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Could China Beat The USA In A War?

If the Chinese were going to attack the United States they would use EMP weapons not nuclear devices. An EMP would essentially destroy every electronic device that was not protected. All cars would be disabled, all appliances, grids, airplanes, ships, we would not even be able to ascertain who attacked us, businesses would close because of inability to function, stores would not be restocked, food would rot for lack of a way to transport, trains and interstates would shut down for lack of a way to clear them, gasoline supplies would dwindle for lack of transport, cell phones would be useless, rioting would start within days for lack of food, medicine, communication. The ill would die off immediately for lack of insulin, proper medication and oxygen, Neighbor would be pitted against neighbor and the military and police would be preoccupied in retaining order.
Meanwhile, the two million soldiers in the People's Liberation Army would come ashore to do cleanup, the damage having been already done. Far fetched? sure. But there is no lack of fruitcakes with an agenda

We have made it clear that we would treat an EMP attack as a nuclear attack and would respond in kind. China is still much more vulnerable than we are. Even if they were to disable our electiric infrastructure, they are still incapable of landing troops on our shores. Our Navy would wipe them from the seas

We wouldn't be able to respond if we couldn't ascertain where the attack came from. A sub off our coastline could launch an EMP and disable us before we could even react. We would be a mess within days.

How would the missiles be delivered? It would take hundreds
China does not have enough SSBNs

Our military could still respond. Their equipment is HAEMP protected

Wrong again.
Failure to Protect U.S. Against Electromagnetic Pulse Threat Could Make 9/11 Look Trivial Someday

Exploding A Nuclear Bomb In The Sky Creates An Interesting Phenomenon

In 1962, during the depths of the Cold War, the U.S. military exploded a nuclear weapon high above an atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Dubbed Operation Starfish, this exercise was part of a larger project to evaluate the impacts of nuclear explosions in space. The missile, launched from Johnson Island, 900 miles from Hawaii, was armed with a 1.4 megaton warhead, programmed to explode at 240 miles above the earth. It detonated as expected. What was not entirely expected was the magnitude of the resulting electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

The EMP was powerful enough to affect the electric grid in Hawaii, blowing out streetlights, and resulting in telephone outages and radio blackouts.

Dr. William Graham was active in the follow-up to the project, working out of the Air Force weapons lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After the blast, it was his job to understand the data collected, find out just what had happened in Hawaii, and what the defense implications were of this phenomenon. In a recent interview, Graham commented,

The effects were bizarre and almost entirely unanticipated. One effect was an electromagnetic pulse, but nobody knew it was going to be anywhere nearly as large it proved to be. They had all this data and they didn’t understand very much of it, including the EMPs that had been observed and the effects produced…all kinds of electrical disturbances were seen over 1000 kilometers away in Oahu. The Air Force brought in a bunch of us…and asked us to explain it. With the leadership of scientists from Los Alamos, we figured it out. It was a fairly subtle piece of physics. At that time we were worried it could be used as a precursor attack on the U.S. and suppress our retaliatory capability. Since the effect wasn’t really understood before 1962, our military systems hadn’t protected against it up to that point.

You'll have to face the truth eventually, RW. Russia is going to attack us .....

Because you say so....

There are many people talking about it, Unkotare. That you do not believe it means nothing. The Russians won't be waiting on your o.k. and if you'd take the time to examine what is going on with China and the South China Sea / Taiwan, comments made by Putin and the leader of China - things are escalating quickly.
Failure to Protect U.S. Against Electromagnetic Pulse Threat Could Make 9/11 Look Trivial Someday

Why is this so important? Because a single missile with a warhead that actually doesn’t have to be all that large, has the potential to take out the U.S. power grid, destroy our electronics networks, and create an existential crisis like nothing the world has ever witnessed.

Here’s an excerpted summary from the 2008 Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack that would make great science fiction. Unfortunately, it’s not:

The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generated by a high altitude nuclear explosion is one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences…A single EMP attack may seriously degrade or shut down a large part of the electric power grid in the geographic area of EMP exposure effective instantaneously. There is also the possibility of functional collapse of grids beyond the exposed one, as electrical effects propagate from one region to another…Should significant parts of the electric power infrastructure be lost for any substantial period of time, the Commission believes that the consequences are likely to be catastrophic, and many people may ultimately die for lack of the basic elements necessary to sustain life in dense urban and suburban communities.

The summary continues:

In fact, the Commission is deeply concerned that such impacts are likely in the event of an EMP attack unless practical steps are taken to provide protection for critical elements of the electric system and for rapid restoration of electric power, particularly to essential services.

It goes on to note that we have become so efficient, technology-dependent, and highly leveraged that utilities would lack sufficient trained service personnel to address a disaster on this scale.

