CDZ Could chinese dictator Xi be overthrown?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
This is strictly my own speculation

Before Xi took over china things were going very smoothly as far as the outside world was concerned

there was money to be made in china and fat cats in the West were lining up to invest in the capitalist Great Leap Forward II

But Xi has turned china in a different direction and is in danger of killing the golden goose

Dont be surprised if we wake up one day and find Xi dead or in prison

because he’s real threat the economic prosperity that millions of chinese have come to enjoy
There is always infighting among the players in criminal regimes; just look at Jack Ma's current problems now that he ran afoul of his fellow Cadre gangsters. the biggest and most effective murderer will win, same as with any communist regime.
This is strictly my own speculation

Before Xi took over china things were going very smoothly as far as the outside world was concerned

there was money to be made in china and fat cats in the West were lining up to invest in the capitalist Great Leap Forward II

But Xi has turned china in a different direction and is in danger of killing the golden goose

Dont be surprised if we wake up one day and find Xi dead or in prison

because he’s real threat the economic prosperity that millions of chinese have come to enjoy
It would be nearly impossible.....
It's a police state and he is the supreme commander.

This is strictly my own speculation

Before Xi took over china things were going very smoothly as far as the outside world was concerned

there was money to be made in china and fat cats in the West were lining up to invest in the capitalist Great Leap Forward II

But Xi has turned china in a different direction and is in danger of killing the golden goose

Dont be surprised if we wake up one day and find Xi dead or in prison

because he’s real threat the economic prosperity that millions of chinese have come to enjoy
Not gonna happen unless there is enough support among the current crop of hardliners to ditch the current form of government and go more democratic. Which has about as much chance of happening as a certain someone does being re-installed in the White House. The Chinese people would have to rise up as a whole in unison and take the fight directly to the Chinese military which enforces the law in each province and then overwhelm the leadership. You can just imagine the number of deaths and casualties that would have to be incurred to make that a reality. That's assuming you could coordinate something like that in unison with getting your hands on the armament to make it happen. It's next to impossible to imagine.

Remember Tiananmen Square? A largely peaceful protest for change that the world thought had a fighting chance until the hardliners got tired of seeing it on the International news every day. Then they dropped an anvil on it.
Game over. It would be the same now.
Your only option when you replace the head of a Communist government, is to replace the leader with another Communist. That said, you haven't solved or improved anything. You still have an authoritarian, tyrannical and murderous government.
It would be nearly impossible.....
It's a police state and he is the supreme commander.


Its more possible that some people might think. There is all kinds of palace intrigue in your communist dictatorships. A fellow like XI has to keep eyes in the back of his head watching out for supposedly loyal communist figuring out a way to dispose of him.
Not gonna happen unless there is enough support among the current crop of hardliners to ditch the current form of government and go more democratic.
I dont think they have any plans to convert to democracy

it would just be a lateral move by one nest of snakes with another nest of snakes
This is strictly my own speculation

Before Xi took over china things were going very smoothly as far as the outside world was concerned

there was money to be made in china and fat cats in the West were lining up to invest in the capitalist Great Leap Forward II

But Xi has turned china in a different direction and is in danger of killing the golden goose

Dont be surprised if we wake up one day and find Xi dead or in prison

because he’s real threat the economic prosperity that millions of chinese have come to enjoy
Yes, Xi could be taken out of his position. That's another hidden benefit of the communist system. And of course you should also know that Xi doesn't make unilateral decisions. That results in stupid decisions for a country a la Biden/Trump.

But of course he won't be, because he is reacting correctly to US interference in China's affairs. And so of course it's just your own wild speculation.

Another ridiculous thread that only deflects from the situation of facing up to China's newly gained power that doesn't need to romance the US policy of aggression.
But of course he won't be, because he is reacting correctly to US interference in China's affairs.
In what way do you think the US interfering in chinese affairs?
A look at what China will do in Afghanistan from a US perspective.

It still shouldn't be thought that the US is folding up its tent and giving up on that country. It's already proclaimed that the airwar against ISIS and other terrorist groups will continue. Hopefully in co-operation and allied with the new Taliban.
China will move in peacefully and cautiously as is China's method.
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A return to pre Xi Jiping policy of non confrontation with the west
I doubt it....the desire to absorb Taiwan is very nearly a national obsession.

But perhaps you are right. To dislodge such a political strongman would take extraordinary measures and Cohones that belong to cape buffalo. But I can hope....yes?

A look at what China will do in Afghanistan from a US perspective.

It still shouldn't be thought that the US is folding up its tent and giving up on that country. It's already proclaimed that the airwar against ISIS and other terrorist groups will continue. Hopefully in co-operation and allied with the new Taliban.
China will move in peacefully and cautiously as is China's method.
The Taliban is stupid. Of course the Chinese will move to in....just like an amoeba surrounding and suffocating it's food victim. They have absolutely no idea just how completely Fucxxcked they are.... This will actually be fun to watch.
This is strictly my own speculation

Before Xi took over china things were going very smoothly as far as the outside world was concerned

there was money to be made in china and fat cats in the West were lining up to invest in the capitalist Great Leap Forward II

But Xi has turned china in a different direction and is in danger of killing the golden goose

Dont be surprised if we wake up one day and find Xi dead or in prison

because he’s real threat the economic prosperity that millions of chinese have come to enjoy
Bread and circuses

So long as the people are being fed and distracted the government will not change.
Xi is just a cog in the machine. He'll do his time and be replaced by a shinier cog as the people get ground down by the machine.
A return to pre Xi Jiping policy of non confrontation with the west
That won't happen. China's confrontation with the West is happening alongside its growing economy and technology. Their doctrine of fast economic growth with little inference in international matters just came to an end. It is not about Xi or some personal preferences.

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