared.

They have some bridges for sale in Brooklyn real cheap. Just ask anyone on the street and they'll be able to give you a good price.

Actually I had a Top Secret NATO clearance and have had access to war rooms where we developed data and strategy.That does not imply that I am sharing any of that with you, just informing you that your conclusion is wrong.

Well then you are aware that the Iranians announced a year or so ago that their ships would be traveling in our waters! And to that news we did nothing! Now if one of those ships were to have an EMP aboard and they launch from 250 miles off our coast to the center of our country can they hit us or can they not hit us and knock out all our power shutting us down and putting us back to the 18th century in a NY Minute. Can they do it or not? I say yes. Yes they can. How about you. Take off your TS NATO Clearance hat and just answer as Joe Shmo - what's your take on it. Can it happen or not?

I've got one more for you. According to certain sources - there were reports that the Iranians had launched a missile with the Russians and North Koreans present to test it for a SUPER EMP launch. The technology for the Super EMP is believed to belong to the Russians but they have the leader of NK on board with them and I believe they are planning on using him for the fall guy when and if it happens. It appears that every time ( or almost every time) he has a chat with Putin he seems to have a new annoucement about planning to do a nuclear strike on America. If the Iranians launch the EMP first on the USA then the Russians are easily able to launch on our nuclear warehouses with their akula class II submarines they have sitting off our coastlines / eastern seaboard.

I'm afraid if I respond to that post I will earn a reputation as "nutty as a fruitcake" so I won't.

Fear of man is a snare of the devil. You should get over it. After all..... Public opinion is highly over rated. Any time you are two steps or more ahead of others you will be considered crazy. Who cares?
I'll tell you what I find interesting. Is that so many people become troubled over the mere discussion about an invasion on the USA. It is as if they do not even want to consider anything that might be unpleasant. I'm afraid far too many Americans are living in a state of denial today.
Ha, why would China want war with the U.S.? Greedy fat ass Americans are buying all their shitty stuff. Been to a Walmart lately? Thousands of fat ass Americans in there gobbling up as much cheap shitty Chinese products as possible. So there's no reason for war with the U.S. China already won.

China wants to invade Taiwan. The Russians will use any excuse to attack the USA - they've been waiting for a reason - when we respond to China invading Taiwan? The Russians will strike us. Tell me. Why do you think the Russians are flying their bombers 50 miles off the coast of California as was reported by news media? Akula Class II subs off coast of Texas undetected for over a month? Again off the coast of Georgia? It doesn't concern you? Why not? THINK.

Rule of thumb, don't kill your customers. Fat Americans are China's biggest customers. No pun intended... Ok, a little intended. ;)

Let me repeat this for you. China is going to invade Taiwan. Not the USA. When China invades Taiwan (and you can see for yourself by the news and her moves in S. China Sea she is planning it now) the USA will respond. When the USA responds the Russians will strike us and their communist allies - Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba will join them.

What China does or does not do with not factor in as we won't be able to respond if we are hit first by an EMP. When 9/11 happened - America was very vulnerable. It could happen again. We are wide open.

China will not upset the cash flow anytime soon. Fat greedy Americans gobble their shitty products up. A Taiwan invasion won't be happening in the near future. I'm not saying it won't ever happen though.

Okay well, even as you, I'm not saying it won't ever happen - I will add that I am not saying that Russia will do this tomorrow - obviously - they are biding their time and waiting for the most opportune time to strike us I believe, there is no telling when it will happen - it could be years - it could be months, I don't know. I only know that I do not trust the Russians and I know the Chinese have a long memory and never did let the matter go of Taiwan - they won't be happy until they have it back. Again - I am very much convinced that Dumitru Duduman heard clearly from the LORD on what would happen to America in the future and perhaps that was also to let the Globalists know that things are just not going to turn out as they had planned. Not for the USA anyhow.
Ha, why would China want war with the U.S.? Greedy fat ass Americans are buying all their shitty stuff. Been to a Walmart lately? Thousands of fat ass Americans in there gobbling up as much cheap shitty Chinese products as possible. So there's no reason for war with the U.S. China already won.

China wants to invade Taiwan. The Russians will use any excuse to attack the USA - they've been waiting for a reason - when we respond to China invading Taiwan? The Russians will strike us. Tell me. Why do you think the Russians are flying their bombers 50 miles off the coast of California as was reported by news media? Akula Class II subs off coast of Texas undetected for over a month? Again off the coast of Georgia? It doesn't concern you? Why not? THINK.