The Effects and Components of Electromagnetic Pulses

The International Electrotechnical Commission defines three components associated with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse: E1, E2, and E3. The E1 pulse is brief, intense, and very quick (traveling at over 90% of the speed of light), and can take out computers and telecommunications equipment owing to its ability to exceed voltage limitations. The E2 element is intermediate in duration, lasting from a microsecond to a second after the initiation of the EMP, and is similar in its effects to lightning. As such, the grid is generally shielded against E2. By contrast, the E3 pulse is much slower, a result of the nuclear explosion affecting the earth’s magnetic field, and is very similar to the effects of an intense solar storm. The E3 effect of a nuclear blast or severe solar storm would be to create massive currents on power lines, which could then destroy electrical transformers and potentially impact power plants as well.


Image: todaysengineer.org

One curious facet of an EMP event is that we wouldn’t even feel it pass through our bodies. The EMP would pass unnoticed through us, even as it fried the iPhones and Galaxies in our pockets, knocked out our telecommunications system, rendered our cars and computers without the ability to function, and took out our power grid.

We would have little idea of the dread potentially awaiting us, because there would be no communications. No mobility. Nothing that our highly evolved, sophisticated, and electronic society relies on. That’s the bad news.
We would kick their ass

The Chinese Army, Navy and Airforce would be treated as targets

You are living in a time warp, R.W. . That is not the situation as it stands today. Not even close. Maybe when you were fighting in the Korean War - things were different - today? We're in serious trouble.
I'm not your brother and going to war with China is not a conspiracy. It's reality that is going to hit you so hard your head will spin when it happens. In the meantime? Mind your own business.

We are their biggest customer, they will not be attacking us. They couldn't even get any sizable army here. I've heard their military doesn't even have guns for everyone, they use wooden guns in parades.

200 million soldiers do not need bullets when they have bayonets at the end of each rifle. Look a little closer next time.

As for their biggest customer? Do you understand what worthless money is? It's paper with nothing to back it. That is where we are right now and China knows it. Why would they continue to keep us as customers when we cannot pay? No. I'll tell you what they will do. They need land for their people. They will take ours in exchange for debt owed and Russia will back them to the very end of that endeavor.

To be clear, we have subsidized our own demise. That is what we have done.

Bayonets against our military? You can't be serious.

If they need land they would be better off attacking russia. They can't even get to this land.

Everyone still wants US $. There is no stronger currency.

Our military are mainly overseas. We've got a skeleton crew on our bases and most of those people are illegal aliens who enlisted along with foreign troops training here and if you think they are going to help - think again.

I'm talking about an invasion on the USA and massacring our population - civilians. Pay attention.
There is not going to be a war with China. It would harm them too much economically. It will render their American debt instruments virtually worthless; such a large conflict will disrupt global markets; and without American spending power they will lose one of their biggest markets. The idea is absurd.

In addition, even if China could defeat us in a war, it would be protracted conflict given the state of our militaries and China would emerge so bruised and battered that they would go into an economic recession and be susceptible to foreign influence like Russia.

Now, would China and Russia form an alliance to defeat America? Again, why would they even want to? With economies being global they would only be hurting themselves. Both countries have major investments in America. Let's say Putin attacks America, even with a Chinese alliance. NATO counter strikes. Russia owns half of Europe. So what will Russia do? Carpet bomb Europe and destroy its investments in order to quell a NATO counter strike? The idea is patently stupid.

Even if the 2 countries - China and Russia - decide to attack America, and thereby accept huge financial loss with an expectation of long term gain by winning the war and having a defeated America on its knees, the most efficient way to do this is nuclear war. It will keep actual armed conflict to a minimum if you use nukes, thereby mitigating to some degree the harm they will incur. However, for nuclear war to work you must have First Strike capability; that is, the ability to strike a decisive blow while suffering only relatively nominal and acceptable loss (I.e., you survive the counter-strike).

Russia and China both lack First Strike capability. If either or both attempt to launch their ICBMs at us they will be literally annihilated within a couple of hours. What good is an America on its knees if they are also on their knees?

This is an exercise in idiocy. We are not headed for a war with China. At least not in the next few decades.

You are living in a dream world. They are able to do it right now. But for the grace of God it would already have happened.
The Taiwanese would have something to say about that, they do keep a modern army and navy active.

People look at Taiwan as an easy target. Launching an invasion over 90 miles of open sea is not easy. Look at the thousands of ships we needed at Normandy. Taiwan is prepared to attack those ships with modern missiles and aircraft. It would be a bloodbath for China

The only real threat is China flooding the cities of Taiwan with conventional Surface to Surface missiles, which is an outcome that could be the result of a air/sea battle that becomes a stalemate.

Needless to say its a small chance, but still a real one.
The Taiwanese would have something to say about that, they do keep a modern army and navy active.

People look at Taiwan as an easy target. Launching an invasion over 90 miles of open sea is not easy. Look at the thousands of ships we needed at Normandy. Taiwan is prepared to attack those ships with modern missiles and aircraft. It would be a bloodbath for China

The only real threat is China flooding the cities of Taiwan with conventional Surface to Surface missiles, which is an outcome that could be the result of a air/sea battle that becomes a stalemate.