Rule of thumb, don't kill your customers. Fat Americans are China's biggest customers. No pun intended... Ok, a little intended. ;)

Let me repeat this for you. China is going to invade Taiwan. Not the USA. When China invades Taiwan (and you can see for yourself by the news and her moves in S. China Sea she is planning it now) the USA will respond. When the USA responds the Russians will strike us and their communist allies - Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba will join them.

What China does or does not do with not factor in as we won't be able to respond if we are hit first by an EMP. When 9/11 happened - America was very vulnerable. It could happen again. We are wide open.

China will not upset the cash flow anytime soon. Fat greedy Americans gobble their shitty products up. A Taiwan invasion won't be happening in the near future. I'm not saying it won't ever happen though.

Okay well, even as you, I'm not saying it won't ever happen - I will add that I am not saying that Russia will do this tomorrow - obviously - they are biding their time and waiting for the most opportune time to strike us I believe, there is no telling when it will happen - it could be years - it could be months, I don't know. I only know that I do not trust the Russians and I know the Chinese have a long memory and never did let the matter go of Taiwan - they won't be happy until they have it back. Again - I am very much convinced that Dumitru Duduman heard clearly from the LORD on what would happen to America in the future and perhaps that was also to let the Globalists know that things are just not going to turn out as they had planned. Not for the USA anyhow.

I hear ya. There will likely be a China/Taiwan conflict at some point. But not anytime soon. China's not in a position to have a conflict with the U.S. Like i said, greedy Americans are their best customers. They gobble up cheap Chinese-made products.

I mean, could you imagine Walmart closing? What would fat ass American do? China's economy is deeply intertwined with ours. War doesn't make sense at this point.
Not a single poster has dealt with the crux of the matter for a conflict between China and the US or Russia and the US - how the leaders look at the members of their military and their civilian population.

Life is cheap in both countries and the thought of having a million of their resources killed to kill a hundred of ours plays the big part in their planning. In fact, they probably WANT to kill off a billion to decrease the pressures they encounter.

With 3 billion, China wouldn't have a second thought about having 1 billion casualties in order to slaughter 300 million Americans. China would go nuclear while American leaders would dither about what to do. Obumbler would be totally lost and most likely head to the safety of the bunker before making any strategic decisions.

China has about 1.4 billion

Even China couldn't sustain that many casualties

You are in major denial, RW.

Do you have any comprehension of what ONE BILLION casualties would be like?
Why would China wage war on America? They're already getting everything they want by default.

Coming soon, China moves on Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. U.S. military has been castrated so it can defend one....on a good day, two. So which is allowed to fall? My guess is Taiwan. After which a lull then the next one but the new threat, replacing Taiwan, is maybe The Philippines. Then it's round two and Obama is still posing as president. Would Biden do any better? Would any Republican have had time to repair the military before the second Chinese shoe drops?

No, really????
If the Chinese were going to attack the United States they would use EMP weapons not nuclear devices. An EMP would essentially destroy every electronic device that was not protected. All cars would be disabled, all appliances, grids, airplanes, ships, we would not even be able to ascertain who attacked us, businesses would close because of inability to function, stores would not be restocked, food would rot for lack of a way to transport, trains and interstates would shut down for lack of a way to clear them, gasoline supplies would dwindle for lack of transport, cell phones would be useless, rioting would start within days for lack of food, medicine, communication. The ill would die off immediately for lack of insulin, proper medication and oxygen, Neighbor would be pitted against neighbor and the military and police would be preoccupied in retaining order.
Meanwhile, the two million soldiers in the People's Liberation Army would come ashore to do cleanup, the damage having been already done. Far fetched? sure. But there is no lack of fruitcakes with an agenda

We have made it clear that we would treat an EMP attack as a nuclear attack and would respond in kind. China is still much more vulnerable than we are. Even if they were to disable our electiric infrastructure, they are still incapable of landing troops on our shores. Our Navy would wipe them from the seas

We wouldn't be able to respond if we couldn't ascertain where the attack came from. A sub off our coastline could launch an EMP and disable us before we could even react. We would be a mess within days.

And your opinion is that you know this ultra 'secret' information and our military isn't prepared.