Needless to say its a small chance, but still a real one.
Taiwan caused great concern and anger when it suggested that if attacked by the mainland it would respond by attacking targets such as the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze river. The Three Gorges Dam is a major national security concern for China. The largest dam in the world could quickly become a catastrophe for China, flooding and destroying it's major industrial regions and major cities and making recovery after an attack a decades long project of hope with vague chances of success.
The Three Gorges Dam is China's Achilles Heel.

Right well Taiwan is letting it be known how serious they are about protecting themselves from a Chinese invasion. Still with Russia having China's back and willing to attack America when America responds - it's not going to play out like some of you are expecting. America is not able to stop a nuclear attack by the Russians nor an invasion by them and their allies - communist nations waiting in the wings. We are not prepared for that.

Neither Russia nor China nor combined forces has the naval power to invade the U.S. They never will

By land, by sea, by air? They could do it today if they felt like it. You are thinking of your own days in 1950 - Korean War - things were different - today? This 2015 and our military is what it used to be. You're living in a time warp. Stop believing everything you are told, RightWinger.
Not a single poster has dealt with the crux of the matter for a conflict between China and the US or Russia and the US - how the leaders look at the members of their military and their civilian population.

Life is cheap in both countries and the thought of having a million of their resources killed to kill a hundred of ours plays the big part in their planning. In fact, they probably WANT to kill off a billion to decrease the pressures they encounter.

With 3 billion, China wouldn't have a second thought about having 1 billion casualties in order to slaughter 300 million Americans. China would go nuclear while American leaders would dither about what to do. Obumbler would be totally lost and most likely head to the safety of the bunker before making any strategic decisions.

China has about 1.4 billion

Even China couldn't sustain that many casualties

Our population is a little over 300 million and China's is approx 1.4 billion and you do not think they could sustain that many casualties? Are you confused?
If the Chinese were going to attack the United States they would use EMP weapons not nuclear devices. An EMP would essentially destroy every electronic device that was not protected. All cars would be disabled, all appliances, grids, airplanes, ships, we would not even be able to ascertain who attacked us, businesses would close because of inability to function, stores would not be restocked, food would rot for lack of a way to transport, trains and interstates would shut down for lack of a way to clear them, gasoline supplies would dwindle for lack of transport, cell phones would be useless, rioting would start within days for lack of food, medicine, communication. The ill would die off immediately for lack of insulin, proper medication and oxygen, Neighbor would be pitted against neighbor and the military and police would be preoccupied in retaining order.
Meanwhile, the two million soldiers in the People's Liberation Army would come ashore to do cleanup, the damage having been already done. Far fetched? sure. But there is no lack of fruitcakes with an agenda

We have made it clear that we would treat an EMP attack as a nuclear attack and would respond in kind. China is still much more vulnerable than we are. Even if they were to disable our electiric infrastructure, they are still incapable of landing troops on our shores. Our Navy would wipe them from the seas

We wouldn't be able to respond if we couldn't ascertain where the attack came from. A sub off our coastline could launch an EMP and disable us before we could even react. We would be a mess within days.

How would the missiles be delivered? It would take hundreds
China does not have enough SSBNs

Our military could still respond. Their equipment is HAEMP protected

Wrong. No, it isn't. They have already had problems. China has breached our security with the chips they supplied which have proven to be defective and a serious problem. That is what our military gets for trusting China to supply them. Very bad mistake.
You're really over reacting Jeremiah, don't you give our military some credit for anticipating lines of attack? EMP has been a line of discussion since the 1950's and is not an alarming development or a discovery of new weaponry of any kind. The real question is what are you doing to prepare for it and how do you plan to protect your family? There is an interesting book of fiction out there that will scare the socks off of you it is called "One second after" and I recommend it not only to terrorize yourself but to learn some practical ways to get through an incident like that.
You're really over reacting Jeremiah, don't you give our military some credit for anticipating lines of attack? EMP has been a line of discussion since the 1950's and is not an alarming development or a discovery of new weaponry of any kind. The real question is what are you doing to prepare for it and how do you plan to protect your family? There is an interesting book of fiction out there that will scare the socks off of you it is called "One second after" and I recommend it not only to terrorize yourself but to learn some practical ways to get through an incident like that.

I'm not over reacting at all - I am merely trying to wake up some people here. I'm not concerned about myself - I'm concerned for the people that are unprepared for what is coming. Spiritually unprepared. They are living in a false sense of security that America is going to continue on as it is for the next 100 years. You'd be surprised how many Christians believe that too. I have a friend whose husband believes that it is impossible for America to ever fall because Christians live here. He does not believe it is possible for America to fall. It's simply amazing how convinced people are that America will go on forever. It reminds me of the Titanic. They said, God himself cannot sink this ship! What happened? She went to the bottom of the ocean in less than 3 hours.

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