They have some bridges for sale in Brooklyn real cheap. Just ask anyone on the street and they'll be able to give you a good price.

Actually I had a Top Secret NATO clearance and have had access to war rooms where we developed data and strategy.That does not imply that I am sharing any of that with you, just informing you that your conclusion is wrong.

Right, our government and military are completely in the dark and the Iranians, Russians, and Chinese are the all knowing gods of the universe.

I mean do you understand how ridiculous this shit is? There isn't even a discussion here. Its an empty OP and thread.
China could not beat Taiwan in a war

If Taiwan's Air Force and Navy could hold the PRC at bay, yes they could stop them.

Look at the D Day invasion

We had to cross 40 miles of sea and had thousands of ships and landing craft. We had almost total control of the air and the sea.

Now look at Taiwan. 90 miles of sea that need to be crossed. With satellite surveillance there will be no element of surprise, the ships will be attacked as soon as they leave port. They will be under attack by aircraft, cruise missiles and submarines

How many will make it?
There is not going to be a war with China. It would harm them too much economically. It will render their American debt instruments virtually worthless; such a large conflict will disrupt global markets; and without American spending power they will lose one of their biggest markets. The idea is absurd.

In addition, even if China could defeat us in a war, it would be protracted conflict given the state of our militaries and China would emerge so bruised and battered that they would go into an economic recession and be susceptible to foreign influence like Russia.

Now, would China and Russia form an alliance to defeat America? Again, why would they even want to? With economies being global they would only be hurting themselves. Both countries have major investments in America. Let's say Putin attacks America, even with a Chinese alliance. NATO counter strikes. Russia owns half of Europe. So what will Russia do? Carpet bomb Europe and destroy its investments in order to quell a NATO counter strike? The idea is patently stupid.

Even if the 2 countries - China and Russia - decide to attack America, and thereby accept huge financial loss with an expectation of long term gain by winning the war and having a defeated America on its knees, the most efficient way to do this is nuclear war. It will keep actual armed conflict to a minimum if you use nukes, thereby mitigating to some degree the harm they will incur. However, for nuclear war to work you must have First Strike capability; that is, the ability to strike a decisive blow while suffering only relatively nominal and acceptable loss (I.e., you survive the counter-strike).

Russia and China both lack First Strike capability. If either or both attempt to launch their ICBMs at us they will be literally annihilated within a couple of hours. What good is an America on its knees if they are also on their knees?

This is an exercise in idiocy. We are not headed for a war with China. At least not in the next few decades.

You are living in a dream world. They are able to do it right now. But for the grace of God it would already have happened.

I have already explained it, you moron. You must be a Democrat since clearly the facts do not matter to you.
The US owes a large amount of money to China and it seems that we can't live our daily lives without borrowing money from them. The population of China allows the country an almost unlimited source of soldiers and resources. Moreover, Chinese are extremely patriotic. The American soldiers are mostly illegal immigrants who have join the army to obtain their legal documents. So...how about my question?
Other than you being an ahole...the chinks could only beat us if we fight at their level of incompetence...and have a weak leader. So wait until 2017 before we fight.
The US owes a large amount of money to China and it seems that we can't live our daily lives without borrowing money from them. The population of China allows the country an almost unlimited source of soldiers and resources. Moreover, Chinese are extremely patriotic. The American soldiers are mostly illegal immigrants who have join the army to obtain their legal documents. So...how about my question?
Other than you being an ahole...the chinks could only beat us if we fight at their level of incompetence...and have a weak leader. So wait until 2017 before we fight.

Can't join the discussion without resorting to the use of racial slurs? Too difficult for you?
We can't even protect our citizens from illegals who come across our border and get sent back
time and time again only to come back and kill us.

As far as a war with China...
Libs would want to use dimplomacy only....
The US owes a large amount of money to China and it seems that we can't live our daily lives without borrowing money from them. The population of China allows the country an almost unlimited source of soldiers and resources. Moreover, Chinese are extremely patriotic. The American soldiers are mostly illegal immigrants who have join the army to obtain their legal documents. So...how about my question?
Short answer;

Yes they would kick our ass.

The big bad usa couldn't even win in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan..
We can't even protect our citizens from illegals who come across our border and get sent back
time and time again only to come back and kill us.

As far as a war with China...
Libs would want to use dimplomacy only....

We can't defend our citizens against lonely teenagers with gun fantasies either

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